Both the Met Office and the
BBC weather forecasts agreed
their would be mist this
morning, although the BBC
may have over egged it to
fog, and it was definitely
misty earlier this morning.
It did appear to have
lifted, but a look out the
window just now shows some
haze in the distance. Once
the sun manages to break
through, today may be like a
single degree cooler version
of yesterday. Just 16° C
forecast, but sunshine and
sunny spells to make it feel
warmer. Tomorrow could be
very wet until mid to late
afternoon when the sun may
come out - a couple of hours
before it sets again ! Most
of the afternoon could be
just 15° C, but a single
hour at 16° C is currently
Yesterday was
generally a good day. Being
able to leave the heating
off, but still feeling warm
because of the sunny spells,
was a good thing. Later on
my visit to the beer
festival, held in The
Catford Bridge Tavern was
also good. The long wait for
my beer delivery was less
With all the
important stuff due to
happen in the late
afternoon, I could take the
morning and half the
afternoon slow and easy. One
thing I did do, probably
before midday, was to have a
nice warm shave, shampoo and
shower. It is not perfect,
but I have mostly learned to
tame the excesses of my
water heater to give decent
temperature water. Prior to
washing I had my third (I
think) visit to the toilet.
It was very productive, and
after my shower, dressed
only in underpants, I
weighed myself. It seemed
like instead of putting
weight on, I had taken a
little off in the last 24
By maybe 2pm I began
to see reports about my beer
delivery. I was stop 112 on
the drivers run, and he had
already delivered over 80
parcels. That, and several
more checks on the progress,
gave me hope that my
delivery would be a fair bit
earlier than the official
estimated time of between
5.32 and 6.32pm. It seemed
best to abandon my plan to
go to the beer festival for
maybe one pint, and rush
home again.
I knew I would be
late, and messaged Jodie to
say so, and waited. The
delivery actually arrived at
about 4.45pm, and once I had
given it a quick inspection,
I put on my coat, and almost
rushed to the pub. I knew I
couldn't really rush, but I
think I went a bit faster
than ideal. I arrived at the
pub just before 5pm, and so
theoretically an hour late.
As expected, I was just at
the point of when things
start to get painful -
angina pains - when I
arrived at the pub. I was
also very slightly short of
breath, but I still had
plenty of breath to order my
first pint.
The first beer that
attracted my attention was
the Gipsy Hill breweries
"Leg It" a gingerbread
flavoured brown ale. The
gingerbread flavour was
nice, but the beer left a
sort of nasty taste, and
that spoiled it. For my next
beer I passed over the beer
in the middle, Portobello's
"Star" British bitter. Maybe
it would have been nice for
reasons I'll come to later,
but I opted for the Five
Points brewery's "Railway
Porter". A good porter can
be very nice, but this one
tasted like it had been
brewed with badly burnt
My next beer was
Portobello's "Malster mash".
It was served direct from
the barrel, and even though
Portobello's head brewer was
in attendance, I don't think
it had been served well.
While I was paying for it,
and obviously before I
tasted it, I spoke to the
head brewer, and he did his
best to convince me it would
be a great beer, and
emphasised that the brewery
were using very traditional
hops (Goldings and Fuggles
if I recall correctly) to
make very traditional beers.
I didn't have the heart to
tell him that it was not
nice at all.
In my amateur
viewpoint, it was as if the
spile, the stopper that is
supposed to be set to allow
just enough air to trickle
into the barrel as the beer
is poured from it, had been
either left out, or was far
too loose. The beer tasted
as falat as a pancake. I
fear that many of the other
barrels would be like this.

My final beer was a
pint of "Old Freddy Walker"
from the Moor brewery in
Bristol. It was an "Old Ale"
- quite strong, 7.3%, and
thick and smooth. It made
for an excellent end to the
boozing session. I guess it
only needed a couple of sips
of it to get me drunk enough
to strip off my old t-shirt
(a 2006 Catford Beer
Festival t-shirt), and put
on my new festival t-shirt
bought at the same time as I
bought the last beer. I was
in a semi discrete position,
but quite a few people could
have seen my naked torso if
they were looking in the
right (o maybe wrong)
direction. The really good
thing about it was that the
biggest the barman could
find was an XL, and yet it
seemed to be a good fit. As
my weight seems to keep
going up and down, according
to the scales, it seems I
have shrunk a bit over the
last few years.
