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Sunday 28th
July 2024
wasn't always sunny, but
the morning, early
afternoon, plus early
evening all featured
sunny spells. The
temperature reached 23°
There is a clear blue sky
now, and the sun is full
on. This afternoon may see
it change to just sunny
spells/intervals. It will
still be a very nice day,
and it should be getting
hot. 25° C is forecast.
Tomorrow should see full
sunshine from dawn to
dusk, and the temperature
may reach 28°
Everything I did
yesterday, which admittedly
was not much, was guided by
the fact that I was rather
ill. I had hoped that I
would start to feel a lot
better once I was up, washed
and dressed. I didn't ! I
was coughing up loads of
mucus all day long, although
that did come an go a bit
depending on what I was
Apart from writing
this electronic diary first
thing in the morning, I did
little more than rest and
read yesterday morning, and
for some of the afternoon.
One thing I couldn't seem to
do was to catch up on any
sleep, and Ideally I needed
at least 3 or 4 hours of
extra sleep, but every time
I laid down and started to
relax I would just cough
even more. There were a few
simple things I could have
done, like washing up a few
items in the kitchen sink,
but I just could not raise
the enthusiasm.
One thing that did
help for a time in the
afternoon, was a long phone
call with Sue. I seemed to
be able to say quite a lot
before breaking out in
another bout of coughing up
mucus. The only trouble is
that like most phone calls
with Sue, it went on far too
long. Even when we finished
the call she was back on the
phone again for another hour
or so. It got to the point
where instead of having an
early dinner (to try and
stop any
indigestion/heartburn when I
went to bed, ideally hours
later), I had my dinner
later than usual.
My lunch seemed like
it was innocent enough. It
was a Tesco own "cheap"
brand cheese and bacon
quiche. Oddly enough it
seemed to taste better than
their more expensive version
of the same thing. I
followed it up with very
slightly less than
half a tub (which is a very
rare thing) of ice cream - a
probably less sugar than
most ice creams. I must say
it would have been very easy
to eat a lot more of that
ice cream - it was very
soothing on my raw feeling
My dinner was very
simple by design. It was
just two cans of soup
selected to contain very
little sugar. One can was
pea and ham soup, and the
other was Tesco cream of
chicken soup. The latter
being exceptionally low
sugar. In everything except
the original reason for
having that soup, it seemed
to be very good for me, and
even though I had eaten it
quite late (I think it was
around 7pm).
It was less than 2
hours later that I started
to go to bed. I had grave
doubts I would be able to
get to sleep because I was
coughing so much, but it
seemed my coughing sort of
paused for a few minutes,
and because I was so tired I
fell asleep almost
instantly. I am unsure of
the exact time I fell
asleep, but I was sure it
was probably close to 9pm. I
do know the exact time I
next woke up.
It was 11:06pm. I
seemed to make a mental note
of the time because it seems
I had reached an inflection
point in my coughing. It
almost felt like I would be
stopping soon. That never
quite happened, but it did
seem like the nature of my
cough had changed in what I
hoped was for the better.
One very obvious change is
that every time I woke up in
the night (often around once
an hour) I didn't seem to
have much trouble getting
back to sleep.
I am now unclear
about what exactly happened
at 11:06pm. I might have
woken from a dream, or my
imagination outlived a
dream, or whether it was
just a sort of strange way
of interpreting how I
thought I felt. I guess it
was a dream - either in
part, or the whole thing,
but it seemed I had coughed
up the very last of the
mucus apart from one lot
that rolled off the top of
my nose to briefly cover my
mouth. I definitely had a
dream where all the mucus
was being generated on the
outside of my body. I wonder
if I was have a sort of
fever delirium. In the whole
run of this cold I have yet
to catch myself having a
I can't say for
definite why I woke up as
little as once an hour
during the night. It could
have been to have a good
coughing clear out, which I
certainly did, or to have a
pee, which I also most
definitely did. The frequent
need to pee could have been
because of high blood
glucose, or because I was
drinking a lot to try and
keep my tickly throat wet.
I'll mention the grim
readings later, but my blood
glucose is most definitely
very high, and I am very
sure it is because I
am fighting some sort
of disease. I have had many
instances of this before.
One rather excellent
thing was how easy it was to
get back to sleep after
waking up for a pee. I can
only remember one period of
insomnia last night, and I
don't think the worst was
over about 20 minutes, and
maybe half that was more
typical. It might not have
been great sleep, but I am
pretty sure I got more than
my 8 hours last night. once
again I woke up feeling a
little cool at 4am, and I
turned the heater on low. I
think I managed a full 2
hours sleep in the warm
room, but unlike the day
before, I woke up only a bit
sticky instead of pouring
with sweat. That might, or
might not, have been a good
One good sign was
that after getting up, and
having a fairly big pee, I
weighed myself, and found I
had lost a little bit more
of the recent peak of weight
gain. It was only a
loss of 200gm, although it
could have been more if I
had had a poo beforehand,
but I am now back to my sort
of average weight. If I can
eat in a similar way to
yesterday, today, I might
lose another couple of
hundred grammes.
The very best thing
about that weight loss is
that it sort of confirms I
have not been eating that
badly, and by my own
metrics, I feel I have eaten
less than usual. My blood
glucose readings suggest I
have been positively
gluttonous.They are quite
similar to yesterday. The
Contour meter read a
terrible 10.7mmol/l. The
GlucoRX meter read slightly
less, but still terrible
10.2mmol/l. Once again the
Sinocare meter read a
slightly less terrible, but
still terrible 9.2mmol/l.
The average of all three was
10.03mmol/l, and it is some
sort of consolation that
today is just very slightly
lower than yesterday's
I still feel pretty
awful this morning, despite
getting some good sleep, and
so I will have to write off
any idea going to the second
day of Chettfest. I'm not
sure what I will do today.
In think I defintely need to
wash my hair and have a
shower to wash off all the
sweat. It is probably I
might get a short lived
boost from that, and the
steamy air in the shower
will probably help my throat
and nose (which is still a
bit drippy, but way
overshadowed by my cough).
One thing I do want
to do today is to get out
into the hot sunshine. I am
pretty sure I won't fancy a
walk while I am still
coughing, but one
possibility is to spend an
hour or so in the garden
strimming off more weeds,
and stuff. It makes me think
it would be harder work than
I am ready for, but I am
going to see if I can
persuade myself that it will
do more good than harm. I
think I am going to change
my sweaty bedding, although
I am very sure I won't have
the energy or inclination to
start to wash the stuff I
take off the bed until
I am at least over this

1460 words
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