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1st November 2024
Apart from (once
again) not a sign of the forecast
mist, yesterday had a very
accurate forecast. It was dull,
but dry all day, and the
temperature reached 15° C.
we are lucky there may be a
sunny spell at 2pm, but
otherwise, today is just
going to be a slightly
cooler version of yesterday
- dull, but dry. The
afternoon temperature may
only reach 13° C.
Tomorrow may see a couple of
hours of drizzle in the
morning, but then it will be
another dull but dry day,
although, having said that,
some of the cloud could be
thick and darker in the
This morning must
feature one of the latest
starts I have made when
writing this electronic
diary. I had a bit of an
unexpected lie in this
morning - one minute it was
just gone 6am, and in the
blink of an eye it was 8am !
After that there were a few
things that stopped me
writing sooner, and one was
composing some positive
things to say to Angela who
messaged me to say that she
was feeling bad as a result
of the radiotherapy.
Side effects to both
Chemo and radiotherapy are
well known, but that is no
comfort to those suffering
from it. The worst side
effect can be nausea, and my
advice to Angela was to try
to ignore as much as she
could, and make sure she
still eats properly, and to
no miss any chance to have a
snooze. Both will help to
keep up her strength. I said
a little more than that, but
they was the two most
important things. Angela
replied that my reply had
helped her feel better, and
maybe a bit more prepared to
face today's radio therapy.
One good thing
is that today is her last
treatment for this week -
the end of her 2nd of 6
weeks of therapy. I am very
sure she originally said it
was 6 days a week or
treatment. Maybe it was
going to be that originally,
and the hope is that they
are so pleased with her
progress that it is now just
5 days a week. That gives
her a full weekend to gather
her strength again.
Back to yesterday,
and after such a late start
I will just briefly say that
I had a good drinking
session with Jodie and
Michael. I thought I had
been careful in what I ate,
but after a lot of booze my
intended light dinner was
bigger than intended, and it
ended with a dessert of a
couple milk chocolate coated
hazelnut biscuits. They were
from the same series that
includes the bitter orange
flavoured dark chocolate
biscuits I like. The latter
have a very low sugar
content. I now think that
the milk chocolate version
is most definitely not
low sugar.
One added problem was
that it was quite late, gone
7pm, when I had dinner, and
that extra sugar so late
would have it's
consequences. In fact
everything I ate for dinner
had one other big
consequence - heartburn ! I
lost track of time, but I
think it was around midnight
when I was finally
comfortable enough to fall
asleep. Once asleep I seemed
to sleep very well - so well
this morning that I slept
through to 8am.
I did seem to pee a
lot last night, but then
again I had drunk a fair bit
of beer, and on reflection,
I wonder if a few of those
beers had a high sugar
content. They were fruit
flavoured beers, and unlike
those nasty sour beers that
Jodie likes, these were
almost, and maybe actually,
sweet tasting. Anyway, after
getting up I went for
another quite big pee, and
also a rather large poo.
I expected that after
all that excretion my weight
would possibly have dropped
a little. In fact it went
up. The worst thing is that
my blood glucose was very
high again. It was a strange
wide mix of readings. The
Contour meter read
10.3mmol/l. That is in the
danger zone, but at least it
was less thane yesterday's
10.5mmol/l. The GlucoRX
meter read a far more
reasonable 8.6mmol/l, and
that was a fair bit less
than the day before
(9.6mmol/l). This month I am
using my recently bought
Exactive meter. That gave
exactly the same reading as
the Sinocare meter
yesterday, and which was
9.9mmol/l - just on the low
side of the borderline into
the danger zone. This is all
very unsatisfactory, and I
shall try and do better for
tomorrow's readings.
Today I have nothing
special planned. I did
consider trying to drag
myself out for some sort of
walk, or even to do some
pointless but interesting
rail travel. I don't think
that will happen. One thing
I think I will more
definitely do is a bit of
laundry. I notice that the
laundry basket is getting a
bit full again. Apart from
the usual instant noodles
for breakfast, I may make my
lunch and dinner just cans
of soup. I have a feeling I
won't be able to resist any
snacks today, but I will try
and keep them to a minimum.
870 words today
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