morning has started with a clear
blue sky, and non stop sunshine
(albeit a bit low in the sky at
the moment). Yesterday's
prediction for today showed
sunshine for most of the day.
Since then every revision has
cut it back an hour. The latest
revision shows just sunny spells
from 11am, and the same until
1pm, after which we may lose the
sun for the rest of the day.
Despite the lack of sunshine,
the temperature could still peak
at 24
° C
by late afternoon.
Tomorrow could see 26° C, but the
sunshine/sunny spells could be
quite erratic.
I think I failed to
mention it yesterday, but
yesterday was my birthday. It
was no big deal. Most birthdays
since I became a teenager have
been generally low key. Maybe
there have been one or two good
birthdays since then, but my
69th birthday was very much like
a normal day.

One of yesterday morning's
problems was that my "weather
station" said the pressure was
dropping, and that rain was
imminent. The rain didn't
actually happen, but I did note
that my legs agreed with the
prediction. They did feel quite
stiff and creaky in the morning,
and it persisted for a while
before they eased up.
Curiously that might have
coincided with an upward arrow
appearing in the top section of
the display on the left, and the
raindrops from the cloud
disappearing. Later still the
cloud was replaced with a nice
happy looking sun.
As I mentioned yesterday,
I had originally planned to go
to Manor House Gardens, a 20
minute ride away on the 202 bus.
That would have been to take
some pictures of the one single
band that was to appear on their
live stage (mostly it was things
like school choirs). I think my
stiff legs in the morning set a
flag in my brain that said I was
not going to do that even before
I consciously knew about it. The
same was true of my possible
shopping trip to Aldi.
None of this stopped me
washing my hair, and having a
shower. Maybe I thought there
might be a possible chance of
some sort of visitor during the
day, but mostly it was because I
felt smelly. After
finishing my shower,, and
putting in some clothes to soak
in detergent, in one of my big
builders buckets, I got as far
as brushing my hair, but before
I could blow dry it I got a
phone call.
It was my big sister
phoning to wish me a happy
birthday. We had quite a long
chat comparing notes about
medical stuff. I think I vaguely
knew my sister had had a
pacemaker fitted, but it seems
that it was not long ago when
it's 10 year battery life was
used up, and it had to be
replaced. I gather it is simple
procedure that is done under
local anaesthetic - at least I
presume it must have been
because my sister said she was
talking to the surgeon during
the procedure. I guess it might
have been something like an
epidural that numbed everything
surrounding the site of the
I think we spoke for
about an hour, and when we hung
up it was time for some lunch.
As I suggested it might be, when
writing yesterday, it was the
last pack of two slices from
Iceland's "3 for £5"
offer. I got the flavour
completely wrong when describing
it. I thought it might be
chicken and mushroom, but it was
labelled cheese and ham even if
it didn't taste like it. Maybe
there was a hint of cheese
flavour, and something gooey in
it. I'm not sure I detected any
ham in it though. After that
lunch I laid on my bed, closed
my eyes, instead of picking up
my book, and the next thing I
knew was that it was 3pm.
I had slept through the
gig I originally wanted to go to
! I waited 5 or 10 minutes to
acclimatise to the real world,
and then went to finish the
laundry I had left soaking in
the morning. It was just a
single t-shirt, a pair of lounge
pants, and rather more pairs of
underpants than I had realised
were in the laundry bag. I kept
think I wouldn't do it, but I
did it all with no breaks. It
was sunny outside at the time,
but I was not sure there would
be enough sunshine to dry the
stuff if I hung it on the line,
and opted to dry it all indoors
on the big clothes horse.
When that job was done I
had a snack. It was some rice
crackers, and this time I did
not use the squeezy cream
cheese, despite having two
unopened tubes of it in the
fridge. I sliced up some nice
Cheddar cheese. I can't suggest
any figures that make me think
that was healthier than cream
cheese - it was sort of a matter
of faith...or something. My
dinner was also a sort of matter
of faith.
I could have grilled some
burgers, or taken something out
of the freezer, but I had
decided I was going to have soup
for a nice light dinner, that
would hopefully not cause any
chance of acid indigestion as
some rich foods seem to be doing
a lot recently. The "act of
faith" was because I chose to
ignore the reported sugar
content of a luxury can of
Baxters Cream Of Tomato Soup. It
did look like the sugar content
was probably as high as a can of
full sugar Coca Cola. The can
was a year past it's "best
before" date, and that seemed a
good excuse to eat it, and as
expected, it was rather
I probably should have
stopped at a single can of soup,
but I fancied another, and I
chose a can of Tesco smoky
lentil and red peppers soup. The
sugar content of that was about
a tenth of the tomato soup. I
didn't even stop there. It may
sound like a very strange
combination, and it was, but the
last time I was in Aldi I bought
a small jar of pickled herrings,
and I had been trying to find a
good time to try them. Curiosity
got the better of me, and I open
the small jar, and ate the lot.
