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Electronic Diary For June 2024 |
Sunday 30th June
2024 |
Yesterday may have been
the last day of summer ! It was a very pleasant
day - lots of sunshine or sunny spells, and with
the temperature reaching 24°
C it was nice
and warm.
![]() It was bright and sunny
when I first opened the curtains, but as I write
this it has clouded over, and some of the clouds
are a dirty grey ! Although the Met Office
forecast shows a dry and sunless day, the BBC
forecast says there could be drizzle or light rain
towards the end of the morning. They also say a
few sunny spells could occur in the early
afternoon. Both forecasters agree that from mid
afternoon the temperature will be just 20° C, but with a possible single
hour at 21° C.
Tomorrow could see a sunny start again, but it
will soon cloud over, and some drizzle might
fall. The temperature will peak at 20° C.
Yesterday was a day when my entire effort was to be able to go out in the evening - which I did. It was also a day when I wanted to correct a small peak in my blood glucose readings. It seems I managed that too, although not as much as hoped. Mostly it was a lazy day. My day is described, and illustrated with a few pictures, and a video (if your browser will play it). My night, and this morning are also described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 29th June
2024 |
Yesterday was a bit
sunnier than the early forecasts predicted, but a
lot of the day was still rather dull. It also
seemed a lot cooler too. 21°
C was
forecast, and
maybe that is
what it was,
but there was
also a strong
breeze, and
that wind felt
quite chilly
at times.
![]() Today should be very
sunny, and the BBC forecast is a bit more
optimistic than the Met Office forecast in the
screenshot above. The BBC say a max of only 23° C, but the Met Office think it
will be 24° C.
Today might be like the last day of summer, and
there may be quite a few days of very drab, and
sometimes wet weather. Tomorrow maybe almost
totally dull, and there could be some showers, It
will also be lot cooler with just 19° C forecast.
Yesterday had it's moments, but on the whole it was a bad day - A day when I was often in some sort of pain. On the other hand I did achieve a couple of useful things, although one of those things was part responsible for some negative things. The good and the bad of my day, night, and also this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 28th June
2024 |
Yesterday was often
dull, and it was a lot cooler, although 23°
C is still
comfortable. I
can't make up
my mind if
there was more
or less
sunshine (as
sunny spells)
![]() The big problem today is
that The Met Office have changed the coding of
their web site, and it displays rubbish on my
usual browser. I had to fire up a browser I rarely
use to get the screenshot above. If they don't
correct their error I may have to go back to using
the BBC weather forecast as I once used to.
Anyway... As I write this the sky looks mostly
clear, and the sun us shining. This is not what
the net Office Forecast says, but the BBC forecast
does at least show sunny spells, and it also says
they should last all day. The temperature forecast
is the same, and both forecasters expect a high of
just 21° C today. Tomorrow,
according to the BBC, should be very
sunny, and the temperature should peak at 24° C.
It is surprising how much time playing with old cameras, and topping up their batteries, can soak up. It didn't start that way, and maybe I got carried away, but it painlessly used up almost half the day. Apart from eating, I did almost nothing else of note. There is a fuller, but still a bit sparse, account of my day, plus some notes about my night, and the usual notes about this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 27th June
2024 |
Yesterday had less
sunshine than forecast, but it was just about
enough to be called a mostly sunny day. Like quite
a few days recently, it did get a bit too cloudy
to let any sunshine through in the early
afternoon. It was a hot day with the temperature
easily reaching 29° C. The BBC said it would only
reach 28°
C, but for mid
afternoon they
did say it
would feel
like 33°
C !
![]() The latest revision
shows the sunshine really sparse during the
morning, and no sunshine from midday to 5pm. The
BBC is far more generous with it's predictions of
sunshine, but I fear it is far from accurate. They
say there should be full sunshine now, and yet the
cloud is thick enough for it to be slightly dull.
Oh well, it is still looking like this evening
will be nice and bright. It will be a lot cooler
today, and only 23° C is
expected, but that is still very comfortable.
Tomorrow may be as cool as just 21° C, but paradoxically there
could be more sunshine.
