Today's weather forecast from
The BBC looks pretty grim, but I
am not sure I should believe it
after the last couple of days of
forecasts that did not match
reality. The latest revision has
changed a few things. 10am is
now shown as drizzle, and 4pm is
now shown as heavy rain, The
most welcome, but actually
irrelevant change is that 11pm
and midnight is now shown as
dry. It looks like there is a
zero chance of seeing any sun
today....but that doesn't mean
it won't happen ! The maximum
temperature today may be just 18
° C, and it is already that now.
By 7pm it may
have dropped
to 17° C. The Met Office forecast shows
less rain, but
and also a
complete lack
of sunshine.
Tomorrow may
feature a lot
less rain, and
there could be
some sunshine
late in the
day. It should
be warmer with
21° C forecast.
Yesterday seemed to
be an OK sort of day. It was not
exciting, although maybe there
were a few individual
excitements. I think the best
thing about yesterday was that
it was not nearly as bad as the
weather forecast predicted. As
well as being considerably
drier, it was also warmer. In
fact when being very active it
did feel quite warm.
It did not feel warm when
quietly reading, and after
laying on my bed reading I
decided I just had to turn the
heater on low to warm the room a
bit before I came back to it
after washing my hair and having
a shower. I guess I had that 1kw
heater on for nearly 2 hours,
but maybe that didn't matter too
much. Yesterday morning my
latest energy bills arrived. My
gas had loads and loads of
credit. I probably should reduce
my standing order for my gas
bill . For the first time this
year my electricity bill has
gone into credit, but not by
much. If it does not snow soon,
and maybe not until October (as
it feels like it could in my
blackest thoughts) I might even
build up enough credit to pay
for the whole of Octobers
electricity bill, and than
slowly sink into debt over
I was not optimistic that
it would stay dry for a long
enough period of time to pop out
to the shops, but I was being
too pessimistic. It was a more
dry than wet in the end, and I
did go out to the shops. I was
not brave enough to not put a
coat on, but in fact I didn't
need one, and perhaps because of
the humidity I was feeling
rather too warm as I walked back
from the shops with a lot more
shopping than I had expected to
My first port of call was
to Savers. I particularly wanted
to see if they stocked more than
one kind of soluble aspirin. As
I mentioned a few weeks ago, I
found a packet in the back of my
food cupboard of completely
soluble aspirin under the Aspro
brand. That packet was 20 years
passed it's use by date. Each
tablets seems to be very well
sealed in individual foil
pockets, and it seems like it
shouldn't deteriorate. I have
tried a couple with no apparent
ill effect. The thing I like
about them is they are not just
soluble, but effervescent,
and dissolve into a clear
Savers only had the one
soluble aspirin, and I bought
another packet of that. I noted
they had some effervescent
paracetamol tablets. I bought a
pack, but they have two things
wrong with them. One is that
they are more than ten times
more expensive than ordinary
paracetamol. The second thing is
that the slightly powdery liquid
does not taste nice at all. The
only good thing is that they
work a bit faster when taken.
Other stuff bought from
Savers was a couple of bottles
of bleach, and a bottle of Surf
laundry detergent. I also bought
a bag of lavender scented big
tea candles. They are weird.
They have a very nice lavender
small until they are lit, and
then don't seem to smell of
anything ! Also in my shopping
basket was a bottle of shower
gel that I have yet to try, a
spare can of deodorant to
replace one that is almost
finished, and a packet of cheese
flavoured rice crackers.
I would normally cross
the way to go into
Poundstretcher after Savers, but
like last time (I think) I went
into Iceland. There were a few
things I definitely wanted, and
a few things I hoped to find in
there. I was specifically after
sugar free, or at least low
sugar stuff. I found some sugar
free biscuits I had tried
before, and I bought them along
with another two packets I had
not seen or tried before.
Once upon a time Iceland
used to do special slimmers
meals. They don't seem to sell
them any more, and I wouldn't be
surprised it was because across
the range only one or two types
was nice, and even those were
not that healthy. Their
replacement range goes under the
brand name of "My Protein". That
name sounds like something
weightlifters would use to build
their muscles, but I don't think
they have lots of protein in
them, but maybe the ratio is a
bit higher because they do seem
to be low in sugar and calories.
