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Tuesday 31st December 2024
  09:11 GMT

  There were some nice sunny spells yesterday. They probably started at 11am, and finished earlier than forecast at maybe 3pm. The rest of the day was medium grey. The temperature peaked at 9° C.
  BBC_weather forecast    
  Today sees the start of some nasty weather. This afternoon could see some very strong winds, but at least they will be blowing in tepid temperatures. Most of the day could be 11° C. Tomorrow could reach 12° C, but at the cost of loads of rain, and some of it may be very heavy. Until midday there will be some extremely strong winds. The day after tomorrow is currently forecast to feature clear skies, some nice sunshine, but the temperature may not go over 3° C !

   The sunny spells we had yesterday were very nice, but did nothing to enthuse me. I think I was feeling a bit ill - for the second or third day running. It is nothing worse than a mild cold, but being mild it doesn't always seem obvious except for slowly grinding you down.

  I had idea that I might do some good stuff yesterday, but I ended up doing very little except stealthily eating too much. The thing is, I can't really remember anything too bad, or any great quantities of stuff. My health readings this morning say otherwise, and that is why I am putting some or all of the blame on the cold I seem(ed) to have. I am not sure if I have it this morning.

  The one thing I did do was to finish going through all the photos I had taken on Saturday night. I did find a few close to very good photos among them, but even the best would earn no rewards. I think my general impression of Saturday night was that while it was good to see Dan playing again, it was mostly a waste of time, and seemingly bad for my health.
Dan in typical
                                                guitar playing pose
  This was one of the better snaps of Dan Murthy playing his guitar. All the relevant bits are in focus, but his eyes being closed, and the brow of his hat obscuring some of his face make it a not that good picture.
Another guitar
                                                player pose
  Another great pose from Dan, but I still think the hat spoils it.
No hat
  I think I see why Dan was wearing a hat. For years now he has had very short hair, but now he has gone so far that even a jar head would salute him. The official description is "buzz cut", and as a long haired person (albeit getting thinner every day as I approach 70 years old) I can't say I like it.
another guitar
  One more picture of Dan and guitar. After I had stopped taking photos, Dan changed guitar and also to some extent his style. He did so to play "Purple Rain", and that was the last song he played before I left to go home.
Dan in 2014
  A reminder of how Dan looked on Thursday 31st July 2014 - still fairly short hair, and he was playing bass guitar in those days (although maybe only when the band, Hard Tail on this occasion, had another lead guitarist.

  With nothing happening for most of the rest of my day yesterday, I'll skip to dinnertime. In theory, my dinner should have been very safe, and it needed to be after lots of small, and some of them being naughty, snacks instead of proper meals. Dinner was a pack of ready to eat, sliced spicy chicken breast. I added some chopped iceberg lettuce, a bit of mayonnaise, plus a sprinkle of both black and white pepper. It was almost nice, but not really satisfying.

  The trouble with yesterday, or at least one of them, was that it seemed such a negative day that nothing really satisfied. Even any of the Star Treks seemed very dull, and I didn't even bother to try Star Trek: Voyager. I read until 9pm when I sort of half watched an episode of QI. I can't really remember anything about it, and I think it was just visual noise to blot out nothingness. I went to bed straight after, and read for maybe another half hour before falling asleep.

  Maybe I should have tried for sleep earlier because I had no indigestion problems, and I was feeling tired enough to go to sleep very soon after trying. I did seem to sleep very last night, but I did have one dream I don't really understand....although I guess it was a specialised version of other dreams where I have dreamed I was back at work, and not having a care in the world about my work because my pensions paid just enough that I could stick two finger up as any boss that annoyed me.

  In last night's dream I wasn't exactly at work, but seemed to have joined, or was joining some sort of "club". In some ways it might have been something like the Home Guard ("Dad's Army) because most people there were quite old, but in other ways it might have been something like a "rotary club". Although I have no real idea what they do. I remember being in a fairly large room with some smaller tables, and one large table that a lot of people, including myself, sat around.

  There was some sort of discussion, but some of it sounded like really boring minutes being read form a previous meeting, and I paid almost not attention to that. In fact I can't recall anything said until the meeting finished, and then I had the usual sort of things that happen to a newbie - "would you like to join our pools syndicate ?" (not that the Football pools seem to exist these days), or "let me introduce me to the (unnamed/unknown) union".

  As the meeting broke up I did get talking to a younger person (who seemed to remind me of someone recognisable in real life, but I have no idea who). We chatted as we left, and headed for a tube station. We entered the station as far as the ticket barriers, and then said goodbye because I wanted a different station. The only trouble was, I couldn't remember which exit to take out the half dozen or so possible, and I ended up walking randomly in the hope of spotting the station I did want. Curiously enough, I can't remember the names of the wrong station, nor the one I wanted.

  Having apparently slept well, I was up a lot earlier this morning. I had nothing to celebrate when I checked my health indicators, although maybe I did feel a bit better than yesterday. My first visit to the toilet produced both pee and medium poo. I then got on the scales, and found I had put on 800gm - which is awful. The only possible semi slightly good thing is that I am still, by the skin of my teeth, lighter than the average for this month, but 100gm heavier than the average for 2024.

  My blood glucose measurements were even more depressing. I am not really sure that I should have deserved it, but all three readings were colour coded pink in my spreadsheet - prelude to red, and the danger zone. The Contour meter read 9.1mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter read 9.3mmol/l, and the Sinocare meter read 9.0mmol/l. My only satisfaction is that these readings are in the bottom of the pink zone, and the Sinocare reading was right on the bottom edge. At least my blood pressure is good this morning with a reading of 109/42 - still in the "optimum" (or best) area.

  One particular trouble with blood glucose readings of 9mmol/l and above, is a tendency to get boils on the inner thigh, and yesterday I had hints of one growing. This morning it is starting to feel uncomfortable. The real annoyance is that when it bursts it is very messy. I hope it bursts some time today, after I have been to Aldi - which I really ought to finally do today. I definitely don't want it bursting when I go to The Jolly Farmers tomorrow !

  One other thing I think I will be doing today is some laundry. I have not got a lot to do, but it grows daily. It would be good to get the current stuff out the way today because sooner or later I might have to be washing blood and worse soaked underpants. Of course this all serves as a good reminder to be extra careful about how much I eat today, but that is very hard to control when feeling under the weather (and as I wrote that I started to cough to prove I am not as healthy as I would like to be).
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