As soon as I tasted the
first bit of herring I noticed a
sort of sweet taste that made
the vinegar seem less acidic. I
checked the nutritional
information, and found the jar
was loaded with sugar - even
more than was in the tomato
soup. That was a bit of a blow.
All I could hope for was that
most of, if not all the sugar
was dissolved in the vinegar,
and most of it went down the
sink when I drained the jar
using the handy plastic strainer
inside it.
There was nothing on TV
last night to stop me having an
early night (and when I say
nothing, I mean a great big fat
ZERO). I was in bed reading very
soon after 8pm, and about half
an hour later I tried for sleep.
I did get a hint that maybe I
was gong to get some
indigestion, and took a couple
of antacid tablets as a
precaution. They seemed to work
OK, and I think I was possible
asleep before 9pm, or at worse,
not long after.
I woke up a lot in the
night. Mostly it was because I
needed a pee - not surprising
after all the sugar I had
consumed. The good thing is that
I seemed to have no trouble
getting back to sleep again. I
do remember dreaming a lot
during the night. There was one
dream I can't remember the
contents of, but do remember one
of the facts from it, and it
seems like I may have dreamed
the same thing twice to help
remember it. It was about a gym.
I don't actually remember seeing
anything in it all, but instead
of the "usual" 8ft high ceiling
it was 16ft to cater for
acrobatic or just show off
people keeping fit.
Another dream was another
in my post retirement, being
back at work, dreams. In this
dream I was on a training
course, and I was getting very
bored. Somehow I ended up laying
on my workbench with a duvet
over me. The teacher who had
been asking other people about
stuff asked me me what I was
doing. I said I was doing
nothing because no one had said
what the course was about, and
you (the
teacher/instructor/whatever) had
failed to offer any explanation
or other information. Being
already retired, and getting on
well with it, gives you a lot of
power over those who might try
to get you to do stuff because
the worst they can do is get you
fired - and I had already left
work anyway !
Despite waking up many
time in the night, or at least
so it seemed (was every time
actually real ?) it seemed like
I had had a good sleep last
night. I seemed to think I felt
far better than I expected to
do. After sitting at my PC for a
long time my legs, particularly
my knees, did feel really stiff
for a while, but before all
that.... It was handy that I did
a nice poo, and had a good pee
before I had any breakfast, and
was able to weigh myself. It
seems hard to believe, but I
seemed to have lost 600gm since
yesterday morning, and I am not
far short of the slightly lower
weight I was a week ago.
Of course it was with
great apprehension that I
checked my blood glucose
readings this morning, It turned
out I needn't have worried.
Somehow I had all three readings
in the light green area. The
Contour meter read 7.7mmol/l.
The GlucoRX meter read
7.8mmol/l, and the Sinocare
meter read the same as the
Contour meter, 7.7mmol/l. All
readings are slightly over my
new imaginary target of
7.5mmol/l, but nevertheless, all
are very good, and so I treated
myself to a double small helping
of instant noodles for my
I have come up with a
new, and probably rather daft
theory about my low blood
glucose readings after eating
stuff that theoretically has a
high sugar content. The theory
says that some things like ice
cream have a lot free sugar in
them that rushes straight into
the blood stream, and then the
drug I take shoots it straight
through the kidneys, and then is
flushed out in my urine. Of
course the flaw in this theory
is "why does it not work for
stuff that doesn't release it's
sugar only during digestion ?".
This was the view to the
north at just after 10am this
morning. It looks very lovely,
but if the forecasts are to be
believed it will soon be
clouding over. Looking to the
south just now I can see a fair
bit more cloud, but it needs to
thicken a lot before the
sunshine turns into sunny
spells. Both the BBC and Met
Office do a rare thing and agree
that the last full sunshine will
be at 11am, and that midday and
1pm will only see sunny spells.
From 2pm it will be dull....or
will it ?
I still need to get some
shopping, and I can't decide if
I am going to Aldi or Tesco, but
I am fairly sure it will be one
or the other today. Later this
afternoon I think Jodie and
possibly Alan will be over for
some beer tasting. That is
unless Jodie snubs me because I
turned down her off of meeting
in Catford (probably in the
Wetherspoons) late yesterday
afternoon. She would be coming
with Alan. She does have an
excuse to not come. Alan's mum's
birthday is today, and Jodie
though he was going over to see
her (somewhere near the coast I
think), and thought that maybe
she was supposed to be going
with him. Maybe he is only going
for a quick, early afternoon
visit, and can do both today.
Hopefully they will both make
it, and I have an excuse for
beer - I didn't have any
yesterday, nor on Friday.
2164 words today