I bought two "My Protein"
items, and some stuff that was
not specifically low anything.
It included two six packs of
crisps because they were two for
£5 (or something like that), and
three items from their 3 for a
£5 shelf. I noted that there was
a bigger selection of stuff
there than I had noticed the
last time I was in there. I also
bought 2 tubes of each flavour
Primula squeezy cheese. I
suspect they are desperately
unhealthy, but they are so
handy, and delicious when
squeezed onto rice crackers.
When I walked from home
to Savers I noticed I was
getting close to some angina
pains starting, but I didn't
notice any walking home again.
By then I was carrying quite a
bit of shopping, and probably
walking slower, but then again,
the extra load would mean I was
worker harder to walk home. It
is one of the unpredictable
things about angina. It was
still good to get home, and put
away all my shopping - except
for a few things I intended to
use straight away.
One such thing was a
packet of two small mature
cheese flavour quiches. Each one
was only about three inches
across, and so eating two for
lunch was not as greedy as might
first seem. They were part of
the three for £5 range, and so
rather cheaper than Tesco's own
brand of 6 inch quiches. Being
cheaper might suggest they were
inferior, but they had a much
cheesier taste, and I think I
would choose them every time
over Tesco's offerings.
I knew if I didn't add
the time of day to the above
photo I would forget when I took
it. As can be seen it was taken
at 12:58, and it shows just how
gruesome the sky looked. Despite
those glowering dark clouds it
still remained dry, and made a
nonsense of both the BBC and Met
Office forecasts. It was, if I
recall correctly, between 5 and
6pm before the first rain fell,
and it was no more than between
light and medium heavy rain.
There was one thing I had
to do, but I delayed that until
I had had a lie down, and read
some of my current book. I also
delayed things until I had
found, and ripped to mp3 files,
a CD I knew I had, but couldn't
find. The reason I couldn't find
it before was I had
misremembered what the CD looked
like. Yesterday afternoon I had
a sudden inspiration of what I
should be looking for, and found
it very quickly.
I could not remember
everything that was on the
double CD set, but I knew what
the good stuff was. A bit later
in the afternoon I listened to
almost the whole thing. The good
stuff was still good, and some
of the less good stuff was
pretty awful ! I am sure that
once upon a time I had a 12" LP
vinyl version of this, but if I
remember correctly it was a 3,
and maybe 4 disk version with
more stuff on it. It was another
thing I regret giving away. I
think that maybe today I might
see if I can find a downloadable
copy of it in the murky depths
of the internet.
The thing I put off doing
was to do finish doing some
laundry. It was only two
t-shirts and four pairs of
underpants, but it seemed almost
like hard work. I think the
murky weather didn't enthuse me,
and I wanted to start listening
to the Woodstock CDs. I
persevered, and got that laundry
finished, and hung up to dry on
the big clothes horse with a
desk fan blowing at it.
With the washing done I
could relax, and listen to the
Woodstock double CD. Just like
at Petts Wood Calling last year,
there was stuff I didn't care to
listen to, and although I guess
it would have been impossible if
I had been there, I would have
nipped around the corner to
enjoy a pint in the pub - which
is exactly what I did at Petts
Wood Calling last year, and will
again this year. In fact there
seems to be quite a few bands on
at this years Petts Wood calling
where I will take a quick
selection of pictures before
racing to the pub until the
next, hopefully better band, is
I never did finish the
whole of the Woodstock double CD
because it was time for the
first Star Trek, and almost time
to prepare my dinner. I watched
all three Star Treks last night,
Enterprise, Deep Space Nine, and
Voyager. To my great surprise,
all were pretty good episodes -
even Voyager was one of the
better episodes, although
Captain Janeway was still like a
simpering infant school teacher.
I prefer a strong personality
like Captain Picard (from The
Next Generation).

