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Thursday 23rd July 2020
Lockdown day 122
Shopping embago -1 days

09:54 BST

  Yesterday turned out to be better than my interpretation of the weather forecast. There seemed to be far more sunshine. There were sunny spells in the latter half of the morning, and long sunny spells in the afternoon (with only short gaps between them). At about 2pm it did seem to get quite cloudy for a while, and I thought I felt one or two drops of rain hot my face. It seemed to be a warm day, and the forecast 24° C was probably about right.
light to medium overcast

   I'm not sure if it was sunny at 6 and 7am this morning. I think it was more like it is now - bright but mostly overcast. The latest revision to the forecast allows for a few scattered sunny spells today, but more of the day may be overcast. It will probably stay dry this afternoon (when the clouds will be thicker), and the afternoon temperature should reach 24° C again. At the moment tomorrow is forecast to be 100% grey, but it should still reach 23° C.
a long and painful walk

  Yesterday morning started with a shopping trip to Tesco to stock up on more stuff to help extend my shopping embargo. Maybe with the help of buying some fresh stuff from outdoor market stalls, and maybe stuff bought online, I hope to be able to keep out of the shops for at least two months - starting tomorrow when face masks become compulsory in shops.

  With my shopping out the way I felt ready to tackle another long walk. It might have ended up even longer than 4.798 miles if I hadn't ended up in so much pain. My main target was to have a better look around Brookmill Park in Deptford. I had visited it on my 5 mile walk to Greenwich a couple of months ago. On that occasion I walked through the park fairly quickly as I concentrated on reaching Greenwich.

  Having now looked around it I now think of it as smaller than I had originally thought. Like the River Pool Linear park it is mostly quite narrow. I guess that is obvious from the map, but I had thought that there were paths both sides of the river. Apparently not, and while in places there are two parallel paths, it is mostly just one long strip of land between the river and the road.

  I was particularly interested in seeing what the river was like as it would through the park. That was my downfall. I had two accidents that left me in quite a lot of pain - pain that continues today unless I take the weight off my legs by laying down. Even then a few bits are a bit tender.

steps down to
                              the river
  My first accident happened here. To start walking down these steps it is necessary to step over a low wall. I somehow stumbled, and ended up coming down on the wall rather hard. It was the same action as sitting on the wall, but I did it at high speed with no control. At the time I was more concerned with trying to make it look like I wanted to do it to save bruising my ego. Later on I concluded I had almost bruised one of my buttocks.
rocks in the
  After getting back on my feet I walked down the wooden steps with no problem, and I was delighted to see some rocks in the river. They are not as good as my favourite rocks in the River Pool Linear Park, and I didn't feel brave enough to go out to them. The water looks shallow in this photo, but I didn't fancy taking chances when so far from home. Of course the silly thing is that I was only just over 2 miles from home. It felt like it was far further to here than it is to my favourite rocks in the Linear Park, and they are just under 2 miles away. It is odd that they now don't feel as if they are that far away.

  I followed a mud path along the bank but it was getting more and more overgrown. I think that after my bare legs (I was wearing shorts) had been stung by nettles twice I decided to get back on the main path. It seemed easy enough to go up the bank, and clamber over the 2ft high wall at the top. It would have been easy - but for one thing. I stepped awkwardly to avoid getting my legs stung again, and my right foot found a tree root. I fell flat on my face !

  My first worry was that I had damaged my camera that was in my right hand, on, and with the lens open. Before I did anything else I blew any dust off the lens, and turned it off before putting it in my pocket. I then managed to stand up again, and finish going up the bank, and over the wall. It was some time before I realised the damage, and in fact I was still finding new bits well after getting home. I was determined to reach the far end of the park before turning around and heading home.
 There are three entrances to the park from Brookmill Road. I visited all three, but it was the middle one that is most interesting. I show it at the end of the video. The entrance gate shows the original name of the park - Ravensbourne Park, and the opening date of 1953.

