Today's forecast actually says
full sunshine and not just sunny
spells. If we are very lucky it
will last until sunset. It was a
cold morning, 3° C, but should
warm to 7° C in the afternoon, but
will fall back to 3° C by 10pm.
Tomorrow could see heavy rain in
the morning, but from 1pm it may
stay dry until the end of the day.
The temperature may still only
reach 7° C in the afternoon, and
then drop down to 5° C by 10pm.
Yesterday was a day when I
tweaked the dragon's tail (or
whatever the saying is) and
survived, and survived much better
than could be expected. I can't
really say that it was a good day,
and I guess I was often feeling
mildly depressed....or was it just
bored ?
One good thing about
yesterday morning was that it
started a bit earlier than some,
and I never really felt rushed to
do anything. I finished writing
yesterday's piece, and could
afford a short rest, and I think I
probably had a short snooze as
well, although maybe I just closed
my eyes for a a few minutes
without falling asleep. I
then had a very simple shave using
my bear trimmer without the
guard/height adjuster on it. The
result looks OK, but doesn't feel
Once I had shaved I had a
shower. I was feeling quite
enthused at this point because of
the bright sunshine. The sun was
still shining when I got dressed,
but by the time I was ready to go
out the clouds were starting to
thicken, and the sun went behind a
cloud. Suddenly the world was not
such a nice place. I still put a
pair of sun glasses in my coat
pocket - just in case. I wore my
best leather jacket, but because
there was almost no wind it felt
just mild enough to not need doing
up. That felt nice because it felt
I set off for the station,
where I would pick up the usual
two copies of The Metro. At first
I thought I was feeling quite
good, but as I neared the station
the old problems started...
actually it was more like
different problems. I didn't get
any angina pains, and I didn't get
breathless, or at least nothing
above a medium need to breath a
bit heavy. If anything I felt sort
of tired. It was handy having
plenty of time to wait a few
minutes before crossing the
I really did have plenty of
time. Maybe I had managed to walk
a tiny bit faster to the station,
although I doubt it would be fast
enough to save any more than a
handful of seconds. The train I
caught was the 12:19. My more
usual train is the 12:34. I did my
usual of photographing every train
I saw - front and back when I
could. None of the photos were
needed for my collection, but I
did capture one interesting thing.
I have mentioned before
that I often see a 4 car class 465
train running empty towards and
then back from Hayes (Kent).
Yesterday I saw 465925 at Catford
Bridge heading towards Hayes.
Later on I saw the same train at
Ladywell also running empty to
Hayes. The latter time was a
couple of hours later on my way
home. It obviously did two runs
from somewhere, possibly New
Cross, and it made me wonder if it
might have done more. I still
don't know what these runs are
for. It could be a test run after
some heavy maintenance, or it
could be testing new equipment.
On my way to the pub I saw
the first signs of approaching
spring. In the slightly sheltered
triangle of land behind St Mary's
church I saw snowdrops had come up
- the earliest of the spring
plants. I also saw some stands of
daffodils starting to emerge. It
could be a month before they
A close up of anther,
smaller, patch of snowdrops. One
other sight was not really a
spring sight, but when a squirrel
poses a photo has to be taken !
It was another quiet start
to my visit to The Jolly Farmers.
There were few people in there,
although it was slowly filling up
as I had my two pints of Guinness.
There was some banter, but I
didn't add much to it. I was
scratching my head over the quick
crossword in The Metro. One or two
have been the old "quick" style,
and while not exactly easy, I was
able to complete, or almost
complete them in well under half
an hour.
Once upon a time I
could easily finish most of them
in under 15 minutes. Maybe that
didn't stretch my brain as much as
might be good for me, but it did
make me feel good. Yesterday's
crossword reverted back to the
really tough type. One thing this
compiler seems to like is (so
called) popular TV and films. I
had to cheat to get the answers to
three clues - each about actors
and actresses who I have never
hear of. It was no pleasure doing
crosswords like that, and it made
me feel depressed.
I just had my
usual two pints of Guinness
yesterday. It was mild enough that
I felt no desire to even have a
whiskey to keep me warm on the way
home. Maybe it was just me, but my
experience in the pub seemed
different, and I did wonder why I
keep going there. I did my best to
remind myself that I go there
because most times it is good fun,
or at least enjoyable. I suspect
that some of the problem at the
moment is the hangover from the
Xmas and new year celebrations,
and a crazy idea called "dry
January". The hangover I refer to
is not literal, but a state of the
I might have possibly
walked home from the pub, but I am
glad I didn't. The main reason why
I didn't was because I wanted to
buy more fruit, and other stuff
from the little supermarket on
Catford Bridge. I bought
some Mandarins, and couple of
Conference pears, a few of their
very nice Golden Delicious apples,
and two quite big Persimmons. I
seem to be eating bread regularly
lately, and so I bought a loaf of
Polish, sourdough, 0% sugar bread.
Two other purchases were a
few tomato flavour instant noodles
- a few individual packets, and a
pack of 5. The real madness was to
buy a pack of sliced angel cake. I
have been looking out for some
plain cake for a while now, but
most seems like it has sugar or
some sort of icing on top, but the
angel cake was almost plain, even
if it did contain a lot of
sugar. I used it as part of
a dangerous/foolhardy experiment
later in the day.