My dinner, or at least
the main course of my dinner,
was one of the "My Protein"
range from Iceland. The
description and pictures hooked
me, and consulting the
nutritional information
(pictured on the left) convinced
me it could be a good thing, and
it seems it was. 9.1mg of sugar
may not be that low, but it is
not bad compared to much stuff I
eat. It was also fairly tasty -
even when it turned out the
meatballs were made from chicken
meat rather than something
tastier like beef. If there was
one thing wrong with it, it was
that it came in quite a bog
plastic bowl, but the bowl was
barely half full. It was not a
big dinner, but it was not too
I could have
finished eating after that main
course, but I was feeling
daring, or maybe the dull
weather had just give me a
"Devil may care" attitude, but I
decided I was going to have a
dessert, and that dessert was
going to be a "My Protein" tub
of chocolate swirl ice cream.
That really was low sugar
compared to most ice cream.
Unfortunately it was not all
that nice. It was far from
horrible, but maybe it had more
ordinary water in than many ice
creams, and was far from creamy.
It certainly was not
booze, because I didn't have any
at all yesterday, maybe it was
tiredness, but I can't seem to
recall whether I watched QIXL at
9pm last night. Maybe I just
read the description in the
Electronic Programme Guide, and
recognised it as an episode I
could remember, and that is all
I remember, because I also
seemed to think I went to bed at
9pm instead. What I definitely
remember is no indigestion, or
other causes of any chest pains,
and being able to sniggle down
and getting to sleep quite
On the whole it was
another night where I slept
mostly soundly - with the added
benefit of being able to get to
sleep the first time I tried for
it. I think it was maybe just
after midnight, and probably
three hours of sleep, that I had
a slight hiccup. It seemed to
feel too hot under the duvet,
but it was definitely too cold
without it. It seems I probably
got back to sleep fairly
quickly, but I can't remember
how I decided to keep warm in
the end.
The only bit of dream I
can remember seemed to be about
going to work on an old slam
door train. For some reason my
fried Kevin was on the same
train, and apparently also going
to work as well. I was doing the
crossword in a newspaper -
possibly a broadsheet instead of
the Metro. I seemed to be doing
quite well, but decided to look
out the train window for a while
to rest my brain. When I looked
up I saw the man sitting in the
opposite seat had got hold of my
paper and had filled in a clue
that was really puzzling me. I
can't remember the clue, but his
answer was "decooched" which
doesn't sound like a real word
to me, or if it is, perhaps from
some slang dictionary, it is a
rude word !
I seemed to be ready to
get up just after 6am this
morning. Like a few recent
mornings, I had some lower back
pain, but a few hours later and
I am not really noticing
anything now. One bit of mild
discomfort was the usual need
for a pee. One bit of almost,
but not quite zero discomfort
was the need for a poo. I am
surprised the clue to needing it
was so low key because I
released a pan full of it. After
that I weighed myself. I have
lost a little more, and I am
within just 200gm of my lowest
recorded reading so far this
year. If I can be careful, which
on such a cold grey days seems
unlikely, I could be on my way
to reaching a new low (weight,
not of depression).
I was not sure what to
think about my blood glucose
this morning. I hoped that what
I ate yesterday was mostly safe,
and it seems it was, or nearly
was. This morning the Contour
meter read a magnificent
6.5mmol/l in the dark green
area. This was my new imaginary
target hit fair and square. The
GlucoRX meter read 7.6mmol/l in
the light green area. That is
just slightly over my current
imaginary target, and so not
that good, but still better than
the Sinocare meter. That read a
boring, but under the old
target, 8.0mmol/l. That is still
good, but only just. The other
reading this morning was my
blood pressure. Once again it is
in the "Optimum" (better than
"normal") area of 106/42.
At the moment it is very
grey outside, and it is damp
from some light showers and
drizzle. It still seems that
this is the patern for almost
the whole day. I have no desire
to go out in it, and I don't
seem to have any desire apart
from occasionally giving in, and
putting on some heating now and
then. If it were not that I have
several things inn the fridge
that can't be left too much
longer, I would be having hot
soup for lunch and dinner, but I
think lunch may be a pie or two,
eaten cold, and dinner will be
beef burgers and cook in the bag