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Friday 17th July 2020
Lockdown day 116

08:02 BST

  I think I have to admit that the forecast for yesterday was very close to reality. Most of the day was very dull and overcast. I seem to recall the sun did break through for a few very brief occasions during the day, and there was a bit of sunshine just before the sun set - although you had to be on the 5th storey of a building to see it peeping over the horizon. As far as I am aware it was a completely dry day, and in the early evening the temperature reached 22° C.
some sunshine, and fairly warm

   The sun is doing it's best to shine now, but the latest revision to the forecast now says the first sunny intervals are not due for another hour. This afternoon should feature a lot of sunshine, but the latest revision of the forecast shows a bit less than in the screentshot above (I think the screenshot was of the 4am forecast). The main features today will be the afternoon, and evening sunshine plus the temperature rising to a very warm 27° C. I seem to recall that tomorrow was shown as reverting to being dull and overcast in the forecasts yesterday, or the day before, but the prediction now if for a bright sunny afternoon, and 25° C.

   The highlight of my day, yesterday, must have been my shopping trip to Aldi....and maybe fish fingers for breakfast ! I think I will blame the latter for making me feel very lazy. It is strange. Most people say that can't operate without breakfast, but it has always seemed to be the other way round for me. Some of the longest walks I have achieved have been done on an empty stomach. After my fish finger breakfast I just wanted to relax, and that is exactly what I did. I lay on my bed reading, and I think I even had a mid morning snooze.

  I didn't have any lunch yesterday. I never really need it, and I think that after those fish fingers (just fish fingers, and nothing else) I blanked any idea that I might want lunch. I think I probably had a snack or two during the afternoon. It was in the afternoon that I slowly felt the need to do something. I broke myself in gently by doing stuff on my PC, and by 4pm I started getting productive. I started by giving the glasses used the previous day a proper wash and polish. (I had only given them a quick rinse the day before).

  The next thing I did was another wash and brush up job. If you remember the fad of "Keep Calm, And Carry On" 4, 5, 6. ?? years ago, then that is when I bought some place mats bearing that logo (it could easily have been 10 years ago now I think about it). Now the dining room table has been recommissioned I though it would be useful to drag those place mats out, and give them a good clean. Many looked pretty worn after a good scrub, but once dried out there are at least three that seem in perfect condition, and the others are not that bad.

  All that was very little to show for a whole day, but I ended up doing a bit of hard work. I hand washed (which is all I ever do) some laundry. There was enough of it to get me sweating quite hard at the end, but I was working in hot water, and it was a warm evening. I soon cooled down once I put my feet up, and even while sweating my temperature was about my average - several degrees below the fever line.

  Having cooled down I then got hot again by having a hot dinner. I am sure I only bought it because it was marked down to half price. It was a Tesco chicken stew with dumplings. It seemed pleasant, but nothing worth writing home about, although I guess if I saw another at half price I might buy it. Despite the dumplings it seemed insubstantial, and I had a couple of Jazz Apples as a dessert.

  I think it was slightly after dark, but probably not really later than 10pm before I was asleep last night. As far as I can tell I slept quite well, although it was one of those nights when you can remember dreaming a lot, but all the details seem to fade away within seconds of waking up. I do remember the last few seconds of the last dream I had, but without remembering what came before it just seems impossible to make a description that makes any sense.

  This morning I dared weigh myself - and I had to do it before I had a morning poo (as I write this I have farted a lot, but nothing more). The good news is that I seem to have lost a few kg - and possibly more, but I can't make a guess about that because I don't know if I will eventually do a big or small poo sometime this morning. Oh how desperate it is to be where even trimming your toenails seems wise before getting on the scales ! The odd thing is that I sort of feel slimmer, and that is despite obviously being bloated with gas.

  There is good news about my blood glucose too. It has dropped to just 8.0mmol/l. It is still higher than I would like, but the important thing is that it is still heading in the right direction. Even my blood pressure has dropped back to about my average after a small blip yesterday (a blip that took it nearly up to the target my doctor(s) said they hoped it would drop to). If it wasn't for my aching legs, and a very painful twinge from my right shoulder while I was washing under my left arm, I could almost think of myself as approaching being slightly healthy.

  Today I have two definite plans. I will be going to the corner shop to buy possibly two magazines. Then I will go to the Poundshop to see what I can add to my shopping embargo stores. Embago because I don't want to wear a face mask, and so can't enter any shops after 24th July - although I do have a legitimately doctor prescribed asthma inhaler, and asthma sufferers do not have to wear a masks if it causes them difficulties. In theory I could just whip the inhaler out of my pocket and show that I am exempt, but I doubt I could do it quickly enough to deter a lynching party.

  In theory I shall be going for a walk in the hot sunshine today. Unless I hear anything that gives me hope, I don't think it is worth wasting my time hoping that Angela may turn up in the park - particularly on a Friday when she often goes shopping. I think I will head to the River Pool Linear Park, and keep walking until I feel like turning around. On the other hand, two fresh magazine may be too much of a lure to let me even get out of the house !
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