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Sunday 19th January 2025
 10:21 GMT

  Yesterday was mostly another cold and dull day, but unlike the day before there no few sunny spells at all. While it was very chilly, it was mostly around 5° C, or a couple of degrees higher than forecast. All my thermometers agreed it was still around 5° C at 7.30pm when it should have been 2° C according to the weather forecast.
  BBC_weather forecast  
  Once again the forecast is predicting this morning to be colder than my thermometers say it is. I rebooted one of my displays that shows the readings from 3 different outside thermometers, and it found the signal from all three again, and all said that it was just a fraction short of 5° C. One other thing came to me a bit later, and it was to check a rarely checked thermometer that has it's outside temperature sensor connected by a thin wire that is is clamped by the window. It too said it was over 4° C. This leaves me with little faith in the forecast (the Met Office also say it should have been on 2° C this morning). Both forecasters agree that today will be dry, but overcast and gloomy, and my own eyes agree with that. Tomorrow may be one degree less chilly than today, but otherwise the same as today.
  Yesterday was a good day for at least two reasons, but there were some minor triumphs too. I must admit it was a day when it seemed having a shower was just a tiny bit more than I thought I needed, but I did have a wash with a soapy flannel over the (possibly) smellier areas.

  I must admit that the day started off very relaxed. After I had finished writing, and I seemed to take my time doing that considering how few words I wrote (just 1,355). It was 11am when I could finally lay down, read a few pages, and have a short snooze....at least I think I had a snooze, but when I think back on it I may have only closed my eyes for a while. It was getting on for midday when I had my wash, and then got dressed to go out.

  It felt quite good walking to Tesco until I was almost there, and then the very cold air started to irritate the scar tissue on my chest - from the inside (I was wearing a warm enough coat to keep the outside warm). I didn't really notice it too much when I was inside Tesco, but it did make the walk home, carrying heavy-ish shopping, slightly uncomfortable. It felt good to get home and into the less cold.

  I say less cold because there was no heating on downstairs, and it was only just over 15° C in the dining room, and less in the kitchen. I had bought mostly stuff that I would eat on anther day, but I did buy a pack of seeded deli rolls, and some more sliced beef to make tasty rolls with them. I was most happy to have put everything away, the rolls made up, and up to my warm bedroom - where I turned the heater on full because while warm, I wanted it almost hot until I had fully recovered.

  Apart from a mostly pointless call from my sort of acquaintance Lee, who finally called 24 hours late, I did very little, but I had a cunning, or was it stupid plan ? I did mention in the morning that I was considering walking to the noodle shop late in the afternoon. It was a very unlikely thing to do, but I actually did it. I checked on Open Street Map the shortest route, and to my surprise the route I would have taken was about 50 metres longer than the route I did use.

  The walk was slightly longer than the walk to Tesco (or Aldi), but most of it was done at a modestly fast pace, but as I neared the restaurant I slowed down a lot because I had over done it, and was starting to feel uncomfortable with the onset of some growing chest pains. It was only the second time I had been in the restaurant, but this time it felt sort of familiar.

  It was definitely handy having taken one of their menus last time, and this time I knew exactly what I wanted, and had the cash ready (they only take cash) to pay for the food. Once again it was considerably cheaper than ordering via Just Eat, but what I bought still came to a fair bit of cash. I started off with one of my favourites - deep fried spare ribs, It was my intention, and actually was my starter before eating a portion of mixed meat with fried rice.

  That was all I ate, and I left the Singapore Fried Noodles for today's dinner. I did get some freebie prawn crackers, but I expect I'll throw them away - I sometimes like them, but some can just be bland and sort of greasy. I don't expect the one from the noodle house to be different from any generic Chinese takeaway. The one little extra I bought was a bottle of alleged Chinese beer.