Yesterday was another curious day. I felt both good and bad, and often at the same time ! One problem was that having gone out to the pub I was often reminded that even on a very hot day I could not walk far without suffering angina pains, and that depressed me. I've described all the main, and even some minor things from my day, my night, and also most of this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 26th June
2024 |
Once again, it wasn't
shown in any forecast until hours after it
started, but yesterday's " perfect" day was
spoiled by it becoming cloudy for the first half
of the afternoon. The rest of the days was indeed
bright and sunny. The temperature reached a quite
hot feeling 28° C.
![]() Both weather forecasters
I consult, agree that there may now only be sunny
spells this afternoon. It is possible that it
could be worse by following the pattern of the
last few days, and some hours in the afternoon
could end up cloudy. The temperature may peak at
29° C (Met Office) or just
28° C (BBC). It is the BBC
that shows an interesting thing when you expand
an hour on their forecast. It say that for a few
hours, starting at 1pm, it may feel like
33° C ! This short run of
high summer ends tomorrow. There will be a few
hours of sunshine, and a few hours of sunny
spells, but also quite a few hours when it will
be cloudy. It will be a fair bit cooler with
just 34° C
Yesterday was a curious day. It was a day when what should have happened didn't, and what should not have happened did happen. It was all because I was feeling unusually good. I prepared to go out. I washed my hair and had a shower, and almost started to get dressed to go out, but after the shampoo, shower, and blowing my hair dry, I felt too hot to get dressed straight away. The rest of this, and the rest of my day, plus my night, and this morning, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 25th June
2024 |
The day before yesterday
the forecast for yesterday showed a long dull
period in the early afternoon. That did actually
happen despite all the later forecasts saying
there would be at least sunny spells through the
whole day. After an hour or two of dullness the
forecast was hastily revised to show the cloudy
weather. The start and finish did feature sunshine
or sunny spells, and the temperature rose to the
forecast 27° C.
![]() It is bright and sunny,
and the temperature is already over 20° C. This feels a lot like
summer ! The latest revision to the forecast
says non stop sunshine until mid evening when it
might be throttled back to just sunny spells for
the last few hours before sunset. The
temperature should rise to 28° C by 4pm. The BBC say only 27° C and
only sunny spells this afternoon. Tomorrow
should see 28° C, and there
could be non stop sunshine until 3pm when there
may be just sunny spells for the rest of the
Yesterday could have been a bad day after all my missed sleep the night before, but it was actually a quite a good day. I did a whole four things that I didn't expect to do, and I probably did those things because I didn't seem to feel as tired as expected. Maybe all the hours of daylight in mid summer reduces my need for sleep. What I did during the day, how I slept, plus some notes about this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 24th June
2024 |
Yesterday was certainly
nice and warm, and there was possibly a few extra
sunny spells than forecast, but there were times
when it looked like it would soon be raining.
However it did stay dry, and the temperature
reached 24° C.
![]() There are a few gaps
appearing in the hours of sunny spells shown for
today. Yesterday the forecast for today predicted
the afternoon would be dull, but still with the
temperature reaching 27° C
as in the current revisions. Maybe the duller
spells will be short enough to not be noticed.
Tomorrow could be very similar. 27° C is still predicted for the
afternoon, and probably for three of more hours
of the afternoon, but the current version of the
forecast shows it to be dull from 3 to 6pm.
Yesterday was a pretty good day, but the ending was a complete disaster. There were hints about it earlier in the day, but those hints didn't really suggest any changes I could make to lessen the disaster of the night....except maybe not to eat any dinner, but after a lot of booze that was unlikely ! As usual, my day, my disaster of a night, and some good news this morning, is all described in my compete archived page for today. |
Sunday 23rd June
2024 |
Yesterday's weather was
very unpredictable, and certainly didn't follow
any version of the weather forecast. Having said
that, the morning was forecast to be dull, and it
was, but by midday things seemed to change fast.
An early prediction of rain at midday didn't
happen, and I think the sun came out instead. It
didn't stay out for long, but from then on, even
when cloudy it still seemed quite bright. From mid
afternoon there were many nice sunny spells. The
temperature was forecast to reach 22° C, and
that was about
![]() The morning has started
with a clear blue sky, and non stop sunshine
(albeit a bit low in the sky at the moment).
Yesterday's prediction for today showed sunshine
for most of the day. Since then every revision has
cut it back an hour. The latest revision shows
just sunny spells from 11am, and the same until
1pm, after which we may lose the sun for the rest
of the day. Despite the lack of sunshine, the
temperature could still peak at 24° C by late afternoon.
