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11th October 2024
Funnily enough, there were no
hurricane force winds
yesterday. Later revisions of
the BBC weather forecast added
a note at the top to say there
was a data error, and the
whole forecast was not
correct. In fact, apart from
the wind strength, it possibly
came closer to reality then
many past forecasts. The
morning was damp, the
afternoon featured sunny
spells, and the prediction of
an afternoon temperature of
11° C was sadly right.
This morning's version of
The BBC's weather forecast
looks about right, although
only time will tell how
close it comes to reality.
This morning the sky is
blue, and the temperature
was low enough for what was
probably frost on some shed
roofs I can see. No frost on
anyy cars though. The sun is
shining brightly, and inside
my bedroom the rays feel
nice and warm. The sun
should continue to shine
until 5pm when we may only
get sunny spells. The
afternoon temperature should
reach 12° C. A cloudy night
means tomorrow won't start
so cold, and although
sunshine will be at a
premium, if indeed there is
any, the temperature could
rise to 14° C. The main
problem is that the middle
of the day is probably going
to be wet.
Yesterday was
mostly a good day, but it
ended badly. I'll explain
the bad ending further down
the page. The good was
actually a bit sparse in
some ways.....on the other
hand it did involve beer !
With a drinking session with
Jodie, and Michael in the
afternoon, my first real
action of the day was to
have a shower, and once
again it was a bit cool, but
fortunately not so cool as
to be uncomfortable.
I seemed to write a
lot yesterday, and I got off
to a late start to do it. It
meant it was not far off
midday before I could put my
feet up for a while before
having a slightly cool
shower. After that I needed
no time to cool off, and I
got dressed ready to go out.
I wanted to get some stuff
from the little supermarket
on Catford Bridge. It is
slightly unusual to go out
just to do that. More often
I get stuff from there on
the way back from the
Top of my shopping
list was some apples. They
have some Spanish (I think)
apples that they describe as
golden, but as far as I can
recall, they don't look like
French "Golden Delicious"
apples, and they certainly
have a nicer, more apple-y
taste. I bought three of
those, and three big juicy
oranges. The fruit from that
shop always seems nicer than
that from Tesco. Tesco fruit
is usually underipe, or has
been force ripened.
I had hoped that the
little supermarket would
have some sugar free
biscuits, but sadly all I
could see was gluten free
biscuits - which I didn't
want, or buy. What
they always seem to have is
a wide selection of instant
noodles. I find I am not so
keen on the Korean noodles,
although when prepared a bit
closer to the instructions,
they are not so bad. The
trouble with that is that it
means boiling them for a few
minutes, and then draining
the water off before adding
the dried vegetables, plus
the concentrated, syrup
like, flavouring.
That is a lot of
messing around for "instant
noodles" and I didn't buy
any of those yesterday. I
did buy some Polish, Vifon
branded instant noodles that
were, according to then
packet, "Chinski flavour".
In the small print it says
in English that is Chinese
style chicken flavour. That
is debatable. I had two
packs, that are small, maybe
60gm, in one bowl this
morning, and they seemed OK,
but I didn't notice anything
I would describe as Chinese
or Chicken flavours.
It seemed a
fair walk to the mini
supermarket and back. It is
approximately the same
distance as Catford Bridge
station, but of course there
is no footbridge to cross at
the end of the walk. That
footbridge is the real
killer, but otherwise the
distance is just at my limit
of walking with no chest
pains. After I got
home I made myself a
(hopefully) very safe,
probably healthy, lunch of a
chunk of cheese plus an
apple and an orange.
It didn't seem long,
although I guess it could
have been as much as two
hours before Jodie arrived
carrying more beers. It is
funny how she can remember
what beers she had drunk,
but could remember there
were tow small fridges full
of beers, and among them
were quite a few she had
been looking forward to. We
actually started with a
couple of small cans of IPA
style beer, and they weren't
that bad. Then she opened
one of the dreaded fruit
sour style beers, and it was
disgusting !
Prior to Jodie
arriving she had sent me a
text message to let me know
she was on her way (I think
she thought she might be
late, but if anything she
was very slightly early).
Once I was sure she was
coming I sent a text message
to Michael to say we were
drinking in the afternoon,
and he joined us a little
bit earlier than recently -
at about 4.45pm (normally it
is after 5pm). He was full
of "joy", or in other words
he was pretty miserable
about the situation with his
serious dementia suffering
We, or I, seemed to
get through quite a few
beers yesterday afternoon,
although it has to be
remembered that I was
usually splitting even a
330ml can with Jodie so we
could both have a taste of
it. Sometime that is not a
great idea because some
beers you need to glug down
a full pint to get the
flavour of it. Of course the
downside of that is that
with Jodie's taste for awful
beers it would mean her
having to drink the whole
lot, or giving my share to
the sink to drink !
At the end I sort of
assumed I must have been
fairly drunk, but it seems I
still had some self control.
I had been lusting after a
very expensive takeaway of
Singapore Fried Noodles, but
I seem to find the common
sense to substitute instant
noodles at something like a
tenth of the price. I had
two bowlfuls, and one,
particularly with the
addition of some hot chilli
sauce, was extremely spicy,
and in a couple of hours I
would be paying the price
for that.
