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Wednesday 10th June 2020
Lockdown day 79

09:20 BST

  It sometimes felt a bit humid, almost like a thunderstorm was brewing, around midday yesterday. Some of the rather dark looking clouds made it look quite likely, but it stayed dry all day. There were even a few brief sunny spells during the afternoon. I'm not sure if the temperature reached the earlier forecast of 18° C, but it did seem to feel warm enough to raise a sweat when walking.
rain - but when will it actually
   It was supposed to be raining almost from daybreak this morning, but while the sky is heavily overcast, it remains dry. The latest revision to the forecast says the rain will now start at 11am. In the meantime it feels rather cool even though I think the temperature may already be 15° C - which is the highest temperature forecast for today. Only light rain is forecast for today, and it may just be in discrete showers, but with almost the rest of the day for it to do it, I don't think I'll be needing to water the garden today. The rain is predicted to continue through until tomorrow, and only finish late in the afternoon. Tomorrow should be a warmer day with the temperature peaking as high as 19° C as the afternoon ends.
 not quite
                              a 5 mile walk

  I was in two minds yesterday. I wanted to go out, and I wanted to stay in the warm. I almost stayed in. For part of the morning I lay on my bed reading, and I was getting very close to falling asleep. I think it was after the second time that I found that I had closed my eyes that I decided I had to get up, and get out. It was almost midday before I went out, and that is a bit later than some of my recent walk (but was quite a typical time some while back). I had taken some painkillers earlier, but I still felt a bit creaky.

  Once again I only expected to walk a couple of miles, and once again my pains became easier once I started walking. The first three quarters of a mile, or the distance from home to the start of the narrow little path alongside the river, seemed like heavy going. I am not sure when it was that I decided I could possibly walk a lot further. In fact there probably was not any single time when I planned to walk much further. It was a sort of organic growth - adding more and more distance as I progressed.

  As the map on the left shows, I ended up walking almost 4.6 miles. In one respect that was disappointing because as I approached the halfway point, where I started heading for home again, I thought I might push it to a 5 mile walk. It felt a long way to go, and yet was less than I thought. The good thing is that even as I reached home again, I still felt I could walk another mile, and maybe more.

  Being not totally exhausted didn't mean that I fancied doing anything more than rest and be as lazy as possible when I got home. I think in some ways it was more like mental exhaustion. I think, or at least I like to think, that if called upon to do more stuff, I could have done it. It was probably the wrong attitude to think that I had done the great task for the day, and no more needed to be done. The grand flaw in that argument is that I preferred to rest a lot before I could raise the energy, or was it enthusiasm to "process" all the pictures and videos I had taken.

pulled from
                                the river ?
  I came across these bottles on the path and thought the vodka squad had been having another session, but the mud on the bottles suggested these bottles had been pulled out of the river, although why they were then dumped in the middle of the path is a mystery.
neck height,
                                jugular ripping bramble
  This bramble shoot was at neck height right across the path. It could have ripped my jugular out.  Maybe next time I head for that path I will take a pair of garden clippers, and clear some of these hazards.
  I know that poppies tend to be very short lived flowers, but I was surprised I had not seen these growing by the path towards the end of the park near Lower Sydenham.
carved from a
                                solid lump of tree
  This settee, or sofa seems to be carved from a solid lump of tree. It is on a small triangle of grass on the junction between a side road, whose name I forget, and Southend Lane. Shame about the old fag packet, and the empty beer can, but otherwise it is rather good.
Catford And
                                Cyphers Cricket Club
  My route home was deliberately not direct so I could extend the distance walked. My route took me passed The Catford And Cyphers Cricket Club. I once went to a very interesting open mic session there in approximately 2014. The open mic session was a sort of wake for the man, John Fisher, who Angela would later fall in love with. I am not sure what stage of cancer he was going through at the time, probably an early stage, and he wanted to have a sort of party and music session before his illness made such thing possible. I was not really aware of his condition at the time, and I don't even think I knew it was supposed to be more wake, that open mic session. The ironic thing is that Angela lives probably less than 10 minutes walk from the place, and didn't even know it was happening. Perhaps I was lucky in as much I was there to help celebrate his life, and Angela, who dumped me for him, was only able to celebrate his death.
  I shot a couple of bits of video during my walk, but this one is possibly very slightly  more interesting than some of the others. It starts with me walking up the path that almost looks yellow when wearing my rose tinted sunglasses, and that ends up at Lower Sydenham station. It is interesting to me that having now walked that path twice it seems to be getting shorter. It seemed much longer the first time.