  I say alleged, but it does claim to be brewed and bottled in China. I admit I expected it to be in a bottle with an unreadable Chinese label, but it was all in English, and was a well known make that can be bought from many places - Tsingtao. I think even Tesco stock it from time to time. I have tried it before, and it is very nice, except my bottle did not taste nice. It tasted tainted with a sort of hint of disinfectant. I poured half the bottle down the sink. It was a bit of a waste of money. If I had been able to buy it from Tesco I think I would have only paid half the price I paid for it.
                                          eighth of the tub
  I left maybe almost an hour for the mixed meat and fried rice to go down before having a minor triumph when having a dessert of ice cream. It was very tasty, but somehow I had the will power to restrict myself to just one eighth of a 900ml tub of Tesco vanilla ice cream. As can be seen in the picture above, the way the tub has been filled neatly divides it into eighths. Incidently, I also bought another tub of ice cream. It didn't have a well known name (I can't even remember it now), but it had a lower sugar content (per 100ml) that the Tesco ice cream, and it was a 2 litre tub. That 2 litre tub cost approximately half the price of the Tesco tub. I am hoping that it is just as nice.

  There was some good stuff on TV last night. Sky Arts showed 3 or 4 documentaries about Pink Floyd. I seem to think it was possibly less than 2 months ago that they last showed them, but it seemed OK to watch them again - except the final one which was about a psychodelic happening in London in 1967 (or 1968 ?). It featured Pink Floyd, but many others too. If I hadn't spent so much time watching before it started I might have watched it, but I was also feeling tired and sleepy by then (10pm ?).

  I went to bed, and instead of falling to sleep I laid in bed feeling either too hot or too cold, finding lumps in the mattress and  pillow that weren't there before, and assorted aches and pains I had not noticed before. One thing I didn't seem to have more than the very feintist, super mild, barely noticeable, indigestion. I still got up and took a couple of antacid tablets - just in case - and I also took a couple of paracetamol tablets.

  One problem was that because the night was not as cold as forecast, my bedroom had warmed up almost, but not quite warm enough to sleep uncovered, but far too hot feeling if I pulled the duvet over me. I think I fell asleep fairly quickly when experimenting showed that the correct amount of duvet was to pull it over one leg, one arm, and lightly pressing on my back when sleeping on my side.

  Once asleep my night was fairly uneventful. I woke up every 2 or 3 hours to have a pee, and I think I had a selection of dreams. One was noteworthy, although I can't really describe the details because the most interesting details were on a small, maybe 5 inch TV screen. I seemed to have a small portable TV that had an extended tuning range, and I seemed to be able to tune into a camera in a nearby house where a housewife seem to be putting on a porno show.  I guess I can't describe it because although I could see "everything" I was only imagining the bits I wanted to see, but didn't.

  This morning I had quite a lie in. It was not that I really needed it, but more that I could. It was also that everything that seemed to make me uncomfortable when first trying to get to sleep didn't seem to be there, and I felt wonderfully comfortable laying in bed this morning. That is until I started to get hints of cramp starting, and I then very quickly got up before I had to endure the agonies of cramp.

  It was quite surprising that I didn't get up earlier because I think I had gone well past my 2 hourly appointment with the toilet. When I went after getting up it seemed like I would never stop. Sadly it didn't include having a poo, but I did pass a lot of wind. One good thing, although it is easy to guess what would have been better, was that when I weighed myself I found I was exactly the same weight as yesterday morning - which is a shame because that was a lot higher than desired.

  In some way it was quite a surprise that my weight had not gone up because I did have a bit of a feast yesterday evening. It may not have changed my weight, but it did push my blood glucose up, and two readings were into the nines, and that is too high. The Contour meter read 8.8mmol/l. That is OK, but I would always wish for less. The GlucoRX meter read 9.1mmol/l, and although on the low end, it is the start of the slightly dangerous area. The Sinocare meter roughly agreed with a reading of 9.3mmol/l. The best I can say is that I hadn't crossed over into the real danger zone that starts at 10.0mmol/l. At least myblood pressure is very good again this morning with a reading of 108/50.

  I have no idea what I am doing today. Jodie is off to a gig this afternoon, and so we won't be doing any beer tasting. One novelty today is that engineer works mean trains from both Catford Bridge, and Catford stations are going to Victoria today. I could get the train from Catford station to Victoria, and then get a train back to Catford Bridge. It probably seems pointless to most people, but for me it would be a novelty, but best of all, using my Freedom Pass it would all be free. If it were not such a grey day I might have done it, but I don't think I will this time - even if it may well be years before such an opportunity presents itself again.
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