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Saturday 8th August 2020
Lockdown day 138
Shopping embargo day 16

08:02 BST

  Yesterday can simply be described as hot ! The highest temperature I saw on my thermometer was 33° C. That was a degree less than the forecast, but maybe that was because the sunshine failed after 4pm when clouds started to roll in. It wasn't a complete coverage, and it stayed dry - except for the humidity. With little sunshine heating the front of the house my bedroom temperature dropped from like a furnace down to a mere oven. It was a hot, sweaty night !
hot but less sunshine
   Today may see a lot less sunshine according to the Met Office (screenshot above), although the BBC say it will be another sunny day. Both estimate it will be over 30° C again today. Today the BBC has the edge over the Met Office. They predicted an 80% chance of rain at 7am, although for some bizzare reason they didn't actually say it would rain. 80% seems close to a certainty to me, and indeed there was evidence of a light shower maybe a bit earlier than 7am, but not a lot earlier. At the moment about half the sky is covered in clouds, but that still leaves a lot of blue sky, and the sun is currently shining through a gap in those clouds. I suspect the BBC's forecast for a lot of sunshine may turn out to be right.

  The current prediction for tomorrow is that there won't be full sunshine until about 11am, but then the sun is probably going to blaze down until at least early evening, and the temperature will rise to about 30° C. This coming Monday and Tuesday will also be hot, and possibly very humid to as thunderstorms brew up. Both the Met Office and BBC predict thunderstorms for both Monday and Tuesday. Oh well, at least I won't have to water the garden on those days....probably.
a short walk in fierce heat
  The first thing I did yesterday was to water the garden. I was a bit dismayed to find my garden seemed to have been the toilet for several cats and a fox. The cats had left about 5 unburied poos in the flower beds, and the fox had a dump in the middle of the lawn !  I think it was maybe the night before I was thinking that my lawn was sufficiently lawn like, albeit deficient in some ways, that I could take a ground sheet out there, and lie in the sun. That idea seemed a lot less attractive yesterday morning !

  After watering the garden I had a shower, and slowly got myself ready to go for a walk. I knew there was a certain madness going out on the hottest day I can remember, but it was that madness that appealed to me. I like walking in the sunshine, but maybe over 30° C is pushing it a bit.  I went out anyway, and wondered just how far I could walk in the heat. On this rare occasion I even took a bottle of chilled water with me.

  I had only walked just over a mile before I was dripping with sweat, and I noted that by then I would usually have got in my stride maybe half a mile back. It was then that I realised I wasn't going to do a long walk, but I thought that I would press on regardless. At 1.4 miles, when I had reached the bow string bridge in the River Pool Linear Park, I was starting to feel a bit better.

  I thought I had intended to turn back at that point, and basically re-trace my steps for a mere 2.8 mile walk, but I had this crazy idea I could do better than that. I had the stupid idea that I would leave the park, and walk back via Perry Hill, and that meant walking to the top, and than down the other side.
 This video has clips of all the significant stops on my walk. While I was in the park I found places to balance the camera so I could talk at it hands free. In the middle of the video I explain how the last time, and possibly the only other time, I walked up the far side of Perry Hill it was a mission of mercy. What I didn't say was that it was the first time I visited Angela's house. She was off sick, and sounding very miserable. After work I took the train to Lower Sydenham, and then walked to her place via Sainsbury's where I bought flowers, and some food and drink for her.  It think it could have been 10° cooler on that day, but by the time I reached the top of the hill I was suffering. Yesterday it seemed a fairly easy walk. It seems this practice is paying off.
old gasworks site
I noted that the last major reminder that Bell Green had once had a huge gas works had vanished. It was a gasometer (or gas holder), and I believe there was a local campaign to keep the last one as a familiar landmark, but it has gone, and the ground (probably) decontaminated.  I doubt it will that long before another big retail shed in built there.
where the gasometer used to
This is what the last bit of the old gasworks looks like now - cleared and flattened.
semi redundant signs
I found it amusing that now most of these safety signs are redundant. There is nothing with a roof, and the deep, water filled pit the gasometer sat in is filled in, and there is nothing left that objects could fall from. There are probably other dangers that are not easily visible from peeking through the gates - such as tripping over weeds.
war memorial
One of the nice things about walking is that it allows you to stop and study things. I had probably seen this war memorial from the top of a bus as it passed by, but I had never seen it properly until yesterday. It was erected by the board of the South Suburban Gas Company to honour employees who joined the armed forces, and lost their lives in the first or second world wars.
Livesey Memorial Hall
The warm memorial stands outside the Livesey Memorial Hall. The South Suburban Gas Company was evidently a very progressive company with an ethos that probably doesn't exist in modern business. This memorial hall was built by the company as both a memorial and a leisure hall for use by their employees. It featured a small auditorium, a games room, and a library. There was also a games field out the back too. It is now reduced to being a "function hall" to be hired by all and sundry, and presumably now owned and run by a completely different business.

