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Tuesday 19th May 2020
Lockdown day 57

07:32 BST

  After midday yesterday was nice and warm, but not hot. Before midday it was bright and warming up, but at 7am it was only 11° C - which wasn't actually cold, but you wouldn't want to stand still for more than a minute or two without a coat. The afternoon temperature reached about the 23° C that was forecast. I don't recall non stop sunshine in the late afternoon, and even early afternoon may not have been 100% sunny, but it is safe to call it a very sunny day.
dull start but sunshine expected
   As I write this it is very overcast. The latest revision to the forecast seems no different to the version in the screenshot above. If it hold any credibility the cloud should be starting to break up now, and in the next half hour we should start to get some sunny spells. Looking at the sky that seems unlikely, but we live in hope. By the afternoon the sun should be blazing down non stop until sunset. That should raise the temperature to 24° C. Tomorrow may follow a similar pattern to today, but the sun should be fully out a couple of hours earlier, and the afternoon may reach 26° C. The day may also be hot, but it may brew up some thunderstorms ! I could believe some of this if I could just see any breaks in the grey cloud to the south where the sun should be somewhere.
lungs working well 
  Unless it displayed a very bad reading, I don't that checking myself with my Pulse Oximeter would have made any difference to my plans for yesterday. The key figure shown on the screen of the meter is the 98. This indicates my blood is 98% saturated with Oxygen. That is a very good figure. I sometimes get 99%, and on rare occasions 100%. I think anything over 95% is considered good. One of the effects of Covid-19 is that when it infects the lungs their Oxygen take up can be a lot less efficient. Very low Oxygen saturation is a potential sign of big trouble. Fortunately my Oxygen saturation seems very good, and has done since I bought this Pulse Oximeter almost exactly a year ago. I think one of my doctors has an identical model. He did remark that 98%, as measured on his instrument, was exceptionally good for an ex-heavy smoker.

  With my lungs in good working order, warm sunshine, and also feeling fairly good, I just had to go out for a walk. Before I went further than my own front gate I watered my window boxes. Much to my surprise another couple of window boxes, the two close together, and made by re-using some stained plastic food containers (with drain holes drilled in them), are now showing good signs of life. I was quite pleased that one of the Nasturtiums, a plant I didn't think was doing well, now has a pale yellow flower on it.
window box - now
                              with flowers
a semi long walk
  Yesterday was a day when it would have been nice to go out in shorts, and try and get a bit of colour on my pale looking legs. Unfortunately I decided I would follow my current favourite walk into the Pool River Linear Park, and that would always include the narrow path with sometime overhanging stinging nettles, by the river. I tried it once in shorts - never again !

 On this occasion I decided I would not push myself to go too far, but at the same time I definitely wanted to walk at least 3 miles. There aren't too many variables to this walk. One variable is to cross the river, or not to cross the river. For variety I tend to always cross the river, and the only place for that (once you are in the middle of the park) is the bow string bridge at the rear of the big Sainsbury's store at Lower Sydenham (or Bell Green - although I don't really know at what point one becomes the other).

  Previous walks suggest this route should be about 3.6 miles, and not the 3.8 miles shown on the tracking app (as pictured on the left). There is one big spike to the left near the bottom of the trace, and some smaller spikes that are only obvious when zooming in while the trace is displayed on my phone screen. Yesterday I went as far as writing a review of this "Simply Walking" app. I said before the last update it worked exceptionally well providing you turned off the option to (allegedly) increase accuracy by using mobile phone masts as well as GPS. That option no long appears in the updated version.

  I just took a few moment to see if my review invoked any comments. It didn't by itself, but a few similar reviews near mine mentioned similar problems, and a general reply from the developer says another update will appear in June. Hopefully this will fix this silly problem.
  I have to confess that I couldn't find anything new to photograph yesterday, and so I made some more silly little videos. I have edited them together to make the video above. I hope it will play in your browser - I know it doesn't in some. The last clip suffered some wind noise which made what I said hard to hear. I said that once upon a time, in the days when I was seeing Angela, I managed to walk the 1.3 miles to where the swings are in about 20 minutes. I arrived exhausted, but the joy of seeing Angela made up for that.
mirrored sunglasses mirrored sunglasses in action set against a backdrop of the river. This was actually a test shot to check what the camera would see when I used the video mode as part of the video above. After wearing those mirrored sunglasses in a real situation I concluded that I didn't really like them despite them looking really cool. I think I much prefer the rose tinted, UV protecting, sunglasses that I think cost nearly £2 (£1.99 if I recall correctly) from Poundstretcher. Evidently that extra 99p makes all the difference....

  On my way home from this walk I was going to get some shopping from the Sainsbury's Local shop, but there was a queue outside of unknown length. There was two people queing outside, and one or two more who appeared to take social distancing to extremes. I was not sure if they were in a queue or not, and it might have been rude to have slipped in half way between their 10 metre distancing. Instead of  Sainsbury's I did my shopping in PFC - the place previously known as the Turkish supermarket. Mainly I wanted some drinks - just soft drinks on this occasion - but I did get a few other items too.

  The only negative experience of that bit of shopping was that the zip broke on my favourite ruck sack. Once I got home I tried to see if there was any way of repairing it, but it appeared that there wasn't, and reluctantly I decided to throw it away, and use a spare rucksack I have.  I'm not sure if there are any market stalls near The Black Cat now, but of there are, or maybe when there are, I can easily get another rucksack if my spare turns out to have any problems (there is probably a reason why I don't seem to be using it, and I guess I'll find that out when it comes to using it).

  Not pushing myself too far was a good thing yesterday. My feet felt a lot less "tenderised" when I got home. That was the intention because I thought I might go out shopping later in the afternoon. I didn't, and that was mainly because after doing my photo and video "processing" I lay on my bed, and ended up having a long snooze. I guess I was still catching up on my sleepless night two days earlier. Apart from that sleepiness I did sort of feel OK.

  I thought I was going to try and modulate my eating yesterday to get another nice low blood glucose reading this morning, but it seems I didn't - although my food intake was such that my weight may have dropped a 100 grams this morning - that "may have" is waiting until I have had a good poo - nothing has happened yet, but it may not be long now. Meanwhile, my blood glucose is back up to 7.30mmol/l. That is still absolutely fine, but nothing to celebrate.

  I slept really well last night until just after sunrise. By that time I had slept for slightly over 6 hours, but I woke up from a dream that involved Angela. After that my brain would not shut up properly, and although I did manage to get a bit of sleep afterwards, it was all very unsatisfactory. I ended up getting up earlier than I wanted. Since then, as well as writing all these words I have washed my hair, conditioned it, and had a shower. This means that in theory I could go out for a walk extra early today, but in practice I will wait until the sun has come out properly - which maybe it has. I think I will visit Mountsfield park today for a bit of hill climbing. There should be no stinging nettles on this walk, and so I can scare the residents of Catford with my naked knees by wearing my shorts !
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