a day forecast to be fairly
wet, yesterday was remarkably
dry. That is not to say there
was no rain at all, but what
fell was barely noticeable -
except late in the evening
when I wasn't really paying
attention. Yesterday I sort of
joked that the rain forecast
for 11am to 1pm might actually
be sunshine instead - it was !
Sadly it was still a cold day,
and I am not sure if the
single hour forecast as 18° C
actually reached that, but
most of the afternoon did
reach 17° C.
is nice and sunny this
morning, but if the forecast
bears any relation to
reality it will turn to just
sunny spells by 10am, and
grey sky by 1pm. From 2pm it
might rain....or like
yesterday, it could revert
to more sunny spells. It is
almost certainly going to be
cold with just 14° C
predicted. Tomorrow may be
bright with lots of sunny
spells, but once again the
best we can hope for may be
just 14° C.
I must have done a few
things right yesterday because it
seems like it was a fairly good
day, although like
most days, it became slightly
boring, fairly uninspiring, sort
of tedious after dinner. One very
notable thing about yesterday was
that it was possibly the last time
I go out shopping without wearing
a coat this year.
One thing I did yesterday
was to check the weather a year
ago. I was thinking that the
recent weather has been very
disappointing for early September.
Itend to think that September is a
summer month, although further
research showed that this time in
2023 may have been very
exceptional. As the weather
forecast from the Met Office
showed, the temperature reached
30° C, a year ago, and if I recall
correctly it may have been 32° C
the day before ! By the end of
September 2023 we were seeing days
like today.
The great achievement
yesterday was to go shopping in
Tesco, and it wasn't just going to
and from Tesco, but the end result
of some of the stuff I bought.
More about that further down the
page. Before I could go out I
thought it would be good to have a
shower. I also had a wet shave at
the same time, and that will save
a bit of time today.
The walk to and from Tesco
was interesting - in the negative
context of "interesting". Almost
before I stepped off the kerb to
cross the road, I had what seemed
like weak angina pains. I am sure
it was not angina because it
didn't get any worse as I walked,
and it came one on before I had
done anything to trigger it. It
may have been heartburn, but I
don't think it was even that. In
some ways it was more like the
sort of joint pains you get from
'flu, but it seemed to be confined
from mid belly up to shoulders.
I think I pushed myself a
little harder was I walked to
Tesco to see if it would make
things worse as a sort of proof
that it could be angina. I guess
it did make it marginally more
uncomfortable, but nowhere near
angina levels. I am at a loss to
make any sort of diagnosis as to
what it was, but maybe it was
something to do with it being
cold. I think it was only about
19° C when I went out, and I
didn't wear a coat. With a bit of
sunshine it would have felt fine,
but without it was very close to
feeling chilly.
My shopping list was no
more than a few ideas, although I
guess many shopping list are no
exception to that. The first place
I headed to in Tesco was the
vegetable section to go some
cauliflower and broccoli. I then
bought 4 cans of soup - two being
the incredibly low sugar Tesco
cream of chicken soup, and the
other two chosen to be quite low.
I liked the look of some posh
tomato soup until I saw the sugar
content. It must have been syrupy
enough to put on your cornflakes
(or something).
I next headed to the
reduced price shelf where I saw
some Scotch Eggs waiting to get
their yellow reduced price
stickers put on them. I went to
the meat counter where I got a
small pack of diced chicken
breast, a small pack of diced
beef, and because I couldn't see
any diced lamb I bought some lamb
leg steaks (or cutlets ?) that I
can dice myself. I then went back
to the reduced price shelf where
the Scotch Eggs now had the yellow
stickers on, and were reduced to
59pm per pack of 2. I bought two
I got a few more items
before I ended up at soft drinks,
and got four 2 litre bottles of
Diet Coke. I found a checkout with
one man being served, and no queue
behind him. It was not long before
I was staggering out of the store
with 8 litres of Diet Coke in my
rucksack, and my shopping bag full
to the brim. The walk back home
was like the walk to Tesco -
slightly uncomfortable from the
moment I left the checkout to
beyond the time I arrived at home.
I put away most of what I
had bought, but left the diced
chicken out. I put that in my
biggest Pyrex casserole dish (with
lid) and after adding two stock
cubes, some water, and the remains
of the onion I had been using in
cheese and onion roll, I put it in
the microwave on full power for 15
minutes to part cook it to save
time later on, nearer dinner time.
I then went up to my PC, and ate
one packet of 2 Scotch Eggs with a
sprinkle of hot pepper sauce on
I had an hours rest of
reading and short snooze after I
had finished my lunch. Then, still
yawning, I went out to the
bathroom where I had left some
laundry soaking in detergent. It
was two pairs of long lounge pants
and two pairs of underpants. The
lounge pants needed some extra
wringing out power, but I got the
whole lot done, three rinses, and
then fabric conditioner before
hanging everything on the big
clothes horse in the living room -
with the desk fan blowing it to
speed up the drying.
I had a naughty little
snack after finishing the laundry
job. It was two small packets of
crisps made even more unhealthy by
using up an over half empty tube
of chorizo flavoured, Primula,
cream cheese in a squeezy tube.
