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Wednesday 15th April 2020
Lockdown day 23

09:20 BST

  Yesterday was another day that was comparatively cool compared to some days ago. It was possibly a bit sunnier than the weather forecast predicted, but it was nearly all just sunny periods, although I seem to think there was a fairly long period of time, maybe a whole hour, that featured non stop sunshine. For all that it only warmed to 11° C.
  The screenshot above is how the forecast looked at 5am this morning*. Four hours later and it hasn't really changed. It seems today is going to be a sunny day with blues skies. The wind is still mostly from the east, which tends to be a cool direction, but also a dry direction. Fortunately it seems that the wind will be light enough for the temperature rise to 17° C for a brief period of time. It should feel warm in that sunshine this afternoon. Tomorrow may see the temperature rise to 19° C after lots of sunshine, but late in the afternoon it will start to get cloudy. Thursday and Friday could see some rain.
  * There is an obvious error in this screenshot that took me a while to realise - the dates are wrong, and yet the prediction for "today" actually matches the prediction for the real today. I think I may have taken this screenshot just as it was being revised. If you look towards the bottom right of the picture you will see "Last updated Wednesday at 05:00", and there would be no reason to show yesterday's weather. So "Today" really is today, and the subsequent day and dates are wrong.

  I was very unsure about going for a long walk yesterday, but that is what I did. It wasn't actually a long walk. It was was actually quite close to 2 miles, but I did call into two shops, including Poundstretcher as intended.
Firefox phone
Wileyfox Spark
Huawei P20 Lite

  For a bit of extra novelty I took three phones with me to plot, and measure my route. The first picture, on the left was from my Alcatel "One Touch" phone that uses the Firefox Operating System - which is now obsolete. It provided the most accurate track of all, but it has one major downfall. The tracker has no pause option. It wouldn't have mattered anyway because I forgot to pause the other phones when I went into Poundstretcher. That is where the track finishes on the Firefox phone. It seems that once it has lost the GPS signal for a short period of time it assumes you have finished your run (it is actually an app for runners), and it then stops and exits.

  The middle trace was taken on my old Wileyfox Spark phone. In most respects it was a great phone, but I was unhappy about it's camera. The camera is fairly good, but I knew there were better ones, and bought another cheap phone to repalce it. It now appears that it's GPS reciever, or the way it process the GPS information, is very suspect. It reaally went haywire when I went into Poundstretcher, plus the next shop on my walk. I checked all three phone as I passed Catford station, and at that point they all more or less agreed with each other. Going into the shops, without pausing the tracker, has added well over half a mile to the real figure.

  The final track, on the right, is from my current phone, a Huawei P20 Lite. It was because that showed some bad glitches when walking to Lower Sydenham that I started to take 2 (or in this case 3) phones with me, but in this case it was the best behaved of them all. It too lost control when I went into the shops without pausing it, but it didn't seem to go completely insane. I think that based on it's reading of 2.21 miles I can say that the real distance I walked was probably near to 2 miles, and 2 mile is what I claim for this walk.
Regatta boots
  My walk was either good or bad depending on which foot you ask. For thsi walk I gave my old Regatta hiking boots another try out. They date back to when I was doing lost of long distance walking prior to developing Angina in 2013. They show little sign of wear, and I can't remember if this is because they were still relatively new when I had to abandon long walks, or if it was because they were too uncomfortable to use. These boots are described on the label on the tongue as being wide fitting (or maybe just mid wide - the description is open to interpretation), and it was because they were wide that I didn't go an extra size up. Maybe that was a mistake.

  The annoying thing is that my left foor was very comfortable, but my right foot ended up being very painful. I guess the sort of lump I have that sticks out just a little bit where the big toe joins the rest of the foot, is a bunion. Yesterday the top of that bunion was ground away leaving the remnants of a blister over a very red, very sore spot. I now wonder if I am brave enough to wear these boots again if I cover the raw remains of that bunion with a good sticking plaster. My theory is that eventually the boot will learn to fit my foot, but it might be a stupid idea. I might still give it a go though because, as I said, my left foot did feet particularly comfortable.

  There were three things I wanted from Poundstretcher that they didn't have. Two were predictable - single use latex gloves, and Paracetamol. The other was sugar free Irn Bru. If I recall correctly the original Catford branch seemed to have a fair amount of stock on the shelves, but alas not the Catford Hill branch. They did have some cans of sugar free "Tropical" flavout Tango, and I bought 4 of them. They look a quite disgusting colour, but are fairly pleasant as a novelty. The one thing I wasn't expecting was that the store seemed to have loads of bleach, and I bought two bottles of theor cheap stuff - 45p per bottle - it smells like bleach, and it cleans like bleach, it just doesn't have a well known brand on it.

 The second shop I went in was the Turkish Suprmarket. As usual there were a trickle of people going through it, and so no queue outside. I bought more fresh fruit and vegetables plus a couple of bottles of Diet Coke (and if I am honest that is all I really wanted). I did have an idea that it was an expensive shop to buy stuff from, but I am beginning to think the only expensive things are some of the weird and wonderful imported stuff. The last few time I have used the place I seem to have always over estimated how much I would be paying. Maybe it is because their fruit and vegetables are generaally cheaper than Tesco's !

  It was a joy to get home, and to get the right boot off. Once I had taken the sock off too I could see the gory damage the boot had done to my foot. Actually it wasn't gory in as much as it wasn't bleeding, but it was defintely looking very raw, and the bits of skin hanging off told the tale of there once being a substantial blister there. I was relieved to take the weight off my feet once I was home, and spent quite a time being very lazy. A 2 mile walk should not have taken so much out of me, but the walk wasn't on flat ground. It is a long uphil walk across the south end of the park to the peak of Ravensbourne Park Road, and I had to stop at the top for 30 seconds to get my breath back. It was a convenient moment to check that my three phones were all registering roughly the same distance walked.

  It was not long after getting home that I had some lunch. It was a semi exotic lunch of 4 more of those Hunters Sausages I've mentioned over the last few days. The more exotic part was probably the "vegetable salad" I had with the sausages. The closest comparison to that vegetable salad would be Heinz "Sandwich Spread", but this stuff, possibly Turkish in origin, was much more coarse, and had a wider range of finely diced vegetables in it. I liked it, but perhaps only as a novelty, and I don't have any desire to rush out and buy more.

  Nothing of any note happened after lunch until it was dinner time. My dinner last night was a variant on the dinner I had the night before. It was a sort of stew, but not actually a stew of a lot of diced white cabbage, diced spring onion, some mange tout that had been in the fridge a bit too long, and was on it's last legs, and finally, the last of the Hunters Sausages cut into half inch long section. This time I cooked it all in quite a small amount of oxo, plus some assorted spices. Once again it was very nice - for me ! Iam not sure I would want to offer it as a meal to anyone else.

  I kept getting hints of going down with a cold yesterday. During the afternoon I found my nose would start running every time I want downstairs where it was cold. I think it was after eating some cheese that I started a dry cough that while intermittent, lasted for perhaps half an hour. I also seemed to get a sore throat, but that was one of those things where you could feel it start, but a bit later realise that it had just faded away almost as quickly as it faded in.

  I can't seem to remember much about my sleep, and that must be a good thing. I have a sort of dreamy memory of going for a wee a couple of times, but it wasn't until 5am that things got a bit clearer. After a wee I took a screenshot of the latest weather forecast (as discussed above). After that I went back to bed, and once again I seemed destined to not fall asleep, and then a couple of hours passed and I was waking up again.

  This morning my health varies from very good to disappointing. The disappointment is my weight. It seems to have gone up a bit more. I think I have to blame the fat in those Hunters Sausages. I can't think of anything else that I have eaten that would cause weight gain. I didn't even have any beer yesterday. The very good is my blood glucose. I have just about got it back to normal again. It was suitably low before I had my dinner last night, and this morning it was 7.0 mmol/l. As always a bit lower would be good because it would give a bit more leeway for accidents, but it is fairly typical of the level that earned me a metaphorical gold star from the Diabetes Nurse.

  My temperature has shown no rise above "normal" (for normal humans) all this month, and this morning it was it's typical couple of degrees below "normal". My blood pressure was a little higher than usual - it was almost up to my recommended target for someone who has had heart problems - a systolic pressure of 120mmHg. There is probably a reason for that. I was reading about the explosion of Apollo 13, that happened 50 years ago, and I think the tension caused my blood pressure to rise.

  At the moment I can't be sure if I still have any symptoms that suggest a cold. My nose does run a bit when I yawn, and I can feel something at the back of my neck, but I am not sure what. It could be Covid-19 having another go having probably failed once before, but at the moment I feel quite good in most other respects. Even my legs feel generally OK. Provided a good sticking plaster over that raw bunion makes it comfortable, I want to go for a walk in the park agan today. I have a funny feeling it might be an extended walk, but I'll start by heading towards Ladywell, and adjust the route based upon how I feel.
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