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Friday 17th April 2020
Lockdown day 25

10:24 BST

  Yesterday's weather was not quite as "advertised". The morning was sunny, but the afternoon was often quite dull. The major omission from the weather forecast was that there was a light sprinkling or rain sometime just before 1pm. I'm not sure if the temperature rose to the forecast 19° C. It did feel very mild, but I expected to raise a lot more sweat when working in the garden.
rain expected
  There should be light rain today, or there isn't then all this pain (explanation coming later) is for nothing ! It is not often I hope for rain, but the garden needs it, and it might make the park a bit more empty if I go there today. The rain should start at 1pm, and then it is supposed to not stop until mid morning tomorrow. It is going to be a rather cool day , although the latest revision does say that the temperature may briefly hit 14° C - which is still rather cool !  Tomorrow the temperature may slowly climb to 15° C. Once the morning rain dries up it will still be heavily overcast until the cloud gradually thins a bit mid afternoon, but it probably won't clear enough to let any sunshine through.

  I was rather more depressed than I sounded when writing yesterday.  There were a multitude of small reasons, individually ignorable, why I felt depressed, but one I chose to dwell on concerned drinking. I was feeling that I was fed up drinking alone, and as a result my beer consumption was getting smaller and smaller. To compensate I did drink rather a lot of booze that wasn't beer last night.

  By the time I would usually be going out, around midday, we seemed to have lost the sun, and that put me off going for a walk, although I think I had made my mind up that I would not go for a walk before that. As nice as a walk might have been, even with little sunshine, I could have chosen to just be lazy in the extreme all day, but I did want to try and do something constructive. It seemed a bit gloomy in the back room, and so I didn't fancy doing anything in there, but I did think I might spend 20 minutes in the garden. It turned out to be rather longer than that.
back fence
  The first thing I did, and it was initially all I intended to do, was to repair the back fence. It was tricky doing it from my side of the fence. There was one slat, the 6th from the right, that was hanging by just one nail, and everytime a fox or cat went over the fence that slat would end up pushed to one side. As I said, it was tricky trying to do anything from my side of the fence, but I managed to get a few screws in it that I hope do not protrude too far the other side, and that slat is now firmly fixed.

  When I first moved here my friend Ivor donated an old drinks cabinet to me. Actually it was his wife who wanted to get rid of it because she wanted to get rid of most stuff from his time with his first wife. Now that drinks cabinet, the one I moved by myself without fully emptying it, and pulled a muscle, or popped a rib while doing so, came with a strip of hardboard that had no apparent purpose. Since November 1983 it had been stood up behind the cabinet gathering a thick layer of dust. When I moved the cabinet I thought that I would put it aside rather then throw it away. It proved to be just the right length to replace a missing slat in the fence. It sticks out a mile, but it will weather one day.

  While I was working by the back fence I pulled up a lot more ivy root, and I even managed to snap off one of the two tree stumps. One is still there, wrapped in ivy, and it is like a tube of ivy that marks where I pulled out the other rotted stump. I did something like archaeology when I used a hand trowel to try and trace the old path of a border of bricks at the back of the garden. I think that is actually a lot cause because the trees would have grown through the border pushing the bricks aside. So I dug out some bricks, and moved some of those that are stacked against the fence.
growing pile of
  I have quite a growing pile of bricks now. Some of the red bricks may be suitable to replace some crumbling decorative bricks by my front door, but I'll have to learn to mix and use cement to do that. They can wait for another day in the future.
lawn to be
  The other thing I did was to try and rake a few more lumps out of the lawn-to-be. I think, or at least I hope that today's and tomorrow's rain will get either the old grass seed growing, or the new grass seed I put down. I also hope that the rain will help to level out the lawn area a bit more, and the final hills and dales will eventually be disguised by grass. It is never going to be a bowling green, but I hope it will look nice when it is all green.
the bad end of
                              the lawn-to-be
  This is the end of what should be a lawn nearest the house. The history of this end is that it was once more like a jungle, and so I used it as a tip to dispose of used cat latter. Much of that cat litter was clay based, and now this end has a thick covering of clay - and while it is dry it is very hard. Together with all the rubble at this end, it is going to be very challenging to get any grass to grow there. I think I will need to completely remove about the top 4 inches to reveal the old soil. I have no idea how I will dispose of that clay. I suspect I might have to patiently throw a small bag of it in the wheelie bin every fortnight. Maybe I will have it clear by this time next year !

  Although my initial idea was to spend as little as 20 minutes in the garden, I think I was out there for a good couple of hours. It meant I missed my lunch, although I did have an afternoon snack, but I was getting quite peckish waiting for dinner time to roll round, and to eat my cold chicken shish kebab. The one thing I didn't eat yesterday was any apples, although that was possibly the only significant change in my diet. This morning my blood glucose level was nice and low. It was just 6.2mmol/l - and that is the sort of number I am always aiming for. I have two apples left to eat, and I am only going to eat one a day now.

  There was one other change to my diet and that was that I didn't drink any beer. Some beers, like Guinness, seem to be fairly sugar free, but others appear to contain much more sugar. Most have some sugar, but it is usually low enough not to effect me much - or so I delude myself. Last night I decided I would drink some gin. I chose a half empty bottle of "Oriental spiced gin". Unlike some of the weird gins I bought for Patricia to taste, this one didn't describe itself as a liqueur, and so didn't have any sugar in it. Over the course of an extremely long phone call I finished off the bottle !

  I phoned Sue last night to see how she was doing in this pandemic. She is in the same situation as me in that she lives alone, and so has had no face to face communication for over three weeks now.  Like all phone calls with Sue it went on and on and on ! That is how I ended up emptying the gin bottle. I was not from any desire to get drunk, but more as something to wet my mouth while talking. I don't think I was that drunk when we finally finished the call, and I went to bed - just as it was getting light this morning !

  I got about three hours of sleep last night, and I can see me having a few serious snoozes this afternoon. I woke up in pain, and it was not a hangover, although I do have a bit of a hangover. The really painful bit was my lower back and hips. I think I can blame that on my gardening. I was doing a lot of bending over, and pulling up ivy roots. I took a couple of paracetamol before I took my morning blood pressure medication, and that has helped a lot, as has moving around a bit. The pain killers had not kicked in when I had to go to the toilet, and sitting down on the toilet was really painful.

  I think all my health indicators are looking good this morning. I have already mentioned my nice and low (aka "normal") blood glucose, and my temperature is following it's normal daily pattern. The other good thing is that I seemed to be over the peak in my weight, and maybe it is starting to reduce again. Maybe I can blame the recent gain on the apples I have been eating too. Who would have thought something that is associated with good health could actually be so bad for me !

  Today I have only one small plan. I want to go to one of the small shops to buy some Diet Coke, but otherwise I don't really expect to do much apart from snooze a lot to catch up with my lost sleep.
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