Tomorrow could see 26° C, but the sunshine/sunny
spells could be quite erratic.
I think I failed to mention it yesterday, but yesterday was my birthday. It was no big deal. Most birthdays since I became a teenager have been generally low key. Maybe there have been one or two good birthdays since then, but my 69th birthday was very much like a normal day. What I ended up doing, how I slept last night, and how I feel this morning is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 22nd June
2024 |
The forecasts didn't
tell the whole story about yesterday's weather.
They basically underestimated the amount of sunny
spells. It may not have been as good as the day
before, but it was still a summers day - warm and
bright. maybe it got close to being described as
hot. The temperature rose to 24° C, and in
raw sunshine
that did feel
hot !
![]() Both forecasters say the
sun should break through the cloud by early
evening, but today will be mostly dull, and in the
latest revision the met Office is showing two
hours of light rain at midday and 1pm. It was very
cloudy overnight, and so this morning started off
a bit milder than recent mornings, but today's
temperature may only climb to 22° C, but not until early
evening. Tomorrow sees a return to something
more like high summer with plenty of sunshine,
and maybe 25° C.
After a terrible night's sleep I did not feel like doing much yesterday, and indeed I did very little, but the day still seemed to pass quite smoothly, and maybe even quickly. I did have one important thing to do, but I couldn't raise the enthusiasm until early afternoon. All I did do, and the rest of my day, evening, night, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 21st June
2024 |
Yesterday was another
rather splendid summers day. There was almost non
stop sunshine, and the temperature reached 22° C
according to
![]() Today has started out
bright and sunny again, but it may not last long
according to The Met Office. They say the last sunny spells
could be no later than 11am. The BBC says sunny
spells almost all day, but do add drizzle
starting at 11pm. Today's temperature could
reach 24° C, but
maybe only for a single hour, and also after all
the sunshine has finished. Tomorrow could see
light cloud for most of the day, but an
occasional ray of sunshine might get through for
a while, The temperature tomorrow may only reach
21° C, but that
should still feel warm, and if the humidity is
high, as I suspect it may be, it could feel a
little sticky.
Yesterday was yet another day that started off well, and ended badly. The good start was the nice bright sunshine. After a shower it inspired me to go out and get some shopping, and it was a double shopping expedition with stuff bought from two places ! My shopping and all other stuff I did during the day, plus another terrible night, and a mostly OK this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 20th June
2024 |
Yesterday was another
day that seemed far better than forecast. Once
again it was like a summers day with mostly sunny
spells, except for an hour or two around midday. I
think the temperature forecast got it right at
about 20° C.
![]() Today has started out
bright and sunny, but rather cool after clear
skies in the night. Every single hour of daylight
is forecast to feature full sunshine except 10am
when only sunny spells are expected. The latest
revision predicts a peak of 22° C today. Tomorrow could see
23° C, but maybe
only the morning will feature all the sunshine.
It does feel like summer has actually started
Yesterday was one of those days that was good in places, but averaged out to a not good day. I think I made some very poor choices in the evening, and that dragged the average down a lot. Oh well, the middle of the day was quite good even if only "quite good". All this is explained as best as I can, together with some bad news about my night, and feeling lousy this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 19th June
2024 |
Yesterday was also like
a summer's day. Maybe not quite as good as the day
before because it seemed to cool down quicker in
the early evening, and a few quite dark clouds
passed over us. However there were loads of sunny
spells, and maybe a few hours of non stop
sunshine. The forecast said just 20° C, but I
am sure it
reached 22° C for a
short while.
![]() There have been no sunny
spells yet, and the breeze is feeling very
fresh at the moment. I don't think today is going
to be the day I get my shorts out again. The BBC
seems to think that sunny spells should have
already started, but it looks like The Met Office
keep making the start just one hour later. Maybe
there will be a sunny spell at 11am, but I fear
not. The next possible time for sunshine could be
late afternoon/early evening. Just 20° C is forecast today.