I had got that dinner
ready just in time to see
all but the first few
minutes of Star Trek:
Voyager. I don't know why I
rushed because it was not a
great episode. In fact I
would almost go as far as to
say it was rubbish ! When it
ended at 8pm I didn't do my
usual of going to read in
bed. Instead I spent a bit
of time looking at railway
services and maps of the
railways. It all started
when I thought that I might
go out to do some semi
random travel on my Freedom
I noted that the
tube/railway map shows that
Kenton station, on the
Bakerloo line, and Northwick
Park on the Metropolitan
line, are shown as in
walking distance. I decided
to check, and it seems that
they are about 600 metres
apart, of 3/8th of a mile.
That should be easy walking
distance for me in my
difficult state. It is my
intention of taking the
Bakerloo line as far as it
goes, and than change to
London Overgound services
the rest of the way to
Watford Junction. That is
well out the normal travel
zones, but the journey is
still valid on my Freedom
Pass - provided it is on a
London Overground/TFL
It was probably about
9pm before I headed for bed,
and it felt too late to
read. I tried to go to
sleep, and I think I did
despite feeling a bit
uncomfortable. It was
possibly 11pm when I woke
again. I was mostly needing
a pee, but I was also
starting to suffer from
heartburn, but it could have
actually been angina. I was
also feeling like my guts
were playing up. I went to
the toilet for a pee, and
also did a poo - quite a
fair sized amount.
As I walked back to
my bedroom what had seemed
like heartburn, became more
like angina pains, and I
could feel that pain move up
to my neck. It even gave me
toothache. That was almost
going in to heart attack
territory. Once back in my
bedroom, and sitting in
front of my PC, I checked my
blood pressure. It was
dangerously high with a
systolic pressure of
168mmHg. Over the next 30 to
60 minutes it gradually
I had taken a swig of
antacid suspension, and that
seemed to have settled the
heartburn, and made burping
no loner acid tasting. It
did that quite quickly, but
it took a lot of time until
my blood pressure returned
to my normal (I think I got
the systolic pressure down
to just 109mmHg). The chest
pain had gone, but my guts
still felt a bit sore. I
went to bed, and after a
while I managed to fall
asleep. After that I seemed
to sleep well, or at least
I can remember at
least a précis of a dream I
had last night. It was
influenced by the time I
worked on an industrial
estate in my last job, but I
wasn't at work in the dream.
I'm not sure exactly what I
was doing, or where I was.
It seemed to be like being
at home, but "home" seemed
to be an old pub. It no
longer had a bar, but it was
very spacey, and the windows
and doors seemed to be
typical of an old pub.
One thing that made
it seem like home was a cat.
It was asking to go out,
even though it seemed to be
raining. I opened the door
and stepped out, and
immediately soaked the socks
I was wearing as the only
cover on my feet. The cat,
who didn't seem to have a
name, rushed out, and almost
got run over before dashing
into a big warehouse on the
other side of the road.
I was a bit worried
about it going into the
warehouse, but it seemed
like it might have been a
favourite destination for
several other cats and dogs.
I think some time had passed
when I checked to see if the
cat wanted to come back in.
I couldn't see it at first,
but then suddenly several
cats and dogs ran out from
the warehouse after being
shooed out by someone who
worked in there. I tried to
call the cat, but as I
mention a bit earlier, it
didn't seem to have a name,
and that made it difficult.
I think I woke up trying to
think of what I could call
the cat.
I seemed to wake up
at what seemed a reasonable
time to get up. I think it
was around 6.20am. As usual
I went straight to the
toilet after getting up, and
I had a decent pee, and I
also had a good poo..well I
say good, but ten minutes
later I would be back on the
toilet doing a lot more.
Even after all that it
seemed like I had put weight
on again - a massive 700gm.
I still occasionally feel
like I could go to the
toilet again, but I have
eaten now, and so even if I
could lighten myself by
excreting poo and or pee, it
is now too late.
Fortunately, once
again, despite putting on
weight, my blood glucose
readings were good again,
although not so great as the
day before. The Contour
meter read 7.9mmol/l, or
just inside the light green
zone on my spreadsheet. The
GlucoRX meter read an even
lower 7.4mmol/l. The
Sinocare meter went back to
it's old habit of reading
much higher than the other
two. It read 8.4mmol/l, and
that is sort of neutral -
neither good or bad.
This morning I am
happy to say that my blood
pressure is perfectly normal
(for me). It was 106/44. I
do wonder sometimes if that
is not a bit too low, but my
doctors and the cardiologist
seem to think it is "well
controlled" (by the
prescription drugs I take).
Ideally I would like
to go to a gig tonight, but
it is going to be cold and
dark, and I doubt I would be
able to raise the enthusiasm
to go out. What might be
more possible, if it seems
my guts won't give me any
trouble, would be to go out
using my Freedom Pass to
visit Watford Junction, and
maybe try the walk between
Kenton station, on the
Bakerloo line, and Northwick
Park on the Metropolitan
line. Had it been summer,
when there is much more
daylight, and it would be a
lot warmer, I might have
even paid for a return
ticket, with Senior railcard
discount, between Watford
Junction and St Albans Abbey
station. It is a possibly
cute branch line that might
be interesting to visit.
Maybe that will be a treat
reserved for next summer.
2240 words today
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