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Saturday 4th January 2025
 08:49 GMT

  Yesterday was another cold day, but it was also a bright sunny day. The sun coming through my bedroom windows was equivalent to the output of my fan heater set to half power ! The temperature outside peaked at 3 and possibly 4° C.
  BBC_weather forecast  
   Today is going to be another very cold day, with a peak of just 4° C forecast. One big difference compared to yesterday is that no sunshine at all is expected. Another change is this evening it will rain, and some of that rain will fall as sleet, and as midnight approaches it could fall as snow, although only sleet is forecast, but with the temperature down to just 1° C.... Tomorrow may be close to slightly warm, but at the cost of lots of rain all day. Most of it will be light rain, but some heavy rain is expected as well. The temperature may reach 13° C before the end of the day.
Yesterday seemed to be a blandly OK day, but I now realise it was more like a total disaster....and I am not really sure why. There is evidence that I ate far too much, but I can't seem to remember doing that, and I can remember taking some care of what I ate.

   I don't think there are any material things I did yesterday, although I did do some computer backups, and they are very important.  I spent a lot of time just reading - maybe alternating between screen and print - until early evening when I watched some TV. Ideally I would have been out in the sunshine, perhaps walking at least a mile or two, but I had fears that very cold air would give me chest pains.

  One thing I did do a lot of was going to the toilet, and not just for a pee. I think I went for a poo about five times yesterday, and each time it was a fairly solid, non trivial amount. It seemed like all the lentils and beans I had from Thursday onwards, were finally doing their job. This morning there were signs that all those stools (as they say in the medical profession) had negative weight !

  After my breakfast, I think the next thing I ate was a single bap filled with sliced beef, horseradish sauce and some mayonnaise. In theory that was a relatively safe meal. I did have an afternoon snack of a kiwi fruit, a Persimmon, and a small Cox's apple (plus the obligatory small chunk of cheese). Maybe that fruit had more sugar in than I thought it would have.
                                          and venus
   As I was closing the curtains, around 4.30pm, I noticed a bright crescent moon, and almost above it was another bright light. I am very certain that other light was Venus. Once upon a time I thought that Venus was always very low in the sky, but now I know different.
crescent moon
  I took these pictures using my Nikon D3200 camera with a 200m zoom lens at maximum zoom.  The resolution of the original picture was so good that I could cut out just the part with the crescent moon in it, and it still looks quite sharp.
                                          and broccoli
  My dinner was an old and tried and tested safe recipe, or at least I think it was safe. It was basically a light stew of nothing more than diced beef with broccoli, a couple of beef stock cubes, and on this occasion some finger chillies. I expected those finger chillies to give it some kick, but I couldn't really taste their presence in the stew.

  During the day I also had some very small snacks of salted peanuts, and I also had 3 small squares of 85% dark and bitter chocolate. It seems like I must have eaten more still, but I can't seem to remember what it could have been, and when I ate it.

  During the evening I watched some TV - just the usual assorted Star Trek episodes, and also a single episode of QI. There were three QIs in a row being shown, but the last one was a Xmas edition, and I definitely didn't want to watch that, and the second one looked like it would be annoying, and so I didn't watch that either. One thing I did do while watching TV was to guzzle a whole litre of ice cold (at least at the beginning) plain water. I wasn't really thirsty as such, but I do find chilled water to be delicious.

  Drinking so much before bedtime was no problem because I have been getting up to pee about every 2 to 3 hours every night for ages now, and indeed I hardly noticed anything different.....except maybe I didn't seem to pee as much pee on each occasion. I was probably asleep around 9.30pm, and apart from the usual pee every 2 or so hours, I seemed to sleep very well....although maybe I got up a little bit too early.

  It was too early compared to recently, but still late for seasons when the sun rises before 6am. I think I got up at about 6.30am, and it was most definitely still night outside. It was also very frosty again. It felt like I needed a poo, and so I went to the toilet, and concentrated on having that poo, but nothing happened, and I also hardly did any pee. That was rather annoying because when I got on the scales it seemed I had put on an awful lot of weight, although it was actually only another 300gm.

  It may have only been 300gm, but it looked so much was a total amount of weight. I still recorded it, and thought that I was bound to have a pee and a poo before I had my breakfast. I didn't. It seems my whole routine was up the creek this morning. I even forgot to dish out my morning pills because I was doing stuff in a different order. It was all made worse when I checked my blood glucose.

  Now I look at the figures again, in the cold light of day, I see that the average of all three readings is actually smaller than yesterday. Maybe I did eat more carefully than I thought, but still not carefully enough. The Contour meter read 8.9mmol/l, and while that is sort of OK if you squint your eyes a bit, it is not good enough. The GlucoRX meter read 9.0mmol/l (it was 9.5mmol/l yesterday), and the Sinocare meter read 9.2mmol/l (exactly the same as yesterday).

  I did not let any of this change my typical breakfast of a double small portion of instant noodles (tomato flavour this morning). I was half way through that when, as usual, I reached for my morning pills, and they weren't there. I hastily sorted them all, and took them. Doing it like this means there is almost no chance of burping up the horrible taste of the cod liver oil capsule.

  Once I had finished eating breakfast I sorted out my late afternoon pills (which I usually do at the same time as the morning pills). With that done I realised I was quite keen to go to the toilet. These things become a habit. For a week or more I have been getting up late, and I have been having my first-thing-in-the-morning visit to the toilet at about 8.30am, and that was the same time I passed a big poo, and plenty of pee this morning - probably more than enough to account for the 300gm I seemed to have put on, and maybe even more, but after eating breakfast it doesn't count.

   Maybe it will help in getting a lower weight tomorrow - if I can control my eating today. That could be difficult. It is going to be another very miserable, dull, and cold day, and so I feel reluctant to do any outdoor activities, but I may still go shopping - probably in Tesco, but Aldi might be possible.  Of course going food shopping usually brings terrible temptations, but maybe eating stuff out the freezer, such as a frozen ready meal, can be just as dangerous in my current state.

  I do wonder what my current state is. For some time now I have mentioned that it seemed now and then like I had a cold. It was maybe during the night when my mouth was very dry, and I needed a quick sip to stop a cough, when I realised that I couldn't remember when my nose had stopped it's intermittent dripping, and the occasional, sometimes slightly wet cough, I had. This morning I have this strong feeling that I did have a mild cold, and that now I am over it, but I think it will take another day with no symptoms until I believe it - both that I had a cold, and now I haven't.

  Things are not always as they seem. Yesterday I was reluctant to have a shower for two reasons. One is that I didn't really need one because I was not expecting to see anyone. The second is that I was worried the patch over the split in my bathtub had started leaking again. The day before yesterday I pulled the bath mats aside to give what I thought was wet patches on the carpet a chance to dry out. Yesterday evening it looked like the carpet was still wet. I finally gave it a feel, and it was dry as a bone. What I thought was wetness was just a sort of tidemark, possibly from before my last (hopefully) super duper patching.

  I guess today it is safe for me to wash my hair and have a shower without the bath leaking (although I shall keep a sharp eye on it). Being clean would make shopping easier (knowing I am not stinky - I hope). Although being clean would make little difference, I am almost wondering if going for a walk instead of shopping may be possible. Against all odds, the sun is currently managing to punch through the clouds. It won't make any difference to the temperature outside, but it does make it all a bit more cheerful - even if most of the sky still looks like it could dump a foot of snow on us !
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