Tomorrow could be very sunny, but only 21° C is the best the forecast
I never did go out yesterday. I didn't need any more shopping, and I felt that angina pains would soon spoil any out further than the local shops. That didn't rule out doing some train photography - which is a mostly static thing when not actually travelling by train - but maybe I was feeling semi depressed, and ruled that out too because I just could not be bothered. What I did do yesterday, how I slept, and how I dreamed, plus some notes about this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 18th June
2024 |
Yesterday was
actually like an early summer day. There was
sunshine or sunny spells all day, and the
temperature rose to 22° C
according to
![]() So far the weather seems
to be following the Met Office forecast perfectly.
The sky is white with 100% cloud cover, but that
white is very bright, and it almost doesn't feel
like it is cloudy. There is a possibility that
small holes may appear in the cloud, and show some
blue sky, or maybe let a few rays of sunshine
through now and then. It should be another warm
day with 21° C forecast.
Tomorrow could feature some sunshine, but possibly
mostly in the late afternoon. The temperature may
be the same as today.
Yesterday I amused myself doing some useful or needed things, and that was quite satisfying, but ultimately I felt frustrated that the day didn't bring better entertainment. Ideally I wanted to go out and take pictures somewhere, probably somewhere green, but I just couldn't really bring myself to manage myself to limit the inevitable angina pains. All I did do yesterday, including how I slept, and the start of this morning, is described in my full archived page for today. |
Monday 17th June
2024 |
Yesterday was not a bad
day. There were many sunny spells through the day,
and the only rain I can remember seemed to only
fall for a very brief period of time. The
temperature hit 20° C by mid
![]() The Met Office shows the
sunshine and sunny spells finishing at 2pm in the
latest revision. The BBC say sunshine or sunny
spells will last all day. The temperature should
reach 22° C today. So not a
perfect summers day, but still very good, and
maybe even excellent compared to most days
recently. Tomorrow should just about hit 20° C for an hour or two, and
there will be only white cloud all day (Met
Office) of some lightweight sunny spells all day
I have already described my morning, yesterday - how my CT scan was cancelled at the last moment, and similar stuff. I tried not to let it get to me, but it did leave me feel a bit pissed off, or at least unsettled, for the rest of the day. How I felt later, and what I did for the rest of the day, my night, and this morning, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 16th June
2024 |
Yesterday was very
mixed up. There were some nice sunny spells, and
some heavy rain. I think there were only a few
periods of heavy rain, and they didn't seem to
last long. The BBC almost got their wish for
thunder and lightning. I never saw any flashes,
but I did hear a few peels of thunder - probably
from some way from here. The morning started off
very cool, but in the sunshine it did feel almost
hot. There wasn't quite enough sunshine to make
the day feel generally warm, but I think the
temperature reached somewhere around 20° C - a
couple of
degrees higher
than forecast.
![]() The forecast has been
revised twice since I took the screenshot above.
It is looking like one of those days when the
forecasters can't make up their minds. The Met
Office now predicts a light shower for 8am, and
the BBC predict it for 9am. I was hoping for some
sunshine early this morning, but it seems there
will only a be a few sunny spells later in the
day. However, it does look like that most of today
will be dry, and I'll be unlucky to be caught in a
shower. The afternoon temperature should reach 20° C today. Tomorrow could be a
degree or two warmer, and a lot sunnier.
I didn't expect to write anything before I came back home from having my 8am CT scan at the hospital, but it seems I am ready, or almost ready enough, early to have enough time to write a few words, but most of what I write will be after I get home. Although I thought I had taken enough precautions by being selective about what I ate yesterday, it seems I am going to the toilet a lot more often then is desired. I should be empty now, but I think I will make one more visit to the toilet to make sure. The full description of yesterday, last night, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 15th June
2024 |
Yesterday was actually
a rather nice day despite
every revision to the weather
forecasts predicting heavy rain,
possibly thunderstorms and general
doom and gloom. The reason for
this was that the forecast for the
borough of Lewisham was not
localised as is should have been.
Both forecasters can show a
"weather radar" as a low frame
rate film show. It clearly showed
the awful weather predicted
passing by miles to the north
west, and to the south east of us.