  After 3.3 miles it was nice to get home, and back in the cool....well it was cool by comparison in my dining room in the north part of my house. During my walk I hadn't felt the need to touch the chilled water I had taken with me, but once I had weighed myself I enjoyed a couple of cold cans of beer. I can't remember what my weight was, and I didn't record it. I guess it was not as low as I hoped it would be. I waited until I had drunk the two 440ml cans of beer before checking my blood glucose, and once again I was disappointed. I can only assume that Carling Black Label contains a lot more sugar than, say, Guinness.

  During the afternoon I was in a strange transposition of both wanting to, and not wanting to eat. Eventually I decided to wait until dinner time before eating, and that I would order a takeaway rather than prepare a meal myself. My mind was further made up when I received a typical spam-like message from Just Eat. Their marketing message said that The German Doner chain were doing free delivery yesterday. I had heard some favourable comments about German Doner kebabs, and I must admit I was intrigued by the concept of kebabs made to German standards (or some such bullshit).

  As 5.30pm approached it was time to get online and order my takeaway. I selected German Doner kebabs from Just Eat's website, and tried to make an order. It would seem that the German Doner Kebabs menu options are more than Just Eat's website can handle, and I managed to crash their website twice before selecting another restaurant. I was then able to order some kebabs with no problem. I ordered one for last night, and one for tonight. After eating (almost) nothing all day I also ordered a burger as well.

  My order was delivered about 10 to 15 earlier than predicted, and that was nice. The food was good and bad. There was something about the salad I wasn't keen on. I think it may have been sitting in the shop for long enough to lose it's crispness. The meat was good though. I think I ordered the kebabs without pitta bread, but they came with pitta bread anyway, but it was wrapped separately and I wasn't left with a bit of soggy pitta bread to dispose of. The burger seemed particularly nice. It's flavour was enhanced by the option of having chilli sauce on it. That shop, whose name I can't even remember without looking it up (it was on Lee High Road I think) does seem to do a nice chilli sauce.

  I was both looking forward to, and not looking forward to bedtime. I was tired, and the prospect of sleep was very appealing, but I knew it was going to be a very hot sweaty sleep. I did managed to get to sleep fairly quickly with the fan blowing over my naked body, but I woke up many times in the night feeling hot and thirsty. I think I got through over a pint of dilute orange squash during the night.

  I didn't feel good when I woke up. I had been thrashing around a lot, and as usual I had triggered a flare up of my dodgy ribs and chest muscles, or whatever. It was, I will admit, a mild flare up, but I also had a headache, and other bits seemed to ache. The good news is that my weight seemed to have dropped several hundred grams. Some of it may be attributed to being dehydrated after sweating a lot during the night, but on the other hand I had drunk a lot more than usual during the night. I couldn't have been too dehydrated because my blood glucose was 8.0mmol/l this morning. That is an improvement, but I want it under 8, and maybe even under 7 if I can manage it.

  When I first woke up I was definitely not going for a walk today. Now I have been up for a few hours I have changed opinion to "I don't think I am going for a walk today". If things improve I may end up going for some sort of walk, but for the moment I don't feel any particular urge to go out. I would like to have a snooze or two so I can catch up on some of the poor sleep I got last night. I will water the garden next, and then have a shower. After that I will try and come up with some sort of loose plan for the day.