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Thursday 10th September 2020
Lockdown day 171
Shopping embargo day 49

09:31 BST

  Once again yesterday was brighter than the forecast predicted. The best sunny periods were in the first half of the morning. The start of the afternoon was sometimes a bit dull, but it wasn't long before the sun broke through the clouds again to give more sunny spells. The afternoon temperature rose to 21° C, and it felt like a good day to lock the bathroom window open again.
sunny day
  The latest revision to the forecast improves upon the screenshot above. The full sunshine is now predicted to last right through to 5pm, and the last couple of hours of daylight will feature just sunny spells. For all the predicted sunshine, the temperature may only rise to 19° C today. At the moment it should only be 12° C, but with the sunshine pouring through my open window it feels warmer than that. Tomorrow should be another dry day, but only sunny spells are forecast for all the daylight hours. That is a lot less sunshine than today, but the temperature should be back to 21° C tomorrow.

   I was almost tempted to go out for a walk yesterday, but I allowed the flimsiest, and one important excuse to stop me. It is hard to say how I passed the time during the morning. I probably spent as much time reading as anything else. One interruption happened at 11am - elevenses time. With no strong distractions* I felt peckish. I ended up having about 10 rice crackers with some thin slivers of cheese. I don't think it was on that occasion, but probably one of the several times I hit the rice crackers that I managed to cut, or at least spike the inside of my mouth twice. The cut was to the gum. Even this morning bits of my mouth feel sore is provoked.

* Normally a book can be an excellent distraction, but the current book I am reading is a bit turgid. It is Robert Heinlien's "Beyond This Horizon". It is one of his very early books, written in 1942 if I recall correctly, and a lot of it is like a lecture on his views of social etiquette, and other ideas to make the future better. In the first half of the book he pushes it a bit too much. I can't remember how the book finishes, but I have a vague recollection that from about the middle of the book it becomes far more exciting. I am near the middle now, and the pace is starting to pick up.

  It is probably lucky I didn't take an option I was considering - a quick walk in the afternoon. I was not expecting my parcel from Amazon until quite late in the afternoon, and probably early evening, but it arrived about 3pm if I recall correctly. It was a sort of novelty item that I have an occasional good use for. It is a video projector - a surprisingly cheap one. I am sure it was sold cheap because it was old stock. By cheap I mean under £100. Most video projectors, to the latest standards sell for multiple hundreds of pounds.

  My new projector is only high definition (720p) - not very high definition - most of the current crop are 1080p. It is also possible that it is obsolete in another way. I have not read the instruction booklet, but it has a feature not mentioned in the sales blurb. It has an aerial socket. It is my guess that it supported analogue TV reception. Whether the software in it supports a TV receiver is something I have yet to notice. Of course it is possible that it supports digital TV, and no one bother to mention it. What it does support is playing stuff of USB memory drives, SD memory cards, as well as VGA and HDMI sources.  It has some inbuilt speakers, but they are a bit crap, and so fortunately it has an audio out jack. It is quite sophisticated for such a cheap device.

  I had a play with the projector yesterday afternoon, but only long enough to get the feel of it. I had hoped I would be able to set it up to display some of my own gig video for this afternoon. Some of my high definition stuff looks good, and in some cases even sounds good. I was thinking I would show some to Jodie and Michael this afternoon, but there is a minor problem. For the best picture it needs a proper projector screen. I ordered one with it, but I didn't realise it would be shipped from China. It may not arrive here until as late as November ! That was the penalty for it being remarkably cheap. I have ordered another one now that should be stocked locally, but it was nearly 4 times the price (although still cheaper than many other options).

  After eating elevenses I had a late lunch. I wanted something novel or interesting, and the answer was found in a pasta "mug shot" - instant noodles  with sauce - just add boiling water. It said it was only 250 calories, which is not negligible when added to all the other stuff you might eat. That wouldn't be so bad, but it was not very enjoyable. The sauce the little twirly noodles were in was allegedly "cajun flavour". I am not sure exactly what that means, but I hoped it would mean it was spicy - it wasn't. It needed some chilli sauce to liven it up a bit.

  The next time anything interesting happened was dinner time. Dinner was a two part affair. Part one was chicken shish kebab (minus the pitta bread) - the final part of my takeaway from the previous evening. I put the whole thing in the microwave this time, but only for 60 seconds to take the chill off, and not long enough to cook the salad. On reflection it was probably just as nice as when I have separated the meat from the salad, to heat the meat properly. Yesterday I mentioned that the salad seemed to have a slight taste of soap. Yesterday I narrowed it down to just the cucumber. It was a strange, and rather unpleasant taste, and soap is the closest I can compare it with.

  Soapy (or something) cucumber was not a reason to make me think the meal was incomplete. Fortunately I had an idea. The last of the ready made salads that Michael had bought for me was a few days past it's best before date, and needed using fast. I had it as part of my dinner part 2. I gave it some extra flavour by dosing it up with some walnut and riccota pesto, and the last of the jar of the "continental style" cheese cubes in oil. It turned out to be an interesting salad, although there was a bit too much cheese on it. It was one of those occasions when there was a serving and a half of cheese in the jar, and it didn't seem worthwhile saving half a serving, and so I ate the lot.

  My sleep was dominated by dreams all on the subject of parcel deliveries. It was also one of those nights where I seemed to be awake a lot, but while awake I was thinking about parcel deliveries too. It now seems impossible to say how many of those time when I thought I was awake were actually more dreams. Maybe the biggest clue that I was awake was that at the time I was going to get up I still felt really tired. I turned over, and woke up again well over an hour later.

  I did have a mad idea that I might get up even before it was light, and go shopping in the old Turkish Supermarket on Catford Bridge. Jodie assures me that they don't worry about masks in there, and they are one of the few shops that don't even have perspex screens up in front of the counter. I thought it would be even easier to get away with maskless shopping in the very early hours (the place is open 24 hours a day). I probably will do it one day, but this morning I definitely didn't feel like getting up at 5am.

  Things were almost looking good this morning. My blood glucose had dropped down to a far more reasonable 7.5mmol/l. That is, or was, my typical monthly average. My blood pressure, which has been a bit higher than my usual had dropped a bit, and was close to my typical readings again. The disappointment was my weight. It seemed like I had put on 100gm. I probably haven't because it was only several hours after taking the reading that I finally went to the toilet, and passed some poo. I can measure again because I have drunk a fair bit of water, and eaten a sort of breakfast. I think I may be going to the toilet again before the morning is out.

  Today would be a good day for a walk. It is bright and sunny, and happy out there. Unfortunately I don't think I could get ready in time for an early(ish) walk. There is also the potential for another visit to the toilet looming. I could go out early this afternoon, but in fact I can't. Sometime between 1pm and 3pm I am expecting my latest beer delivery. It is of a mixture of Australian and New Zealand beers - mostly in bottles, but I think some are in cans. There are 30 bottles/cans in all.

  By constantly monitoring my blood glucose once a day (sometimes twice) I know that some beers can affect my blood glucose a lot, and some very little. It is lucky that I have people to help me drink them. This afternoon it is almost certain that Jodie will be over to try some beers, and will undoubtedly arrive much later than is ideal. Michael said something about waterproofing his backdoor today, and that may delay him, but I reckon he will be here soon after 3pm. I hope my beer is delivered early in my allotted 2 hour slot to allow time to chill a few bottles.
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