I didn't actually take any pictures on the way home because I was in pain, and concentrating on trying to get home as fast as possible - which was not very fast at all ! By showing two other pictures I took on the outward leg in reverse order it looks like I might have taken pictures on the way back. I'm pretty certain I have showed this picture before. It is painted on one of the bridge abutments of the railway bridge above on the railway line between Ladywell and Lewisham.
old WW2 shelter sign
  It is rather amazing that this sign is still so clearly visible considering it would have been painted during WW2. It points to some steps going down to voids under the railway bridge that were used as shelters during the second world war.

  It seemed a long walk home, but in fact, despite my discomfort I managed to keep up a reasonable pace. An average speed of 2.66 mph is actually slightly faster than some of my more recent long walks, although on those walks I probably spent a bit more time taking pictures or video. Once I got home it was wonderful to take off my boots, and street clothes. The first thing I did once I was stripped to my underpants was to get on the scales. I was a bit disappointed to see that I was still 300gm heavier than my all time low (all time as in the last 12 to 24 months). Yesterday was not such a hot day, and so I guess I was less dehydrated when I got home.

  The next thing I did was to take a strong analgesic. In this case it was in liquid form - neat Scotch Whisky. After one large glass equivalent to about 5 pub measures, and half a similar sized glass, I began to feel OK. I felt even better after a snooze. By early evening I was feeling fine provided I kept resting my right leg (It was the right leg, knee, ankle, and buttock that was most painful). I had drank the whisky on an empty stomach, or to look at it another way, I didn't have any lunch. I thought that deserved a more substantial dinner. I had oven cooked, almost, but not quite grilled sausages and mushrooms, plus some peas.

  After eating I had the energy to go through the pictures and video that I shot. I also tried to watch a bit of TV, but sitting upright was too painful for long periods, and I effectively ended up going to bed quite early. I may have ended up reading in bed for well over an hour before I turned out the light. It was while in bed that I realised that I had also grazed my elbow. I hadn't noticed it was sore before that. I also found that my right buttock was still very sensitive, and if I lay on my right hand side in a certain way it was rather painful. Obviously I tried not to lay that way.

  I seemed to get a fair night's sleep, and if I have any complaint it was waking up earlier than I would have liked. It wasn't fully light when I woke up the first time. By first time I am ignoring those times when I just wake up for a pee, and fall asleep again as soon as I get back from the toilet. I managed to get back to sleep again, but only for about an hour. Then it was time to try and assess how I felt.

  When freshly out of bed I didn't feel too bad, but it took little effort to revive some aches and pains. The better news was that my weight was still fairly low, and it still seems I am over a hump, and losing weight again even if it is far slower than I would wish for. This time even my blood glucose had dropped to a far saner figure. It did seem that the majority of my body was in fair working order,

  When I had a shower I felt quite good except when hot water trickled over my left knee cap. That probably has the worst graze, and the hot water stung a bit. After my shower I dressed, and put on an old pair of trainers that I wouldn't use for long walks, but I hoped would be more comfortable than boots for a quick walk to the shops - a walk that wasn't as quick as I hoped.

  It was an uncomfortable walk to Iceland. I went there on this last day when masks are not required to see what I could buy to top my stocks up. Mostly I bought Pepsi Max and Diet Coke, but I also bought a couple of ready meals. I have no room in the freezer for them, and I will probably have a feast of crap today...sort of curry like crap ! I also bought a small tub of very high sugar ice cream. Iceland do not seem to do any low calorie/sugar ice cream, and it was quite an eye opener to see the full strength stuff. I had that tub for breakfast as a sort of stupid reward for putting up with the pain of walking to and from Iceland. Together with the junk convenience food I am going to regret it tomorrow morning, but I shall enjoy it while I can.

  I think I just have two things on the agenda today. I have already started some laundry by putting 3 t-shirts and some underwear into soak in detergent. I'll finish that washing off soon. Later on, possibly about 6pm, I'll limp along to the corner shop to see if the latest New Scientist has arrived. If It hasn't I'll have to go there tomorrow and see of I can buy it before anyone notices I haven't got a mask on ! Other than that, I will probably spend a lot of the day laying on my bed reading and snoozing. Hopefully I will able to be more active tomorrow.
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