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Saturday 18th April 2020
Lockdown day 26

08:19 BST

  The rain finally came yesterday, but it was very light, and it didn't start to fall until much later than the forecast time of 1pm. It was probably more like 4pm, and it had stopped well before sunset, although this morning there was evidence of there being more rain after dark. Compared to recent days it seemed almost cold, and I am not sure if the temperature even rose as high as even 12° c, let alone the 14° C that was predicted in later revisions of the forecast. It was also rather dull most of the time, but there was at least one sunny spell late in the afternoon when the forecast said it should be raining.
more rain this morning
  I have taken the wise precaution of checking for revisions to today's forecast, something I often forget to do before I start writing, and today it seems like it was a good thing. The latest revision to the forecast omits the hours of rain in the screenshot above. Today may just be very dull, but with the temperature still rising to 15° C. There still is a small chance of rain this morning, but the forecast essentially now says it will be dry. The rising temperature today heralds the return of warmer, and sunnier days. Tomorrow should see a mix of sunshine and sunny spells, and it could get close to being warm with the temperature currently predicted to reach 17° C - but maybe only for a single hour. I am expecting the forecast for tomorrow to change a lot by tomorrow, and hopefully it will be even better.

  I felt pretty bad yesterday morning. As I wrote yesterday, my lower back and hip pain was really strong first thing in the morning, and I am pretty sure I can blame it on the gardening I was doing the day before. The paracetamol I took helped a lot, but I am not sure if the pain went away completely, and even this morning I can detect some tenderness, although I suppose that any bad pain has disappeared by midday. It was then that my hangover started becoming a serious nuisance.

  I think it was nearly 1pm before I went out to get some shopping. The walk probably helped get some of the knots out of my lower back, and freed up my hip joints, but it was not a nice walk on account of the alcohol poisoning I was suffering from. It seemed fine at the time, but drinking half a bottle of gin was probably not a good idea in the end. It is with hindsight (as always) that I realised some of the problem was dehydration. After drinking two pints of lime cordial I started to feel much better.

  I do wonder of I was actually still drunk as I walked to the shop. I didn't exactly feel wobbly, but I did feel strange. I felt stranger when I got home again. I think I am more sensitive to high pollen counts than I have ever been before. It is still possible that if I was infected with coronavirus a month ago, I am still fighting it now. It felt a bit like I was going down with a cold. I was definitely a bit snotty in the afternoon - which isn't a symptom of coronavirus as far as I know* - and I also felt slightly wheezy, but my pulse Oximeter said there was plenty of oxygen in my blood. I suspect many of the things I was feeling were magnified by my hangover !

* The common cold is itself a coronavirus as far as I am aware, but I am writing about the coronavirus, and not any common or garden coronavirus !

  One of the things I bought from the shop was some chicken fillets. They were sold loose, unlike the prepacked ones from supermarkets. I asked for three of them, and even though I could plainly see them, I thought they were smaller than they actually turned out to be. Two would have been quite sufficient for my dinner later in the evening. I also bought some more fresh vegetables, and a couple of bottles of Diet Coke - the latter being the main reason I went out.

  For the rest of the afternoon I laid on my bed reading, and having at least one snooze, while feeling rather poorly. I think it was mid afternoon when I suddenly realised that some of my problem was dehydration, and I fixed that by having a pint of (diluted) lime cordial. I drank that quite quickly, and then poured another that I drank a bit slower. It did seem to make a useful positive difference, but it came at a price. The Roses Lime Juice Cordial does contain a lot of sugar, and I can remember when buying the bottle thinking I ought to limit myself to no more than half a pint every now and then.

  It was yesterday, as I started to prepare my dinner that I got confirmation of a theory of mine...well, a sort of confirmation. A week ago, or whenever it was, I was surprised to see my blood glucose surge upwards when I had an Indian takeaway. I made the bold assumption, that I think I still stand by, that chicken tikka is just spicy grilled chicken, and the salad it come with is harmless. I suspected it was the "mystery green liquid" that might contain a lot of sugar because I had used that very liberally.

  That green liquid is raita - cucumber and mint in yoghurt with a few extra spices. It should be quite tart, which would enhance the flavour of the meat, but it wasn't. It didn't actually taste sweet, but it certainly didn't taste tart like unsweetened yoghurt does - if you can even find unsweetened yoghurt on the shelves. While preparing my dinner I notice a bottle of raita I had bought from Aldi ages ago. It was actually two years after it's use by date, but was probably still OK.
sugar in raita
  I must admit I can't see it on the parts of the label I took pictures of, but I am sure that is boasted it was made to an authentic family recipe - a typical bit of marketing bullshit ! What was very significant is that this stuff lists sugar as an ingredient - and it is higher up the list than vinegar or mint ! I might have taken a chance on it even though it was past it's use by date. It seemed to be in good condition, and the lid has one of those dimples on it that showed it was still vacuum sealed. Any bacterial action in there would usually produce some gas. It is probable that it's texture might have changed over the years, but even that might not have been bad. However, I couldn't forgive it for being another source of hidden sugar, and threw the unopened jar away.

  My dinner was sort of like a special shish kebab, except I don't have an open grill to grill all the stuff. It was the three chicken fillets mini oven/mini grill cooked on top of sliced onion, big plum tomatoes, some diced red chillies (with the seeds in), and some sliced bell peppers. It was very filling and very nice. The diced chillies meant that I didn't feel the need to drown it is hot chilli sauce, and that may be good because the sauce I might have used probably contains sugar.

  As I seem to do every day, I watched about three hours of TV last night, but my concentration on the programmes was definitely waning for the last hour. I was quite keen to get to bed to top up my sleep after only getting about three hours sleep the night before - another reason why I felt bad yesterday. I started off reading in bed, but by 9.30pm I thought I might try for sleep. It didn't come quickly, but it did come as a surprise - a typical case of "I can't sleep", and then I was fast asleep.

  I think I probably slept quite well, and maybe the rather erotic dream in the latter part of my sleep was an indicator that I did ! It was actually a very passive erotic dream. I was in my own home - it felt and smelled like my own home - and yet it was the wrong shape. My bedroom, at least I think it was my bedroom, had a large picture window, and it looked, albeit at an angle, straight into a room of my neighbour. It was not just any old neighbour, but the very attractive woman who lived next door about 25 years ago. I was trying to find a 2 gigabyte hard disk, and in between rummaging around I kept looking out the window. First of all I saw the woman walking around in her underwear, and later on she was topless (maybe bottomless too, but for some reason I couldn't seem to see below her waistline). That was basically all there was to the dream, but it seemed very pleasant !

  This morning I don't seem to have any big problems. My right shoulder felt very stiff when I first woke up, but that is fine now. I still fear that my lower back might be tender, but I had no problem putting pants on this morning - unlike the agony of yesterday morning. My blood glucose is not as low as it was yesterday, and I think I can blame the lime cordial for that. My temperature and blood pressure are both excellent this morning. That just leaves the dark grey sky to suppress any desire to do anything today.

   It is possible I might go out to the shops today. I quite like what I have been doing lately - buying fresh stuff for each days dinner. I probably won't go to that kind of food shop if I go out because one of the foods I want is plant food, and I think the Poundshop may be the easiest place for that. I haven't been in there for ages, but I have passed near it a couple of times. It was open, and there were no queues outside, and so it may not be too painful an experience. I may end up just doing a bit of housework today. My bedroom is in need of a clean if nothing else. I think I may start the day with a shower, and washing my hair, and see how things progress from there.
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