The main reason I was glad
that I didn't walk home from the
pub was that I felt really tired
by the time I had walked home from
the little supermarket. It is a
similar distance as walking from
the station. It almost felt like
one of my legs was going to give
way before I got home. It was all
a bit ridiculous, particularly
because it felt so different from
any of my more usual weaknesses.
The silly thing is that
after getting home, putting my
shopping away, and making a simple
sandwich, which couldn't have
taken more than 5 minutes in
total, I went up the stairs with
not a hint of stress. While I ate
my sandwich I transferred the
pictures from my camera to my PC.
I then made a bap filled with beef
and horseradish, plus some
babyleaf salad leaves. I was going
to select and process the photos
while I ate that bap, but it was a
slightly messy experience, and so
I waited until I had finished it,
and had washed my hands before
using the PC.
With lunch eaten, and
photos (digitally) processed, I
felt very weary. I laid on my bed,
and read a few pages before having
what I think was a long snooze. It
may have just been a short snooze.
I was not watching the time, and
so I can't say one way or another
with any certainty. Once awake I
took the easy way out, and started
watching TV. By switching channels
there are four diferent Star Treks
that can be watched almost back to
back (except for blood adverts).
I think it was just after
5pm that I thought it must be
dinner time. I still have some
diced meat in the fridge that I
must cook and eat soon, but
yesterday I decided I would do
what I did the day before and just
eat fruit followed by a little bit
of ice cream for dessert.
I had two Mandarins, and
they were nicer than expected. The
large Conference pear, that can be
seen in the picture above, was
nice and crisp, although if a bit
riper it would have been a bit
tastier. There seems to be a very
small window when these pears are
perfect, but I still enjoyed this
one as it was. The fourth fruit
was quite a big Persimmon. It was
nicelt ripe and was sweet.
As intended I followed the
fruit with ice cream, but what was
not intended was that it was more
than "a bit" of ice cream. It was
quite a lot, and to make matters
worse I ate it with two slices of
Angel Cake (my second and third
for the day). That was a huge
influx of sugar, and I was quite
worried what the outcome would be.
At 9pm I checked my blood glucose
using the Contour meter, and it
read a very dangerous 11.7mmol/l !
I was in bed straight after
doing that reading. I read for
maybe half an hour, and was
probably fast asleep a bit before
10pm. I think I had barely slept
for an hour before I was awake and
going for a pee. Later awakenings
were less frequent, but each time
I seemed to be passing more pee
than usual. That need to pee even
crept into my dreams. All that
peeing was a very bad sign for my
blood glucose level.
I can only remember bits of
one dream, but I remember it as a
series of fragments rather than a
smooth narratives. I think I was
on Mars with a few other people.
In reality it could have been
anywhere, but there were no
windows to look out, and it seemed
to feel like it was a new Mars
colony. At first everything seemed
fine. We were doing whatever we
were supposed to be doing, but
then things started to change.
There was an influx of
visitors or new colonists, and
space and privacy started to get a
lot worse. In the core of the
building it became like a shopping
centre on a Saturday afternoon -
people milling about everywhere.
To accommodate them we all had to
double or treble up in out
previously personal cabins. One
very peculiar thing was that when
I wanted to go to the toilets, for
a pee, I found the communal
toilets were very 1930's style -
all glazed white tiles, and
cracked pans. I woke up then,
needing a pee of course, and went
to my own toilet to have it.
It was just after 7am when
I got up, and as usual I went for
a pee, but unusually it seemed a
bigger pee than usual. As is the
case maybe 50% of the time, I
didn't have a poo, but that was
not that surprising because in the
end I did seem to go for a poo
many times yesterday. I expect
yesterday's fruit will have it's
expected result a bit later this
morning. Even with a poo, all that
peeing meant a good weight drop
this morning, and good today meant
a full 800gm drop. That is quite a
lot for one 24 hour period.
It was mainly due to all
the pee I had passed during the
night. I wondered/feared what it
would all mean to my bolood
glucose readings. They had gone
up, and after all the fruit, ice
cream and angel cake, it was not a
great surprise. What was a great
surprise is that the readings were
still very acceptable. The Contour
meter read 8.3mmol/l. The GlucoRX
meter read 8.7mmol/l, and the
Sinocare meter read 8.6mmol/l.
Until the run of better readings
recently, I would have judged
today's readings as pretty good.
Today I face a sort of
dilemma. I have meat in the fridge
(not freezer) that should be used
soon, but I would like to continue
with this fruit diet I have been
trying recently. It seems to work
OK, and for anyone too lazy to
prepare dinner, which I guess many
of us are from time to time,
preparing fruit is so quick and
simple. What I might do is to try
something I don't think I have
ever done before. I may cook the
meat, as a stew with some
vegetables, and then after cooling
it, I will freeze it. With the
increased space in my new freezer
it should be easy to do.
One reason why that might
not happen is today is boozing day
with Jodie and Michael. After lots
of strong beer I will almost
certainly end up with no
discipline, and wanting to eat the
said of a cow or something. Maybe
fruit just won't cut it after
boozing. I guess I should stop
making predictions, and just see
what happens.