In the middle, where I am it was
calm weather with loads of sunny
spells through almost the whole
day. It was even nearer 21°
C than the 18° C
![]() The early version of the
forecast says sunny spells. I would call it sunny
with a clear blue sky. The latest revision says
the sky will be mid grey, and it will be raining
by 9am. I guess it is possible, but like
yesterday, it seems possible that I am in a
charmed location, and all the foul weather
predicted will pass several miles away in probably
the south east, and north west. Once again the forecast says it
should be 12° C,
and my outside thermometers says it is just
about 14° C. Oh
well, time will tell, and it will be easy to
tell if we are lucky again, or if we will have
to suffer black skies and torrential rain in the
middle of the day. If there is any point in
mentioning tomorrow's forecast...It may be dry,
possibly with sunny spells, and 18 or 19° C is expected.
Yesterday was like the more I decided I would not go out, because of the foul weather forecast, the brighter and warmer it got. Maybe if I had gone out for some exercise I would have been drowned under torrential rain. Who knows ? I do know that I had a weirdly pleasant day, and I did achieve a few useful things. All the bits of yesterday that I can remember, plus the same about my night, and also some notes about this morning, can all be read in my archived page for today. |
Friday 14th June
2024 |
Yesterday seemed
typical weather for summer version 2 ! The morning
was sunny and bright, and then it clouded over
until around 6pm (possibly closer to 7pm) when it
started to rain. The rain was supposed to be
heavy, but it only seemed like light rain to me.
It was also one of those odd days when the morning
was warmer than the afternoon. The temperature
reached 17°
C by 1pm, and it
started to cool
off minutes later.
![]() The screenshot of the
early forecast doesn't show the sunshine I saw
when I first opened the curtains, but reality has
caught up with the forecast. It is quite dull now.
The latest revision says the first rain will be
quite heavy at 1pm, and then lighter rain at
2pm. It might then stay dull, but dry until 7pm,
and 8pm when there will be some light rain. This
afternoon should see 18° C.
My thermometers say it is already 17° C, and so it may be a bit
warmer than forecast later. It may be worth
noting that The BBC predict light rain for most
of the day, and even a thunderstorm at 3pm.
Tomorrow is currently shown as starting with an
hour or two of sunshine, and then getting very
wet for the rest of the day. Just 16° C is forecast. Once again the
BBC predict thunderstorms for tomorrow !
Yesterday was another good day that ended badly. It initially seemed like I should be in a dreadful rush during the morning, but it was actually almost slow paced. Maybe things didn't seem take as long as I thought they would. The first thing I had to do was to finish some laundry that I had left soaking for almost 24 hours. More about that and the rest of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 13th June
2024 |
There were a few sunny
spells yesterday, including a few in the afternoon
when none were originally forecast. Even when
there was no sun, the clouds were usually white
clouds and that made more of the day feel bright.
For all that it waqs a cold day. The temperature
was forecast to reach 16° C, but I am not
sure if it went above 15°
![]() The weather Gods are
doing their best to punish up for reasons known
only to them. Part of that punishment is to tease
us with bright sunshine in the morning, and then
turn the weather really crap from late morning
onwards. Today that includes almost black skies,
and copious rain from early evening. From 10am to
5pm it will range from dull to very dull, and once again the temperature
will struggle to reach a very poor 16° C. Tomorrow afternoon will
probably be wet, but just how wet is currently
unknown. It will be a little warmer though. The
Met Office say the temperature could reach
18° C
Yesterday was a good day up until the time it wasn't, and I take full responsibility for the worst of it, even I don't really understand exactly what was wrong. The day seemed to get off to a great start when a couple of boxes of I ordered were delivered quite early in the morning. (I'll overlook the annoyance of the couriers arrival just as I was sitting on the toilet). The full description of my day, night, and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 12th June
2024 |
Yesterday was another
day when the weather forecasts predicted utter
gloom, and they were only three quarters right. A
lot of yesterday was very dull, but there were
also some nice sunny spells from time to time. It
was also forecast to be dry, but there was at
least one shower, and possibly two. It might even
have been a single degree higher than forecast.
I'm sure I saw 15° C on one of my
outside thermometers. That still
made it a very cool day.
![]() The weather forecast in
tyhe screenshot above looks bad enough, but the
latest revision is even worse. Now, onoly a single
sunny spell at midday is predicted. The only
positive thing is that at least while I write
this, the white cloud from horizon to horizon is
fairly bright. It seems that at best we can hope
for 16° C today, but in the latest
revision that will only last for 2 hours, and
the rest of the day will be cooler. Tomorrow
might be very similar except for some drizzle or
light showers towards the end of the day.
