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Friday 16th
August 2024
I'm not sure that either
The BBC or The Met
Office got yesterday's
weather forecast right.
The met Office said
sunshine all day, and
The BBC said sunshine
until mid morning, and
then sunny spells until
mid afternoon. What I
seem to remember was
that between sunny
spells there were hours
when it got quite dull,
but there were a couple
of short sunny spells
well after the official
cut off time. The
temperature still
reached the forecast 23°
C, and there were
some light showers
late in the
This morning started
dull, and a bit damp
looking after
overnight rain. By
now we should be
well into the
forecast sunny
spells, but as I
type this there have
only been a few
flashes of sunshine
through a still
cloudy sky.
Hopefully the clouds
will soon burn off,
and we will get the
forecast pure
sunshine until
sunset. By mid
afternoon the
temperature should
have risen to 25°
Tomorrow is currently forecast
to be very sunny, and with a
peak temperature of just 24 °
I didn't feel
all that good yesterday,
and it was mostly due to
losing so much sleep
during the night. The loss
of sleep was because I was
rather regularly going to
the toilet until 3am
yesterday morning.
Fortunately my guts seemed
to have settled down by
yesterday morning, and
although I was aware of
them, they didn't seem to
cause me any more trouble.
I would dearly have
loved to have a good
snooze after I finished
writing here yesterday,
but I didn't dare because
I was expecting the
postman to deliver the
third and final CD from
the band called Kayak. I
had ordered them from/via
Amazon, and I could have
ordered two more, but one
was a stupid price, and
the other was a completely
insane price. It was sort
of handy that yesterday it
was one of the faster
postman (or one who plans
his route to be here
earlier), and I only had
to wait until just after
midday before he delivered
the CD.
That final CD was
called "Universal
Masters", and was supposed
to have been remixes from
the original master tapes
of some of the band's
early stuff. One reviewer
on Amazon didn't like the
remixes, or maybe he just
referenced one particular
track. The only thing I
think I noticed was that
the level of the vocals
were a bit higher, and
sounded more forward. That
was possibly a good thing.
I knew every track on the
CD except one. It seems
like it had never been
released on any album
before, but maybe had been
on the B side of a single.
I thought it was rather
After getting the
CD I did allow myself to
lay back, read for a bit,
and I had a short snooze,
but I could allow myself
to get too relaxed. I was
expecting Jodie over,
possible early, for a
Thursday afternoon beer
tasting session. I didn't
need to do too much to
prepare for that, but I
did want to rip the CD to
mp3 files so we could
listen to the album on the
dining room PC while we
were drinking.
Another thing I
wanted to do was to make
sure I had some lunch
before we started drink,
and I looked at what was
in the fridge that might
make for a fairly light
lunch, and nothing too
likely to tax my delicate
guts. I'm not sure if what
I did choose was all that
light. It was a pack of 10
fish fingers (using some
poor substitute for cod)
which I deliberately over
cooked in the mini
grill/oven. I gave them a
sprinkle of salt and
vinegar when I ate them.
They were not that nice,
but probably about what a
99p packet from Aldi would
be like. I really out to
spend double of treble the
money for real cod fish
Jodie did arrive a
bit early, but not by
much. I think it was
probably nearer to 3:15pm
instead of more like
3:30pm (but sometimes even
later). I think neither of
us was in a heavy drink
mood, although that didn't
stop me having a full
500ml can of strong Polish
beer extra over what she
drank. Being a great Kayak
fan, Jodie was quite
interested to hear my new
CDs, but like me, she did
not find them terribly
We agreed they had
the typical Kayak sound,
but they had the sound of
a band that was coming to
the end of it's life, and
had burnt out. The CD we
did not have time to
listen to was released in
2022, and after that the
band called it a day. I
doubt that Jodie actually
heard much of the two
album was did play - she
was, as usual, deeply
engrossed on her phone,
sometimes looking at
Untappd, the beer logging
site, and at other times
to Instagram, and other
stuff she finds deeply
Jodie did not leave
that early. She had
planned to meet Alan in a
pub in Carlshalton
(Surrey) at 6.30pm. It
seems to be far away, but
a fast train to London
Bridge, and then a train
to Carlshalton was quite a
straightforward route. She
was aiming for a the
5:49pm train from Catford
Bridge, and so left here
at just after 5:30pm. It
was quite a quick way to
get to Carlshalton,
but not recommended unless
you have a Freedom pass,
or something similar,
otherwise going via zone 1
would make it a very
expensive option.
