Once again it is a bright
sunny morning, and once
again the temperature was at
least as low as 7° C
according to my three
thermometers. However, today
rthe strong sunshine should
raise the temperature to 18°
C by mid afternoon. That
could feel quite warm in
direct sunshine, but still a
bit cool in any shadow.
Tonight is shown as another
clear night, but the
temperature may not fall so
low by tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow could start at 10°
C, and non stop sunshine
until 3pm, when, like
yesterday, and the day
before, it will give way to
sunny spells, should see 19°
C. I still maintain it has
to be 20° C to be officially
warm in my book, but it
should still be very
pleasant compared to the
sometimes almost wintry days
we have seen recently.
I think I could
describe yesterday as
peaceful, That could be
another way of saying that
not a lot happened, but it
was not a boring day.
Although "not a lot"
happened, some useful things
did happen, and it all
happened after I finished
the patch on my cracked and
leaking bathtub.

What should have
happened was me washing my
hair and having a shower. I
am not sure why I didn't
feel that was important.
Maybe my subconscious knew I
would not be going anywhere,
not even to go shopping, and
I was not expecting any
visitors. So I stayed
(hopefully) just mildly
stinky, and that fresh
clothes and a spray of
deodorant would suffice if I
did have any unexpected
What I actually did
first to check my new patch
was not leaking, was to do
some laundry. It was only a
single item, but I thought
it needed special attention
because like a towel, it was
very absorbent, and also
tricky to wring out. It was
the red and black fleece
jacket (or whatever you call
it) pictured on the left.
What is not easy to
see is that it shows a lot
of wear in the form of
"bobbles" (little balls of
fleece). It is mostly
visible in the lower half
where it has rubbed again
the edge of workbench, and
maybe even the bar in a pub.
I haven't worn it in public
for years, and that is only
partly because of how it
looks. It is also because it
can get warm underneath. I
do wear it a lot indoors in
late autumn before I am
forced to give in and put
the heating on. Even after
the heating is on it is
still useful when waiting
for a room to warm up.
I finished the wash
after I had given it about 6
rinses, and didn't bother
with any fabric conditioner,
at just after 1pm, and then
hung it on the washing line
to dry. It caught a fair bit
of sunshine, but at 5pm,
with the sun already low in
the sky, I checked it. The
top was dry, but I could
wring more water out of the
bottom of the it ! I wrung
the bottom out to the best
of my ability, and took it
indoors to dry on the big
clothes horse in the front
I'm getting a bit
ahead of myself here. To go
back to after putting the
fleece in to soak, I left it
soaking while I had a hot
lunch. It was a big bowl of
beef noodle soup, and it had
to be made up from dry
ingredients in a packet, and
simmered for 5 minutes to
complete the cooking. I have
used it before, but there is
a setting on my microwave
that I think is a simmering
setting. The icon the
selector knob points to is
just a vague sort of
meaningless squiggle. It
might be the setting for
drying socks for all I know,
but I could hear the
magnetron pulsing on and off
while on that setting.
The recipe for the
soup actually started off
tipping the mix into boiling
water, and I got that from
the kettle. It was after
that I used the microwave on
the squiggle setting. I
think it was probably the
best setting because the
soup didn't seem to boil,
but was boiling hot when I
took it from the microwave.
After all that trouble I
expected it to be really
good. In fact it was rubbish
- not actually unpleasant,
but sort of bland except for
the noodles which were just
an inch long, and more like
cardboard. I shan't be using
them again.
After the usual post
eating rest, and maybe even
a snooze, I decided that I
still wasn't going to go to
Aldi (one of yesterday's
possibilities), and so I
still didn't have a shower,
but I did give the patch on
the crack in the bathtub
another test (which it
passed 100%). I washed a
hand towel. Now that did
need a lot of rinsing -
possibly 8 rinses, and if I
had the energy, patience and
tenacity, I would have done
another 4 or 5 to get the
rinse water completely
I felt I didn't need
to, and couldn't go that
far. The rinse water was
reasonably clear of froth
and bubbles, and I gave the
towel a good wringing out -
the best I could manage. I
hung it on the big clothes
horse in the front room
where the fleece was already
drying. As usual I had a
desk fan blowing at them to
help the drying along. This
morning I found both were
perfectly dry, and ready to
One thing about
yesterday was that I had
been running the heater on
just a single kilowatt from
about 3am, when I was
feeling cold in bed, until I
had got up and put some more
clothes on. After that I
relied on the sun to warm my
bedroom up. It did help a
lot, bit I still had to wear
a thick t-shirt all day to
stay warm - warm enough when
very inactive - such as
laying on my bed snoozing.
My hot soup lunch
helped warm me a bit, and I
wanted a nice hot dinner to
keep me warm after the sun
was too low in the sky to
warm the room any more. I
could have had cans of soup,
or even cooked the lamb
steaks I have in the fridge,
but I had a wicked (as in
sort of evil, and devil may
care, or something) idea
that I wanted hot fried
noodles with some sort of
meat - in other words a
Chinese takeaway.
The trouble with many
Chinese takeaways is that
many have a very high sugar
content (and incredibly hgh
if a "sweet and sour" dish).
However the food from the
Tai Won Mein Noodle House
seems to be OK in terms of
sugar content. I must admit
it is a very expensive
hobby, but last night I
ordered two expensive main
dishes. One was a mixed meat
and fried noodles, which was
my dinner last night, and
another Singapore fried
noodles, which will be
tonight's dinner.