Yesterday was on of those days where I had hallucinations that I might do something useful, but reality trumped imagination, and I had one of the laziest days I have had in ages. The odd thing is that I don't recall feeling bored. The hours just seemed to slip away leaving no feeling of the passing of time. What there was of my day, a bit more about my night, and some stuff about this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 11th June
2024 |
The forecasts for
yesterday, including some revisions half way through
the day, didn't really show what the weather
was really like. There was indeed a lot of
rain in the morning, and a torrential downpour
(and some reported hail in it) or twon in nthe
afternoon, but they thing that was completely
missed were all the sunny spells. At times it
looked like how a June day should look,
although the temperature remained very low.
I'm unsure if the temperature ever made 15° C -
the highest I remember seeing was a very
poor 14.4° C.
![]() Both forecasters (BBC
and Met Office) seemed to underestimate the amount
of sun this morning. It looks like we'll lose it
soon, but as I write this it is still sunny - a
full hour after it was supposed to stop. Once it
does stop it will probably stay dull for
the rest of the day. The BBC says there will
be a lot of light rain from late morning onwards,
and The Met Office has added a couple of hours of
light rain at 4 and 5pm. Once again the highest
temperature today will be a definitely non June 14° C. Incidently, the temperature
at 6am this morning was reported as feeling like
just 7° C.
Tomorrow may be a tiny bit closer to warm with
16° C possible in
the afternoon. It will probably be dull all day,
and some light rain could fall later in the
Yesterday's forecast cold and dull weather could have reduced me to doing very little, but the occasional sunny spells, with a lot of the sky looking nice and blue, did seem to spur me on a bit, although the first unlikely thing I did while it was still very dull, and looking like it could rain at any minute. How the weather proceeds for the next few hours, plus a description of my day yesterday, last night, and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 10th June
2024 |
Yesterday started
almost cold (11° C) but
it was nice and bright and sunny. The
afternoon was forecast to be rather dull, but
I seem to remember a few, rather short,
unexpected sunny spells. I also seem to think
I saw a few spots of rain, which lasted fore
mere seconds, during a time when it became
very dark in the early afternoon. It was never
a warm day, but came close to it with a
maximum temperature of 17° C.
![]() It is very wet at the
moment, and heavy rain could fall until 10am
according to the latest revision to the forecast.
There could be a couple of hours of light rain at
2pm, and more at 6pm when it will also start to
brighten up a bit. Most of today will range from
grey to very grey. The temperature today will peak
at just 15° C, and that only for a
single hour (two hours if the BBC is right). I am
sure that today would not even be considered to be
a good day if it were in February. Tomorrow could
start bright, but the temperature may not rise to
higher than 15° C, and the
afternoon will probably be wet, although
possibly just from a lot of light rain. It is
hard to believe the summer solstice is under a
fortnight away.
Yesterday was very productive, but not an enjoyable day. Much of the day was spent editing all the photos I had taken the day before at Hilly Fields. I was generally pleased with the results, but it seemed a never ending chore. The fact is that I took far more photos than I should have needed to take, but there was that little fear nagging me that I might that "special shot". There is a good selection of pictures, plus some notes about my day, night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 9th June 2024 |
Much of yesterday was
very nice. It was only around midday that it was
close to horrible. The sky became very dull, and
there was a sprinkle of light rain. After that it
became mostly bright, with a lot of sunny spells -
slightly better than the morning. It never felt
hot, but the sunshine did feel nice and warm. I
was not in sight of any thermometers, but I think
the afternoon temperature was probably slightly
higher than the
forecast 18° C.
