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Sunday 22nd December 2024
  09:25 GMT

  Yesterday was very dull, very damp, and despite it apparently reaching 12° C in the afternoon, it still felt cold as well. A really miserable day.
  BBC_weather forecast    
  This morning it was colder than the forecast predicted. Clear skies took the temperature down to 4° C, and probably lower before sunrise. The clear sky means that at the moment we have some wonderful sunshine. It looks like it could continue for at least the next hour, and maybe longer. The only thing I think may be true in the forecast is the predicted gusty winds. Maybe it will only reach 7° C today, but the wind is from the east, and that is usually a warm direction, and maybe if the sun continues to shine it could raise the temperature another degree or two. Tomorrow forecast shows full sunshine from sunrise to midday, and then sunny spells from then until sunset. it may still only be 7° C at best.

  Even if yesterday did reach 12° C, it didn't feel like it. It was definitely cold feeling, definitely gloomy, and most definitely very damp. In short, a really miserable and depressing day. It didn't inspire me to do much except to eat too much, or the wrong things, or both.

  It is hard to remember all I ate. I seemed to be grazing a lot - a bit of this and a bit of that every now and again. One particular thing I regret was some ice cream. I realise it was far from ice cream weather, but it did seem a good plan. I enjoyed it, and it felt sort of delightfully naughty. I did manage to keep a fair amount of control over it, and stopped well before I might have if there were no restraints. I think I regret it this morning.

  The main problem yesterday was that I was not inspired to do anything even remotely like exercise, except for one thing that sort of counts as exercise, but only just. That one thing was to empty my laundry basket, and wash the three items in it - two t-shirts and a pair of lounge pants. I did the job in three parts. The first was to leave it soaking in detergent. I did the rinses in two parts, and not because I needed the rest in the middle, but more because I was feeling bored and depressed.

  I spent many hour yesterday just laying on my bed reading, and I also probably had 2 or maybe even three snoozes. If I wasn't laying on my bed, I was sitting in front of my PC, mostly reading stuff on it, but I did use it to watch another two episodes of The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy. I can't remember when I watched the first two episodes, but it was maybe a week ago on another dull, wet and miserable day - and also a day when there was only stuff of below zero interest on TV. That was definitely the case last night.

  I expected I would be fast asleep in bed soon after 8pm, or maybe 9pm might have been more realistic. Several things stopped that happening. One thing that stopped me falling asleep was probably the amount of snoozing I had done during the day. In turn that meant I was laying in bed with nothing to do but to find every tiny lump in the mattress, pillows, etc. I am not sure how in the cold light of day, but it is possible that my brain would just not shut up, although what I was thinking about is now anyone's guess.

  My dinner should have been innocent on several levels - the core of it was just two cod fish cakes - but because there were no other distractions I could feel some quite mild indigestion, and maybe a tiny hint of heartburn. If I had managed to fall asleep I would have just slept through all these problems. It was another night when I gave up in bed, and looked at stuff on my PC until gone midnight......possibly gone 1am !

  Once I finally got to sleep I went out like a light. As usual I got up to pee several times in the night, and after getting back in bed all the lumps and bumps I could feel when first trying to get to sleep, had all mysteriously gone, and I doubt it took more than a few minutes to get back to sleep. I know I dreamed, but apart from one dream, the details of the rest are very feint, or completely forgotten now. One dream was about being on The London Underground, but I have no memory of where I came from, or where I was going. The significant thing was that it was the London Underground of 30 to 50 years ago.

  The one dream I can describe in a small amount of detail was about sitting on the toilet, although that was just the setting of the dream, and what was happening there was not really part of the dream. The significant part of the dream was a flying mouse came into the bathroom. It was like a cross between a moth and a mouse. It didn't seem to be able to fly very well, and kept bumping into the wall at the other end of the bathroom. It did manage to make it to ceiling height, but didn't seem to stay there. After fluttering around for a minute or so it flew away again. It was very weird !

  This morning I would be happy to say that I had a big pee, and a poo, although the poo was a lot smaller than what I assumed I would do. It was enough to make the scales say that my weight had not changed a bit since yesterday morning. If I had had the sort (or size) of poo I expected I may well have shown a small loss. As it was, it did seem to suggest I didn't really eat too much yesterday - which is what I was hoping for while acknowledging that I could have had even better control if I hadn't felt so miserable and bored.

  While what I ate seemed to give zero weight gain, it obviously contained too much sugar. I feel the blame out to be on the ice cream I ate. I did select it as having half the sugar content of more fancy ice creams, and I think the amount I ate was only equivalent to half a 500ml tub - to my mind I did show a lot of restraint...somehow.

  This morning my blood glucose readings were really terrible, although I could try to blame it on part dehydration - I may not have peed more frequently in the night, but I did seem to pee large quantities than usual, but that could just be because my blood glucose is so high. The Contour meter read a very frightening 10.3mmol/l - well into the danger zone. The GlucoRX meter was a little bit kinder, but 10.0mmol/l is still very, very bad. Only the Sinocare meter offered any hope (for a change). It read 9.9mmol/l, and that is just under the red line by a whisker.

  Today I should be fasting to get that blood glucose down, but I have already started with two small tubs (instead of bowls) of instant noodles. One said it was a 60gm serving, and the other was 63gm. Usually when I have two servings of instant noodles made from packets they are typically 85gm, and occasionally 100gm. So I have shown some very small restraint.

  The rest of the day is going to be very tricky. If I have time I would like to go to Tesco, or maybe the little supermarket on Catford Bridge. Mostly I want to top up my dwindling stores of instant noodles. The little supermarket on Catford Bridge usually has a better selection of instant noodles, but Tesco has other stuff too. I have a desire to have a few frozen ready meals in my new freezer. They could stay in the freezer for weeks or even months, and so no instant temptations, but there could be plenty of other temptations in Tesco !

  The real complication comes later this afternoon when Jodie should be over for a beer tasting session. It will doubtlessly include some strong seasonal beers, and they can often be malty, and thus a big source of sugar. Even if the beers don't get me, the affects of the alcohol could cause all sorts of eating errors, and probably lead to another night where I can't get to sleep until the early hours of tomorrow morning when all the acid indigestion has died away. It could be both a tricky and enjoyable day - even more so if the sun keeps shining !
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