I ate the mixed meat
fried noodles while watching
Star Trek. Curiously enough,
both Deep Space Nine and
Voyager were both watchable
episodes, although I was
tempted to turn off when I
recognised the start of
Voyager. I thought I
remembered it to be a really
tedious episode, but it
wasn't that bad. Meanwhile,
the mixed meat fried noodles
was extremely nice, although
it did seem to be rather
I was worried that
all that greasiness would
give me heartburn, and so I
washed it down with a nice
soothing glass of milk. I
think that worked OK,
although I did end up have a
slug of antacid mix when I
seemed to be getting a few
symptoms after going to bed.
The only trouble with the
milk is that it does have a
fair amount of natural
sugars in it, and drinking
it so late means it probably
spoiled my blood glucose
readings this morning.
After Voyager
finished at 8pm, I turned
the TV off, but I thought I
might watch an episode of QI
at 9pm. I didn't watch any
more TV because I was
finding it much warmer under
the duvet, and didn't fancy
getting up again. I read
until almost 9pm, and then
tried for sleep. It was then
that I briefly got out of
bed to have the antacid
mixture. It must have worked
well because I think I was
fast asleep by about 9.30pm,
although it may have been as
late as 10pm.
Last night was like
the last few nights. I know
I had some nice, even
enjoyable dreams, but I
can't remember anything
about them. Not even the
dream that I was determined
to remember because it was
so good, or interesting,
or.......That's the trouble,
I can't remember even why I
thought I should definitely
remember it. About all I can
say is that it probably was
not a sexy dream because I
usually remember those, or
at least remember waking up
just before the good bit !!
I do know, at least I
think I know, that I was up
having a pee every 2 or 3
hours. I also definitely
know because the evidence
was there when I got up,
that at around 3am I was
feeling cold again, and
turned the heater on low to
take the chill off the room.
It is odd that this morning
was at least as cold as
yesterday morning, and yet
the heater on low seemed to
warm my bedroom up more than
I turned it off
soon after getting enough
clothes on to go down to the
kitchen to prepare my
breakfast (which was a
single, but big packet of
instant noodles [around
120gm]). The heater has been
off since, and I am sitting
here with no t-shirt on, and
still feeling comfortable. I
don't think the bright
sunshine will be helping
much at the moment, but I am
relying on it to get my
bedroom nice and warm later
in the day.
Despite thinking I
would have a poo when I got
up, it seems I only did a
pee. I don't feel
constipated in an
uncomfortable way, but I
suspect I will have "gone"
in the next few hours. It is
a shame that it wasn't when
I first got up because the
scales told a sad story this
morning. I didn't think I
had eaten all that badly,
and my blood glucose
readings agree that I must
have eaten almost OK
yesterday, and yet my weight
would seem to have jumped up
almost by 700gm this
My blood glucose
readings are nothing to
celebrate, but they are
fairly good. The Contour
meter read 8.3mmol/l, and
that was under my old
target. The GlucoRX meter
was the best with a reading
of 7.7mmol/l, and that is
only a bit over my new
target. The Sinocare meter
was a bit better than the
Contour meter with a reading
of 8.2mmol/l. These readings
are good enough, but I still
aspire to get readings
closer to, or below my new
target of 7.5mmol/l, but it
is really difficult when
angina and other signs of
decrepitude stop me taking
the exercise I need.
This morning my blood
pressure seem to be a tiny
bit higher, but still in the
optimum area. At the rate of
increase it could be another
couple of months before I
need to even have the
mildest concern about
it. Overall I seem to
feel fairly OK this morning.
Yesterday I was suffering
from an odd sort of mix of
lower back pain, possibly
hip pain, and lower
abdominal pain. I have no
idea what the cause was
unless it was prostrate
cancer or something weirder.
This morning it is all but
gone. I can feel some just
detectable tenderness when I
bend forward (such as when
using the wash basin in the
bathroom), but it is no
bother, and I am guessing
even that will have gone by
later today.
Today I really must
have a shower, and probably
wash my hair. After that I
may go out, but probably not
to buy shopping. One brief
amusement yesterday was
taking a few test shots
using my new 800mm super
zoom lens. I didn't get any
memorable shots, but a few
came out almost OK. The
reason I was doing it was
the bright sunshine. To
lessen motion blur, which
can be truly awful at such a
high zoom amount, I was able
to use a shutter speed of
1/4000th of a second. That
almost freezes
One problem yesterday
was I was taking the
pictures out the front of
the house, and I was almost
shooting into the sun. It
occurred to me that there is
one target that would have
the sun on it, and is really
quite distant. It is the
view of Ladywell station as
seen from the footbridge
over the railway in the
park. If I can walk that
comfortably from home, and
get a few good shots, I
might be tempted to walk a
bit further. One great thing
about that zoom lens is that
it takes ages to line up a
good shot. Doing the manual
focussing, maybe several
times to get it right, and
then trying to hold the
camera and lens steady,
might mean a stop of over 5
minutes, and that is ample
time to relax and let any
growing angina pain go away.
If I do get out with
my camera, and I do walk
further than just to the
footbridge, I probably will
feel I have done enough for
the day, but it could also
mean that I might think I am
capable of walking just over
half a mile. That would be
the distance needed to walk
from Addiscombe tram station
to The Cricketers in Shirley
where Chain are playing
tonight. The chances of me
going are statistically
close to zero, but not
actually zero. Of course one
thing I am forgetting is
that if I do go I won't be
able to have my Singapore
fried noodles for dinner
tonight. I am looking
forward to those noodles,
and I guess that takes my
chances of going invisibly
close to zero.