![]() It is bright and sunny
with a clear blue sky as I write this, but the
forecast says it won't last for more than a couple
of hours. From midday there
will be light cloud until the end of the day,
although the BBC say the cloud could turn dark
for a few hours at the end of the afternoon, but
both forecasters say it should stay dry. The
highest temperature could be a disappointing 17° C, although the BBC say a
slight more optimistic, but still disappointing
18° C. Tomorrow we
skip back to April, or earlier. There may be no
sunshine, and sometimes the cloud will be grey
or very grey, and there may be occasional
splashes of generally light rain. The
temperature will struggle to reach a chilly 15° C,
Yesterday, or at least a lot of it, was very enjoyable, but it was a very tiring day. The main event was going to the top of Hilly Fields to see 4 bands playing as part of the Brockley Max festival. Two of the bands were very good, one, a solo singer/guitarist, was quite good, and the other I did not care for. So far I have only two pictures to show in my description of yesterday, plus some notes on last night and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 8th June
2024 |
It seems to be almost a
regular thing during this period of unseasonal
weather, there were more sunny spells than
forecast. Admittedly they were sparse in the
afternoon, and there were a few hours when it got
quite dull, but then the peep out from behind the
clouds again. The later morning revisions of the
forecast predicted the maximum temperature might
reach 20° C, but I saw 22° C on my
thermometers, and took a picture to prove it
(shown in the main body of today's electronic
![]() The forecast today has
been revised a lot in the last couple of hours.
The latest revision now says that the current
sunshine will be finished by 10am, and then it
should stay dry, but with many very dull hours
until 5pm. From then it will be sunny until
sunset. The maximum temperature is shown as 18° C. The BBC predict light
showers at midday and 1pm, but it should be dry
for the rest of the day. Once the rain has
finished it should be bright-ish until the sun
breaks through at 5pm. They only predict 17° C for today. Tomorrow should
see sunshine in the morning, but none in the
afternoon, and the temperature similar to today.
Yesterday's highlight was getting the dripping mixer tap in the kitchen replaced with a new, and hopefully higher quality mixer tap. I am happy to say that despite being pissed, at 9am, Lee managed to get it right the first time. Even this morning I see no sign of leaks. The rest of yesterday, my night, plus this morning, and my plans for today, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 7th June 2024 |
Yesterday's sunny
spells lasted longer than forecast, and I think
they resumed in the early evening. Most of the day
seemed fairly bright with or without sunshine, but
the temperature was still only 17° C in the afternoon.
![]() Like recent days, today
has started out bright and sunny, but it may only
last until 11am. After that it should stay dry,
but will be a little duller. On the other hand,
the latest revision to the met Office forecast now
shows sunny spells for 3 and 4pm. Maybe they will
fill more gaps in later revisions. It should end
up a little bit warmer today with
Yesterday was not a very productive day. The only productive thing I did was to finish washing a hand towel that had got very smelly for some unknown reason. I added a bit of disinfectant to the wash, and, fingers crossed, it is now nice and fresh. The rest of my day, such as it was, my night, which was also not terribly exciting, plus much of my morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 6th June
2024 |
Yesterday was mostly
bright, and dry, but it wasn't particularly warm.
I think the afternoon temperature only reached the
forecast 17° C.
![]() This morning has
started off bright and sunny, but both forecasters
I check say it won't last long, and the middle of
tyhe day will be dull. The BBC raise some hope
that sunny spells will resume from 6pm, but the
Met Office say it will continue dull until sunset.
Once again the highest temperature we can expect
is just 17° C - more suited to mid spring instead
of summer. Tomorrow may be a bit brighter,
and a single degree warmer at 18° C
I seem to be having a lot of days that are sort of medium, or good and bad, recently, and yesterday was another of them. It was definitely good in places, but it left me feeling disappointed, and also a bit guilty. I'll explain bit further down the page. The good, the bad, the indifferent about yesterday, last night, and this morning, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 5th June
2024 |
Yesterday was mostly
dull, although I think we had a few, very short,
sunny spells around the middle of the day. As
forecast, there was a few very brief, very light
showeres at the end of the afternoon. It didn't
seem to feel that cold, and I even had some
windows open from time to time. The forecast
predicted 20° C, and I think
that was about right.
![]() As usual the BBC and
Met Office have different predictions about
today's weather. The BBC shows loads of hours with
sunny spells. The Met Office shows less sunny
hours, but some of them it shows as full, non stop
sunshine.As I write this the sky is mostly blue,
and the sun is shining nicely. The only problem is
that for all the sunshine, it is predicted to be a
fairly cool day. Just 16° C is predicted (and the
single hour of 17° C at 2pm, shown in the
screenshot above has disappeared on the latest
revision). The BBC forecast for tomorrow is almost
the same as their forecast for today, but The Met
Office shows a lot less sunshine, and the chance
of a shower. However both forecasters say it might
be very slightly warmer, and both agree on 17° C.
