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Sunday 1st March 2020
09:37 GMT
  Yesterday was neither one thing or another - except rather cool. There was some rain, and there was some sunshine. Most, but not all the rain was in the morning, and most, but not all of the sunshine was in the afternoon. The early afternoon temperature was 8° C, but by mid afternoon it started falling, and by midnight it was supposed to be just 5° C, but I think it might have been lower than that - maybe 4° C.
a sunny day !
  We begin March with sunshine (the rain forecast for 7am was replaced by sunshine - as far as I am aware). The latest revision to the forecast now shows just sunshine all the way through to sunset. It should take the temperature up to 10° C. Sadly this nice start to March will not last. After midnight the temperature will have dropped to just 5° C, and by 6am tomorrow it will be as low as 4° C. That is cold enough for some early morning showers to fall as sleet. It would only take a drop of another degree and that sleet could be snow, and it would be falling on dry ground (maybe). By mid morning things get a bit less sure. The rain/sleet/snow may finish by 9am, and then it will will probably be dry for the rest of the day except for a light shower or two.

  I was very busy yesterday, although as yet I have nothing to show for most of it. I do have some freshly laundered clothes to show for a bit of my being busy. Much of my time was working on a project to transfer some old cassette recordings to wave files on my PC. They will be stored as mp3 files, but also burnt to CD. The thing about transferring old analogue tapes, whether reel-to-reel or cassette, video or audio, is that they can only be transferred in real time. In theory the process can be left to get on with it by itself, but it is safer to keep an eye on it in case something goes wrong.

  Before I could start the process I had to find a decent working cassette player. The easiest one I could get at didn't appear to work, and I had to fight my way into the cupboard at the top of the stairs. The problem here is that most of my t-shirts, of which I seem to have an awful lot of them, are hung on the outside of the cupboard. Sometime in the past a tradition was started that the cupboard would end up stuffed with electric/electronic stuff, and not clothes, or bedding, as would probably be more traditional.

  Having found a good working cassette player I then had to find a working PC. The PC I am writing this on works, but maybe not perfectly. It has two problems. Firstly it has one of those soundcards that uses a chip that appears not to be fully supported by Linux. Secondly, the version of Linux Mint I am using was from a time when sound support was not well done. For instance, try as I might, I can't stream music via bluetooth to my bluetooth headphones. It is a connection that is just not supported. In later versions of Linux Mint "it just works". There are Linux distributions specifically for audio work, but mine isn't !

  My PC plays audio perfectly, but trying to convince it to record can be a pain. Trying to convince the Linux sound editing application "Audacity" (also available for Mac and Windows) to both record, and get a monitoring signal through to the speakers seems to be impossible. I gave up using my main PC, and fell back on another little PC. That has a sound card that is supported, and selecting the correct input, and controlling the level was easy, but I still couldn't get any real time monitoring as it recorded - I just had to rely on watching the audio waveform being written on the screen to have some confidence that the recording was taking place OK.

  I have several tapes I want to transfer, and for later tapes I will probably boot my laptop into Windows, and use Cool Edit as my audio editor. It is far more versatile than Audacity when doing complex restoration tasks. One such task is dubbing part of the left (or right) channel over the over when a fault has caused one channel to record nothing. I have a specific need for that. As I mentioned yesterday, the first tape I am working on was recorded by Jodie at an Atom Heart Mother gig. She used her normal headphones as microphones, and at a good gig the sound quality could be quite good.

  This particular tape was recorded at The George Roby pub in Finsbury Park (I think the pub closed years ago), and the quality is not very good. The worst thing is that one channel kept cutting out (mostly) during the first two songs. I have quite a task coming up to try and reconstruct the missing bits from the working channel - something that doesn't seem possible using Audacity, but is easy, if slightly tedious, in Cool Edit.

  Having transferred the entire tape (just under 45 minutes) to a wave file I started editing it. First of all I tried, and failed to repair the bits where one channel cut out, and then just resorted to cutting the recording into separate songs. Even that felt a bit clumsy. I am definitely going to resort to using Windows for the rest of this task. One positive thing is that when I checked the other side of the tape I found another bootleg of an Atom Heart Mother gig. It sound much better, and there is no trouble with one of the channels cutting out. I probably ought to ignore the first recording, and concentrate on this second recording. The only trouble is that the date and place of the gig is not written on the cassette.

  I also transferred an old 2 hour radio show tape to wave files, and that should need no more than the silence at the beginning and end trimmed off, and the two halves (one hour on each side of a C120 tape) stitched together. That is the sort of job that Audacity does easily. Apart from the tape transferring, and some audio editing, plus doing some laundry, I did almost nothing else yesterday. Much of the spare time was taken up by reading, eating and watching TV.

  I am almost forgetting one other thing that took up a little bit or time. Much to my surprise the spare batteries I had ordered for my Kenwood portable mini disc player/recorder arrived in the morning, 2 or 3 days earlier than expected ! The original battery was as dead as a dodo. Once I had got one of the new batteries half charged I decided to test out the machine. I am happy to say that it appeared to work perfectly for playback, but I have yet to try it's record function. The only slight problem is that the new batteries seem to have double the capacity of the old one (lithium battery technology has improved a lot in the last 20 years !). I think that extra capacity may be confusing the charging indicator in as much as it shows as still charging long after battery may, or may not be 100% full. It is something I might have to be careful of.

  I was going to eat very carefully yesterday, but things did not really go as planned. My lunch was chicken wings that I had ordered with my kebabs the night before. I thought I had ordered grilled wings, but these came in almost a thin batter, and had obviously been cooked in a deep fat fryer. I was not going to waste them, and ate them regardless. Later on, at dinner time, I concocted a dinner that ended up being put together regardless of consequences. It started off as grilled/oven cooked chicken with leeks and a few other bits of vegetables. Once it was cooked I drained off most of the fat, and then came the naughty bit - I emptied a sachet of flavoured beans on top, before putting it back in the oven for almost 10 minutes. The result was strange, but in a nice way !

  I didn't get any silly phone calls last night, and was able to get to bed, and to sleep easily. It was quite good sleep too. I remember having some dreams, but I don't think I can remember even the vaguest details of any of them now. I sort of feel OK this morning, and wasn't even bothered about waking up earlier than I thought I would like. Once again my blood glucose is higher than desired, but nothing too terrible. I have probably made it even worse by having a breakfast of two Braeburn apples with some walnuts.

  I have one very specific plan for day, plus a possible add on for it. At 4pm, a most civilised time, Lord Algea are playing a gig in The Morden Arms pub in Greenwich. I like the band, the pub is easy to get to, the time is good, I'll probably be travelling there in sunshine. It seem almost certain I will be going. I don't think it will happen, but if Michaels hips are playing up, he may join me, and Angela is also interested (although she will probably be too busy with lover boy - although both of them could turn up). If I have not heard from anyone by mid afternoon, or earlier, I may go out early, and take a walk around Greenwich before the gig.