The cream cheese did very little
to make the crisps nicer, but it
seemed a satisfying snack. Of
course I only did it because I was
starting to feel the first boredom
coming on. I mostly went
back to reading to soak up another
hour or two before dinner time.
Before I served my simple
chicken stew I added a few
miniature potatoes, and some
broccoli and cauliflower. It was
starting to look like quite a big
dinner, but when I came to eat it
it, I found that some of the size
was just thin gravy. I made no
attempt to drink that gravy, and
ended up pouring it down the sink.
What I did do to top up my dinner
was to eat the last of the sugar
free choc chip cookies I had
bought from the little supermarket
on Catford Bridge. They topped off
dinner nicely.
I watched a few Star Treks
last night, but once Voyager
finished at 8pm I could find
nothing to tempt me to keep the TV
on. Instead I spent almost an hour
on the internet reading such
stories as
some of these news items are worth
it for the comments section which
are far longer than the news
story, and are often amusingly
I think I was in bed,
reading, by 9pm, and I probably
put my book down at about 9.30pm.
I was fast asleep very quickly
after that. I was about to say
that last night I had some dreams
that I could describe, and that is
true provided you use the past
tense sense of the word "could".
As soon as I tried to think what I
was going to say it seemed that
most memories of my dreams just
vanished into thin air.
I do remember a few
fragments of dreams. One was about
one of my old cats just walking in
years after he dies, and demanding
he be fed. Another bit of dream
was horrifying, and so I guess
easier to remember. The dream was
set in an electronic workshop, but
I am not sure of it was my old one
at home, or at work. In the dream
I accidentally put my arm on a hot
soldering iron. The peculiar thing
is that I cannot recall any pain,
but I could smell burnt flesh. The
iron stuck to my skin, and I
couldn't pull it off until it had
cooled down. Where it eventually
came off I could see it had burned
a big hole, or maybe it was like
it had melted a big hole. There
was no sign of any redness or
charring, and still no hint of
pain. I seemed to assume it would
just grow over again.
During the night I did
almost my usual frequency of
getting up for a pee, but maybe
last night I skipped one. It is
possible I just didn't remember
going, but it seemed like there
was a 4 hour gap between going for
one pee. It also seemed like I may
not have peed as much during the
whole night as usual. That
suggested a possible dip in my
blood glucose, but potentially
some weight gain if I was still
carrying a lot of water.
I needn't have worried
about the later. After a pee and a
poo I weighed myself, and it seems
that I have lost another 500gm.
There is about another kilogram to
go, or twice what I lost
yesterday, and I was be exploring
realms I have not seen for a long
time - and possibly time to put
another hole in my trouser belt !
My blood glucose might have
been bad this morning, but a
second reading on one meter made
it a particularly good morning.
The Contour meter was in the light
green (very good) area with a
reading of 7.2mmol/l. The GlucoRX
decided the reading should be a
horrendous 9.2mmol/l, but a fresh
test strip, and a fresh squeeze of
blood gave a nice reading of
8.0mmol/l. The Sinocare meter
confirmed my low blood glucose
reading with a very nice 7.5mmol/l
- also in the light green (very
good) area.
My blood pressure continues
to be mildly higher this morning.
This morning it was 115/58. That
is again in the "optimum" (i.e.
better than "normal") range, and
so there is nothing to complain
about there, although I will keep
and eye on it. If it continues to
creep up I may try (but probably
fail) to speak to a doctor about
it. One possible reason for
this small rise in my blood
pressure may be because I feel
cold. It is a cold morning, and I
refuse to waste money on heating
until at least mid October, and
maybe the start of November.

This morning I had the
novelty of trying a Japanese curry
flavour cup noodle. Soba make some
tasty "cup noodles". The Chilli
flavour is particularly nice. It
is a shame that the range tends to
be more expensive than many
cheaper, but equally nice or nicer
alternatives. This Japanese Curry
flavour I consider very bad value
for money. It is not nasty, but I
can't say I actually like it. It
was good enough for a one off
taste, but unless I see it heavily
discounted, maybe to clear unsold
stock, I will not be buying
There are two things that
could turn today from a good day
to a bad day. One is the unknown
quantity, or rather time, of a
delivery from Amazon. It could be
around 11am, it could be later
this afternoon, or it could be in
the middle of my visit to The
Jolly Farmers for another
Wednesday lunchtime (two pints of)
Today could really be a day
when I hope the forecast is
correct, and it does rain. I have
been asked to go to Dik's place at
6pm to take some pictures of his
band after they finish rehearsing
at his place. Apparently he wants
a picture of them all lined up
with their backs to a brick wall.
That could be tricky if it is
raining - particularly if they
want to hold guitars or something
(I know my camera is moderately
rain proof, but I'm not !).
There is one possible
and one probable reason for not
wanting to go on this photo job
assignment. The possible is that
my Amazon delivery could still not
have arrived by the time I have to
leave to go to Dik's place. The
probable is that it is likely to
be a very slow and painful walk.
He only lives about half a mile
away, but he is near the top of a
hill, and I can imagine my angina
will be kicking in before I am
halfway there, and the last half
will have to be done with frequent
stops as I go up the hill. I am
unsure why I agreed to go now. So
hopefully the weather forecast
will be correct, and it will be
called off because of rain.