It did feel like I
could be making a stupid
mistake, and indeed it did
turn out to be a bad mistake
for other reasons, but I had
this mad idea in my head
that I would go home via the
fried chicken shop. I can't
remember when I last had any
fried chicken, but I
definitely had some last
I did my usual of
smiling, trying to appear
friendly, and saying please
after asking for just three
pieces of chicken. I was
sort of surprised that it
was only £5, and said thank
you as I was handed the
change from a £10 note. A
few minutes later I was
handed my box of chicken, in
a bag, and started to walk
home. I guess I walked
fairly fast because it was
dark, and I didn't want the
chicken to get cold.
I didn't feel
all that bad when I arrived
home, but I most definitely
would not have wanted to
walk any further. After
getting out of my outside
clothes, and also had a pee,
I sat down and opened my box
of fried to chicken to see
there were
pieces in it. In a shop
where many of the customers
can barely speak English,
and others can barely do
better than grunt - and do
it in a surly argumentative
sort of way, it definitely
pays to be polite and
friendly !
Once I had
eaten, and degreased my
fingers, I picked up my
phone to slowly type a
message. After a long period
of being ignored again, I
had received another message
from Angela while in the
pub. She says that on Monday
she starts her radiation
therapy, and in preparation
for this she had had another
MRI and/or CT scan so they
could pinpoint the exact
spot they want to hit with
the radiation. To make sure
everything is very accurate,
Angela had to wear what she
described as a mask. I think
it is a bit more than a
mask. I feel sure it is to
hold her head absolutely
still so the radiation beam
doesn't hit the wrong
Angela mainly wanted
to say she was terrified of
the treatment, and also that
she found the "mask" very
uncomfortable, and it was
chafing her skin somewhere.
She did say it was noticed
by the radiologist, and I
would hope that when the
treatment actually starts
they can put some padding,
or even just a sticking
plaster over the spot it
rubs. I gave Angela a quick
answer in the pub, and a
longer response after I had
eaten. I'll be sending her
my thoughts today.
The only other thing
I did, or at least intended
to do before going to bed,
was to prepare that pictures
I have used here today. The
only trouble was that the
four pieces of chicken, on
top of the beer, gave me
horrendous indigestion. Some
of is was also heartburn,
but just some of the burping
was pretty unpleasant. I
thought at one pint that I
might throw up. With some
antacid liquid it settled
down enough to finally get
to sleep by about 11pm (I
had actually intended to get
to sleep around 9pm).
I did not sleep well
at all last night. I can't
remember a single thing
about them, but I think some
of my dreams were not
pleasant. The worse thing
was the ongoing stomach
upset, and the other worse
thing was the amount of time
I woke up to have a pee. I
knew after drinking four
pints of beer I would be
waking up several times in
the night, but I seemed to
wake up many times, and then
only have a small pee. I
suspect it was something to
do with some of the
intestinal pressure (I was
farting like a trooper for a
lot of the night) and my
inflated intestines were
pressing on my bladder or
I slept a bit better
in the last hours of sleep,
and even managed to sleep
through to just gone
7am. It was no
surprise that I needed
another pee as soon as I got
up. I also managed quite a
large poo while I was on the
toilet. To my great
surprise, after all I had
eaten and drunk, I seemed to
be 300gm lighter than
yesterday morning.
Sometimes I think my
subcocscious has a better
idea of what I should be
eating than my conscious
does. It seemed the four
pieces of chicken on top of
4 pints of beers was not
such a bad idea.
There was more proof
of this when I checked my
blood glucose readings. This
morning I am happy to say I
scored three (light green =
good) cherries. The Contour
meter read a very good,
maybe even excellent
7.1mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
read 7.3mmol/l - not quite
as good, but still very
good. The Sinocare meter was
spot on my latest target at
7.5mmol/l. In the unlikely
event I can eat carefully
enough today for similar
readings tomorrow, I would
hope to see a drop of a few
hundred grammes on the
scales tomorrow morning.
Apart from writing a
longer message to Angela,
and trying to do yesterday's
crosswords in Yesterday's
Metro, I have no real idea
what I will be doing today.
I do feel like a nice snooze
or two might be nice, and
there is a very small chance
I might pop along to the
beer festival again for
another pint of two. I'll be
on my own if I do, so unless
I can find a copy of the
Metro at the station, it
would be boring to sit there
by myself. I will probably
go on the spur of the moment
if I go at all.