Yesterday was another day that seemed to be quite good, and even a few rash things I did seemed to have a good outcome....or mostly a good outcome. More about those things later. Maybe the highlight of the day was a shopping trip to Aldi. My shopping trip, and the more significant things about yesterday, plus my night, and also the start of this morning, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 4th June
2024 |
Yesterday started with
some sunny spells, but most of the day was dull,
and occasionally very dull. It was a dry day, and
just about warm with a top temperature of 20° C.
![]() I think the BBC's
forecast of medium light cloud is truer than The
Met Office's dark clouds this morning. On the
other hand, it dies seem to be getting duller now.
Both forecasters predict rain this afternoon. The
BBC says from 4pm, and The met Office say from
3pm, and they also say some of it could be heavy
rain. The maximum temperature will be 19° C, and
it will start to fall as soon as the rain falls.
Tomorrow should start nice and bright, possibly
with full sunshine for a few hours, and then sunny
spells until a duller period in the afternoon. It
will probably feel rather cool with just 16° C
Yesterday can be described as quite a good day. My stomach problems seemed to be over, although I was still careful not to eat too much, or anything too spicy. However I did eat a few things that might have not been good for me, but it seems I got away with it. As usual, my day, night, and the start of this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 3rd June 2024 |
After a very chilly
start, yesterday turned into a nice and warm,
sunny day. I would still suggest it was still a
bit poor for a June day, but it wasn't bad. The
temperature peaked at 23° C.
![]() After yesterday, today
is going to be a big disappointment. Both
forecasters broadly agree that there will be a few
hours of sunny spells this morning, and from then
on it will be dull. The Met Office includes a few
very dull hours. The BBC says a max of 19° C, and
The Met Office says 20° C. I have a feeling that
the forecasts may change a fair bit over the next
4 or 5 hours. Tomorrow may be similar to today,
but with one important difference - a few random
showers during the day.
Yesterday was another day that started great, and ended as a disaster. The day started with all my usual health indicators looking rather good, That included nice low blood pressure, but only while not doing anything, and nicely relaxed. A few hours later and it was probably through the roof. This and the rest of my day, night, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 2nd June 2024 |
Yesterday was dry, and
there were plenty of sunny spells, although most
were in the afternoon. Despite that it still felt
chilly during the morning, and was only tepid in
the afternoon. The temperature was no more than 18° C.
![]() The BBC seems to have
got off to a more accurate start by correctly
predicting that it is already sunny outside, and
with an almost clear blue sky it is sunny, and not
just sunny spells. The Met Office still insists
that we have to wait until 10am for the sun to
first appear. Of course that clear sky means this
morning has started off very chilly, but all the
expected sunshine should push today up to a
respectable 23° C. Tomorrow sees a return to grey
skies, but it should remain dry. Tomorrow's
temperature might struggle to reach 19° C.
I was going to say that yesterday was quite an eventful day. While that is correct, it does seem that is a sinister way of saying that there were lots of things, neither good or bad, that it is worth noting. The big event, that was actually slightly underwhelming, was having a 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted in the hospital. I seemed to have a lot to say about yesterday, last night, and this morning, and it can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 1st June
2024 |
Yesterday featured some
occasional falls of drizzle despite the forecast
saying that it would be a dry day after some early
morning drizzle. On the whole, the day was quite
cloudy, sometimes very dull, but I am sure that
once or twice I did see a small patch of blue sky.
The main feature was that it was cold, a
temperature more suited to March, just 15° C.
![]() There was some weak
sunshine earlier, but now it has got very dull.
Hopefully this is just a temporary thing because
the afternoon is forecast to feature a lot of
sunny spells - enough to push the temperature up
to 18° C (it was shown as 19° C until the last
revision capped it at 18° C). Tomorrow should
feature a lot more sunshine, and the temperature
could rise to 22° C - it might even feel like the
start of May instead of the start of June !
Yesterday was probably quite good, although nothing like expected. I managed to rush through everything I needed to do, writing yesterday's electronic diary, having a shower, in plenty of time before Lee was due to arrive to change my leaking mixer tap, except he phoned up and said he had something else he had to do, and promised me he would come today. All of yesterday, last night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |