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Thursday 16th April 2020
Lockdown day 24

08:43 BST

  Yesterday was another sunny day, but while it was not cold, the 17° C in the afternoon did not feel much better than tepid. It was fine in a t-shirt, and shorts, but it needs to be over 20° C for it to actually feel warm.
should be warmer than yesterdaay
  The forecast has changed a little bit since I took the screenshot above. The full sunshine is now expected to be replaced by just sunny spells from about 1pm now, but paradoxically, the temperature might now keep increasing until it hits 20° C at 3pm. It will then slowly cool off. It should stay dry today, but may not tomorrow. Light rain may start by mid morning, and continue through the night, and for most of Saturday. Tomorrow will also be pretty cool - probably no more than 13° C.

 With yesterday being bright and sunny I just had to force myself out the door and go for a walk.

Oukitel K5000 phone
Huawei P20 Lite phone
  Like the last few walks I have done recently, I took an old phone as backup to measure how far I walked. Yesterday's backup phone was an Oukitel K5000 (another cheap Chinese phone that I bought out of curiosity). It turned out to give the most flawless trace. It is the picture on the far left. The picture in the middle is the track as shown on my current phone, a Huawei P20 Lite. It threw a major fit in the middle of Lewisham Park, and added about half a mile to my walk. The 2.06 miles that the Oukitel recorded is probably very close to accurate.

  When comparing the settings on the two phones I noticed that the Huawei had the option turned on to use cell towers for additional location data. The Oukitel had that option turned off, and didn't even have a sim card in it so it couldn't get distracted.

  It was interesting to use the phone with no sim card in it. With no data source to update the map along the way it stayed blank, as expected, until I got home, and it connected to my WiFi, and could draw the background to the map. The phone remembered all the GPS data as I hoped it would. I have now turned off the setting that allows the location to be confirmed by cell tower. Location by cell tower is often suspect, and that makes me wonder why it is supposed to be so useful for criminal investigations. When I was at work my location, according to cell tower information, was always shown as being on the far side of the main road - at least a quarter of a mile away. I hope that turning off the setting to use cell towers in the tracking app will make my tracks much more accurate on my current phone.

  I have to admit that it is interesting having tried quite a selection of cheap phones, all bought sim free, and all under £200. None are obviously as good as iPhones or Samsungs costing 5 times the price, because the cheap phones all seem to have one flaw or another. If changing the setting in my current phone, a Huawei P20 Lite, bought for £169, cures that tracking problem then it will almost raise it up to the standard of those very expensive phones. It will be left with one flaw - I don't rate the pictures it takes. They are good enough, but not great. On the other hand the camera does produce some excellent video of gigs when the lighting is low, and the sound is high. That is the one thing I had been searching for when buying a new cheapo phone every 6 to 12 months.
stupid queue
                              outside the Tesco Express store
  My walk yesterday included going through Lewisham Park in the hope of seeing Angela. I made sure I didn't get there too early, and hung around in the park for about 10 minutes in case she was late, but she didn't show by the time I left the park. My route took me past where she works (on the other side of the road), and so I would have seen her if she was starting her lunchbreak a bit later. My walk also took me past the Tesco Express store. I find it really irritating that the queue to get in is by the roadside, instead of along the front of the shop. I think the queue may have continued across the side road by the store. If people queued sensibly, in front of the store, at the required 2 metre spacing, they could go around the corner, and keep out of everyone's way. I refuse to use the place while the queue is like this (and so long).
  I would much prefer to have gone to Sainsbury's - except this shop, and if I remember correctly it was just a shop rather than a supermarket, closed about 50 years ago, and yet the name, painted on the side of the building is still very visible.
Queue around
  The queue to get in Aldi is fairly sensible except for the stupid git who has parked in the middle of it. From this distance it is hard to see where the queue ends. There are some people beyond the car who might be queuing, or they might just be waiting for other reasons. I see no reason for that idiot to park in the middle of the queue. There are parking places for blue badge holders on the opposite side of the road to that idiots car. Really stupid and selfish car drivers are the bane of shopping at Aldi. Some park right across the clearly marked pedestrian crossing, and some park up on the pavement. The latter do not allow enough room for wheelchair users to pass, and not enough room for me to pass without one of my bags rubbing down the side of their car. It is not a malicious thing, but just a matter of physics.

  I would have liked to have walked a bit more than the 2 miles, but a few things stopped me - and most of those few things were my feet. The bunion, or whatever it is that my other boots scraped the top off, was still a little sore even when padded by two sticking plasters, but there was another problem. The insoles of my favourite walking boots were starting to wear, and I changed them for some brand new gel comfort insoles. That changed the whole dynamics of the boots. They were in one respect a bit more comfortable, but they seemed much more clunky, and somehow that made them more difficult to walk in.

  I can't really describe why walking on those softer gel insoles should make it feel more like hard work. I think my ankles were starting to ache a bit when I got home. I also had another problem that was brewing (probably literally) that I would not discover until much later, but made me feel a bit tired. So I didn't try and extend my walk any further, but 2 miles seems like enough to try and keep in practice.

  Soon after I got home I had some lunch. It was a very simple, and for some a very healthy lunch - a couple of apples with a chunk of cheese. I suspect that those apples provided me with more sugar than my body can handle. My blood glucose before dinner was a bit higher than I wanted, although the only way it could have been low is if I had been fasting all day up to then.  The fact that I spent most of the afternoon reading, or dozing on my bed, didn't help, but I was feeling rather tired - and I was beginning to notice some slight discomfort in my gut.

  I thought that for dinner I would go for a tried and tested known low calorie/carbohydrate Shish Kebab. I used one off the restaurants I had used before, and ordered two chicken shish kebabs - one for last night, and one for tonight. I was very happy that my order was delivered about half an hour before the estimated time, and it was delicious. After dinner I resumed being very lazy. I probably watched nearly 4 hours of TV last night....although I didn't always pay attention to what I was watching !

  It was while watching TV that I began to notice a few rumbles from my gut. Before I had finished watching TV I had to make several visits to the toilet...err, possibly 4, and all in quick succession. It was as if the cabbage and onion I had eaten the night before had been fermenting inside of me, and needed to exit in a hurry ! I guess it was 10pm before I was sure it was all over except for some tenderness. I was in bed soon after that, although initially just to do some more reading. It was interesting that at 9pm I was only 0.4° C below "normal" body temperature, and that is almost a raging fever for me.

  It was a warm day as such, and it cooled off quite a bit in the evening. To compensate I left the heater on low for most of the evening. I should have turned it off when I finally got into bed, but I left it on. That left me in that stupid situation of feeling too warm with the duvet, and just very slightly too cool without it. Oddly enough it didn't seem to interfere with my sleep once I got to sleep until the small hours of this morning when it did feel a bit cool without at least a foot and arm covered by the duvet.

  This morning I do not feel great. Some of it is that I haven't heard from Angela despite her seeing a message I sent her yesterday saying I was worried that she had been so quiet over the long weekend. I have my suspicions that she may have "illegally" spent some or all the time with a non member of her household - lover boy. On top of that my blood glucose is back up again this morning, and so is my weight. The latter I am a bit surprised about because I thought I had been taking care of what I ate - except for those two apples - and it seemed that last night I had a really good clear out that should also have cleared any water retention. I ought to fast until dinner time, and I really ought to aim for a walk of over 3 miles today. The trouble is that I don't fancy either option. I'll probably go for some sort of walk today. I might even see if Angela is in the park at lunchtime, but somehow that feels pointless. Life will be so much sweeter when the pubs re-open again.
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