Once Jodie had left
I prepared my dinner. It
was quite a small, and
simple salad of some ready
cooked "fajita" chicken
lumps with some salad
leaves, a few baby
tomatoes, and the last two
"fiery" beetroots. In fact
it seems so small that I
had a dessert of a whole
(small) tub of Iceland's
"My Protein" low calorie
and low sugar ice cream. I
ate while watching Star
Trek - one of the four
episodes of four different
Star Treks shown last
night. None were
particularly good
episodes, but none of them
were particularly bad
the last Star Trek
finished at 8pm. There was
some potential TV on later
in the evening, but I was
already feeling a bit
tired. I was soon in bed
reading after having
brushed my teeth first,
and I only read until just
after 8.30pm. I am fairly
sure I was fast asleep by
8.46pm. I woke up exactly
an hour later, and
struggled to realise why,
after what seemed like a
great sleep, it was not
light outside. The reason
was very simple. It was
9.46pm, and not 9.46am
! It must have taken
me a whole 5 seconds to
work that out.
I'm struggling to
remember if I woke up for
any special reason. I
guess it was probably for
a pee. It might also have
been because I was farting
a lot last night. My guts
had been bubbling and
glooping a lot in the
night, but it seems it was
all wind, although I do
remember rushing to the
toilet when I was worried
that one particularly
smelly fart my have been a
"wet fart". Thankfully it
was not !
At a guess it was
around 2am that I had a
memorable dream....except
it was not memorable
because I have completely
forgotten it now. Later in
the night I had a good
reason to forget a dream I
was having when I woke up.
I woke up because of
cramp. I leapt out of bed
to put weight on my very
painful left leg, and that
action was so important
that the dream didn't
survive being awake for
mere seconds.
As far as I can
tell, I got a really good
sleep last night. I know I
woke up at least 3 or 4
times in the night, but I
seemed to fall asleep
again with seconds of
closing my eyes. I almost
felt good when I got up
this morning a little
after 6am. Another bit of
cramp as I woke up spoiled
things a bit, and only
farting instead of having
a poo was another
disappointment. Even
without doing a poo, my
weight seemed to have
dropped a little bit this
morning. It is not the
lowest I have seen in the
last couple of months, but
I think I have now had
quite a run of slightly
lower weights, and this
suggests a possible
permanent change for the
My blood glucose
readings this morning were
fairly good, although I
had hoped for a lot
better. The Contour meter
was the best with
7.8mmol/l. If all three
meters agreed with this
figure I would be quite
happy, but the GlucoRX
meter read 8.1mmol/l, and
the Sinocare meter agreed
with that. Only three
daily averages this month
have been lower, and not
by much. I guess today was
still pretty good. My
blood pressure seems
pretty good this morning.
In fact it is probably
excellent. Admittedly it
was on the second attempt
that I got a reading of

Now an then I like
to confirm the blood
pressure readings I get
from my wrist blood
pressure meter. The Meter
I use to confirm the
readings is my OxiPro BP1
meter. It is not so easy
to use because the cuff
has to be strapped onto my
right arm (my left arm has
a funny shaped muscle, and
the cuff cannot grip it
properly). That means
using my left hand to put
the cuff on, and the
difficulty of doing that
can raise my blood
pressure by itself. After
allowing a minute to calm
down, and taking a nice
deep breath before taking
a reading, I got the
figures seen in the
picture on the left.
103/53 is a little bit
different to 99/47, but it
is still in the good area,
although on this meter it
is just inside the "Ideal"
area. That seems good
enough to me.
I have already done
one of today's jobs. It
was the tedious job of
re-doing the patch over
the split in my bath tub.
One little thing I did
(actually last night while
letting it dry out) was to
drill a couple of small
(1/8th inch) holes at each
end of the split. That
will hopefully stop the
split getting longer. Once
again, also last night, I
put a fillet of silicone
sealant along the
crack. This morning
I used lots of Duct tape
to cover the silicone
sealant, and either side
of the crack. I don't know
how long the last repair
lasted, but it may have
been over 6 months.
Hopefully this latest
repair will last as long,
or longer. The ultimate
repair is to get the bath
tub replaced, but that
will probably be rather
expensive, and the
disruption horrendous. I
am most definitely not
looking forward to the day
when that is the only
Hopefully I can
have a shower this morning
without any leaks, and
maybe after that I can
wash some clothes. If the
sun eventually does break
through.....err, it looks
like is has done now, it
should be a good day to
dry clothes. I might even
do some clearance work in
the garden. I did think
about going out somewhere,
but maybe "somewhere"
might only be to Iceland.
I feel it would be good to
get a few more of their
"My Protein" low calorie
and sugar items. I can
also get some more zero
sugar biscuits. The
chocolate oat biscuits
should go really well with
a nice glass of cold milk.
I really must check the
nutritional information
before getting carried
away, but I am wondering
if I could have milk and
biscuits for an occasional
meal. In theory it should
be easy on my guts if they
play up again. They seem
OK this morning.

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