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Friday 24th July 2020
Lockdown day 123
Shopping embargo day 1

08:41 BST

  The sun put in a few appearances yesterday, but much of the day was overcast - usually only lightly overcast. It was better than mild, but only just warm day with an afternoon temperature of 22 to 24° C.
maybe duller than yesterday

   The early weather forecast looks very bland. The latest revision is less bland - more periods of it being heavily overcast have been added ! There seems to be a 10% chance of rain at any time today, but that is so low it will probably be a dry day. The only positive thing is that it should be 22 or even 23° C.  Tomorrow will probably be very similar except it might include some light rain showers.

  Yesterday was a day of rest - mostly. As I mentioned yesterday morning, I did go shopping in Iceland  in the morning, and it was a painful walk there and back. It was a good early(ish) reminder to me that I really did need to rest my legs, and at the end of the day it did seem to work. I spent the rest of the morning laying on my bed reading. I think I probably had a snooze, or maybe even two, but I tried to leave my mind on idle, except for the best bits of the book I was reading, and so I don't really remember any details of the morning.

  It may have been after 1pm when the idea of eating started nagging me. In theory I should have fasted for the rest of the day after eating fut fat and sugar ice cream for breakfast. On the other hand I had bought some frozen ready meals, and I didn't have room to keep one of them in the fridge, let alone freezer. It was an alleged low calorie, "Slimmers world", or whatever they call that range, Korean beef with noodles. It was more substantial that I thought, and I quite enjoyed it.

  I went back to resting for maybe an hour, to let my lunch digest, and then I got the itch to do something more useful. One thing that was useful. and didn't involve any leg muscles and stuff, apart from standing up, was to do some laundry. I washed three t-shirts, and some underwear. I could potentially have hung it outside to dry, but I dried it indoors with the fan on it, and the window open. It dried a lot faster than I expected.

  I then went back to resting my legs. At about 5.30pm I put on some outdoor clothes, and walked to the corner shop. It is a very small walk compared to going to Iceland, but even so I could still feel how much better my legs were for being rested. I use the word "legs" to encompass all the bits involved in walking - including feet. I could still feel the sorest muscles, but at least for that short walk, I wouldn't say I had any actual pain. That was good news.

  The bad news is that I didn't manage to buy the new edition of New Scientist. It should be in the shops today, but I was hoping it might have been delivered to the shops the afternoon before. Sadly it wasn't and it now looks like I won't be reading any news about Covid-19 until next spring - that being my best guess as to when the requirement to wear masks in shops may be relaxed, or removed.

  I was going to have another ready meal from Iceland, maybe two, for my dinner, but at least those two are in the fridge, and while not in the freezer section, should be OK for a few days. Instead I had steamed salmon with peas. In theory it was a more healthy meal than what I might have had. My readings this morning suggest it was. After dinner I started to watch some TV, but I was still getting a lot of pain from my right knee when sitting down for long periods. In the end I resorted to laying on my bed with a book for most of the evening.

  When I finally went to bed, only slightly later than usual, I noted that the side of my right thigh muscle was still very sore. I am sure I probably jabbed it with a large stick when I fell over on the overgrown river bank the day before. In theory there should be a magnificent bruise there, but I can see nothing there. I did discover a small, and now fading very fast, bruise on the back of my left thumb yesterday - another legacy of that fall.

  It didn't seem to take long to find a mostly comfortable position, and I was soon asleep. That was surprising after having a snooze or three during the day. It was probably more surprising that I seemed to sleep well. I have some very vague memories of getting up for a pee once or twice, but those memories seem no more substantial to the dreams I had. I can remember dreaming a lot, at least I think I can, but I certainly can't seem to remember enough of those dreams to even attempt to describe them.

  This morning I woke up feeling creaky, but not specially so, and I suppose I could say it felt perfectly normal.  My blood glucose was higher than desired, but to my surprise it was lower than expected. In figures it was 8.2mmol/l. I would be a lot happier if it had started with a 7, but it's not too bad. I think my weight was looking good, and that rather surprised me. It was still showing a slight downward trend. If I were able to  to do a couple of long walks in the sunshine I reckon I could almost get it down closer to the figure I see when very dehydrated - but without being dehydrated !
after show line
  Before going any further I had to show this picture that I have been meaning to show for several days now. I can't even remember in what context I was going to show it, but at least I have now shown it. It dates back to 2016. It was taken at the end of a gig, sometime after official closing time if I recall correctly, and features The Life Of Brian, and anyone else left in the pub ! It even includes me. I think Angela was there, but she was behind the camera (my camera).

  Back to today. I think I have probably recovered enough to go for a short walk. Maybe just to Ladywell and back, but I may not do even that. The big unknown at this time is when I can expect a couple of deliveries. In theory spare line for my new strimmer may turn up today. It is also possible that my new strimmer may turn up as well. The last tracking info said it arrived at Amazon's Dartford depot at 2.45am this morning. That usually means it will be out for delivery later this morning, and could arrive late afternoon.

  The spare strimming line/wire is coming Royal Mail, and the last time that happened it was late afternoon. I guess if I was quick I could get out for a quick walk before the morning is over. On the other hand an extra day of resting my legs could be a good idea. One thing I won't be doing is any shopping. My refusal to wear a mask now means I am banned from shops (as well as buses and trains). I reckon my social isolation is now just about complete !
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