  The second part of the video is when I reached the station, and starts at the top of the public footbridge, and looking down to the steps I had just gone up. Once upon a time, and maybe not too long ago, those stairs would have winded me, but even after an almost 2 mile walk, the last bit of which was gently uphill, it seemed to take very little effort, almost none at all, to walk up those steps, and at the top I was not breathing so heavily that I could not string a few sentences together.

  On my way home I called into the Sainsbury's Local shop by Catford station. There was nothing much I really needed, but I thought that after that long walk I could have a tub of low calorie/sugar ice cream as a reward. I also bought some salad, and one other indulgence. I was not even sure if Sainsbury's did an own label whisky, but I thought they might do, and indeed they do. I bought a bottle of it, and it was only £13.25 (if I recall correctly). I have tested it, and I have to say it is not as good as my favourite - Tesco's Special Reserve whisky. The Sainsbury's stuff has a hint of something I can only describe as having a sort of hint of something fishy. The good thing is that it doesn't have that bonfire/burning tyres taste that some whisky lovers like, and so it is drinkable, but not very enjoyable.

  Once I got home I seemed to slip into relaxation mode rather easily.  It is hard to tell now if it was actually exhaustion, or just believed exhaustion. I think the latter is closer to the truth. Until I stopped it did feel like I could have walked another mile without too much effort. Maybe I allowed myself to relax too much as I ate my ice cream, and afterwards I just did not feel like doing anything, even, as I said above, "processing" the pictures and video I had shot.  I probably spent an hour laying down reading and snoozing before doing anything else.

  The first thing I did was to prepare a rather late lunch.  The reason for this late lunch, and what I chose it to be, were dictated by the fact that I intended to have another fish based dinner. For that I had to open a sealed pack of 4 non frozen, battered fish fillets. I did not want to leave the pack open for too long, and so I first cooked two of the fish fillets, ate them for lunch, and then cooked the other two for my dinner. I put a squirt of mayonnaise on the lunch, and it didn't go  with the fish as well as I thought.

  I delayed my dinner a bit after the late lunch, and the fish was cool (but not cold) when I had it with a few baby tomatoes, and a small heap of salad leaves. This time I dressed the whole dinner with some balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and that worked really well. That is a recipe I will be trying in the future. By dinner time I had finally processed my pictures and video, and so I didn't have much to do after dinner. I watched two episodes of Star Trek, and sooner after I went back to reading in my bed rather than on it.

  It seemed like a good night for an early night, and I can't be sure, but I think I was asleep around 9pm. It was a good start but it all went wrong when I received a text message at 11pm. It was a message from Jo to say that Liz, Jo's one time backup singer, and later fronting her own band, had died from cancer, and Jo didn't want me to have to wait until it appeared on social media to find out.

   I only ever knew Liz as a singer, but had no idea about her private life, and also no idea that she had cancer. As such her death had very little impact on me, and I felt more sad for Jo and her loss of a good friend. Of course such things get the mind churning, and it took hours before I got back to sleep again. I don't think I slept that well for the rest of the night. It didn't help that I seemed to wake up far too soon. Instead of 8 hours sleep I may have only got 5 hours.

  This morning I feel tired, and I seem to have a bit of a headache, but otherwise I don't seem to be suffering from any result of my long walk. I could also go for another walk, and in fact I was considering one later on, but I now doubt it will happen. In the middle of writing this I was interrupted by a phone call from Lee. As usual he took two hours to see what only needed 10 minutes if he could stick to the original point. It is now just gone midday, believe it or not, and I am thinking more on the lines of a light lunch and a siesta before doing anything else.

  One thing that held me back from having any more dynamic thoughts earlier was the promise of rain lasting most of today. As usual it was a sort of broken promise. At 11am enough rain fell to leave a pattern of individual rain drops on the pavement outside, but since then - nothing ! It is still bloody gloomy outside, and that dull grey light is sucking the will out of me to do anything useful for now. Maybe I'll get bored enough to do something useful this afternoon....but on the other hand I have a book to finish, and another that I am waiting to start once the last is finished !