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Monday 1st June 2020
Lockdown day 70

08:27 BST

  Most of what I wrote about the day before yesterday also applies to yesterday - "It was really nice yesterday. The temperature was a warm 23° C in the afternoon, and apart from a slightly dull start to the day, it was a very sunny day with a brilliant blue sky." The only minor difference was that yesterday started bright.
another nice day
   The sun is casting very strong and sharp shadows, but the sky looks a bit milky still - a pale blue milkiness. That should clear soon to give brilliant sunshine, and a lovely blue sky that is forecast to last until almost sunset. The afternoon will probably be a degree warmer than yesterday, 24° C. Tomorrow is currently forecast to be one degree warmer, but otherwise the same. There is currently doubt about the day after tomorrow. It could be the start of a couple of days featuring some rain.

possibly optimistic track of
                                      my walk
may not be 100% accurate

  I wanted to get out and go for a walk early yesterday because I was expecting a parcel delivery. Past experience showed it would arrive some time in the afternoon, and I didn't want to miss the delivery. In fact it didn't arrive until just gone 5pm, but I preferred not to take chances.

  Going out at 10.30am was not particularly early, but it was early enough that it wasn't too crowded in the park. To save time I opted to just go around Ladywell Fields. My original idea was to go around the north part twice, but that would have been a bit boring, and so I walked the entire length of the south part. I then walked to Catford Bridge, and took advantage of a very quiet shop to buy some beers.

  There is some doubt as to how far I walked. I took two phones with me, and both gave different readings. The track on the left is from my current phone, and the track in the middle is from my old Wileyfox Spark phone.
  I suspect that the true figure is somewhere between the two figures of 2.583 and 2.17 miles. The track on the above left was taken from my Huawei P20 Lite phone with it's high resolution screen. It does show lots of wiggles, and these are sort of genuine. It is where I was moving out of the way, to keep at least 2 metres, and preferably twice that or more, from other people. It also seems to show a few over shoots. The track in the middle, taken from an old Wileyfox Spark phone looks quite low resolution, and it seems to have smoothed out any small deviations that would have increased the distance walked. It is almost certainly under reading.
Egyptian geese
  I didn't take a real camera with me yesterday because I wasn't expecting there would be much that was new to see, but I was wrong. I used my Wileyfox Spark phone to take a few pictures that needed taking (and I remembered to pause the tracker while I used the camera). Under some circumstances it can take really rotten pictures. I think that might have been the reason why I replaced it after maybe just 6 months (I was fully waged then, and it only cost a little over £100).

  To take the picture on the left, of the two Egyptian geese, I needed to use zoom - and the camera only has electronic zoom. I suspect I may have done better to have taken it without zoom, and just cropped the picture on my PC. The electronic zoom just left a messy looking picture, but there was worse. The auto colour balance seemed to make a right mess of the colours. The green grass came out looking very muddy. I had to spend a fair bit of time using my photo editor application (The Gimp) to get the picture looking as good as it does (that included shrinking it down so you can't see how awful it looks full sized !).
low river
  Fortunately, with the sun over my shoulder, and not too much green in the picture, this snap, showing how low the river was, came out reasonably OK. It is some time since I have seen all the rock, and the caissons that form the weir, looking so exposed. It would be nice if the "park keepers" were able to take advantage of it being like this, and clear all the crap out that accumulates behind the weir.
party in the
                                  park !
  The evidence is that someone had a good party in the park recently. It does look like someone had tried to dump their stuff in a black bag, but I would not be surprised if the crows helped to scatter a lot of it around. It is often cats or foxes that get the blame for making a mess around litter bins, but I have personally seen crows go into a rubbish bin like this, and toss littler out of it. I know that crows can't be blamed for the heavier bottles and cans...or maybe can't be blamed, but they are stronger than they look, and very clever too !

  I took a shopping bag with me on my walk. I had been thinking I might call into Sainsbury's if I made an extended journey home, but then I thought that I didn't really need anything from Sainsbury's. I might have done if they kept a fair selection of beer. However, I know that the little supermarket just past Catford Bridge station does keep an interesting selection of beers. I called in and came out with 3 bottles, and 3 cans before clanking my way back home.

  It was my intention to have a couple of the beers, pictured on the left, in the evening, but it worked out differently to that. What I did have when I got home was a very light lunch - a little tub of four bean salad. A little while later I got a call from Jodie, and it was all because I made a silly mistake. I had sent her a picture of some yellow courgettes that the beer shop were selling, and Jodie, for some weird reason likes yellow courgettes. She was heading to Catford to buy some, and asked if she could drop by to see my garden.

  My garden is really nothing to see at the moment. The grass is growing in patches, and so are a multitude of weeds. None of the flowers I sowed seeds for have grown, and the only thing that is growing well are three potato plants that grew all by themselves after I must have left a few small potatoes in the ground after harvesting the ones I grew last year.

  It was inevitable that we would start drinking beer when Jodie arrived. She brought along a couple of cans, and I opened a few of mine. We ended up drinking in the living room - which is probably against all social distancing rules. My parcel delivery finally arrived at 5.36pm, and Jodie went home soon after that.

  The beer, on a fairly empty stomach, made me feel hungry, but worse was that it made me want something more substantial than the salad I had been planning. It was well after 6pm when I decided I would order a takeaway. As usual it was a couple of chicken shish kebabs, but I also ordered a burger too. The big problem, or potential problem, was the burger bun. I expected that to raise my blood glucose level at a time when I was trying to reduce it after eating that naughty ice cream the day before.

  Last night was another night when I began to feel quite tired early in the evening. I know that by many standards it was still very early, but I was quite happy to be fast asleep by, or even before 10pm. My sleep was both good and bad. I woke up feeling cold sometime around 1am. I pulled the duvet over me, and finally got back to sleep. An hour or two later I woke up with a dry mouth and throat, and started a dry cough. A couple of mouthfuls of drink settled that, and I managed to get back to sleep again. I woke at around 5am again, but this morning I seemed to be able to turn over and go back to sleep again until 6.30am (at least I think that was when it was).

  Once again, my health indicators show I should be feeling better than I do. I was quite pleased that I seemed to have got away with eating that burger bun. I have started the month with my blood glucose down to a very satisfactory 6.9mmol/l. Even my weight was looking good. I was fortunate that I went to the toilet before I had drunk or eaten anything this morning, and so my weight was at a minimum. It was not as low as when I come back from a long walk in a state of dehydration, but it is heading there. This morning I was on the cusp of the units digits (whole kilograms) going down one. If I can walk 3 or more miles in the hot sunshine today, I could see my lowest weigh ever (where "ever" means for so long that I have no idea when it might have been - probably 1982).

  I guess I am going to force myself to go for a long(ish) walk today, but I can't think where I want to go today. Ideally I want some sort of novelty - like my walk the other day when I walked the southern end of the Waterlink Way. Maybe one possibility is Beckenham Place Park, but that place is smaller than it looks, and to build distance up it means walking around in circles. Another possibility is the country park near Elmers End station. I guess I ought to get myself washed and ready to go out !
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