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Friday 11th September 2020
Lockdown day 172
Shopping embargo day 50

08:32 BST

  Yesterday was very sunny, but it was disappointingly cool. Not cold, or even chilly, but just 19° C after all that sunshine felt like being short changed.
mostly just sunny periods today
  I have my doubts about the accuracy of the above forecast. I don't recall much in the way of sunshine at 7am. The sky is currently streaked with clouds, and now and then a few rays of sunshine filter through a tiny gap. Maybe that is all we can expect in the way of sunshine for much of today. The latest revision to the forecast only changes one thing, and that is that the sunny periods/intervals now extend through the day until sunset - hopefully. Although there will be less sunshine than yesterday, it will be a whole 1° C warmer. We were promised it would be 21° C in yesterday's forecast for today, but now it seems it will only be 20° C. Oh well, it looks like warmer days are coming, but not tomorrow. Having said that, it does seem tomorrow could see 21° C, but absolutely no sunshine is forecast.

  The big thing, although not the best thing yesterday was the delivery of my latest beer supplies. That would not happen until 10 or 15 minutes after the 2 hour estimated delivery slot I had been advised of. It was about 3.10pm when they finally arrived - which was cutting it fine because I had invited Jodie and Michael around for 3pm to sample some of my new beers.

  During the morning I did very little, but I did water the garden, and water the window boxes out the front of my house. I also did a little tidying up - dusting the dining room table, and making sure my beer glasses were clean and polished. Ideally I would have hoovered the dining room floor, but somehow there didn't seem to be enough tome for that. At least that is my excuse, and I am sticking to it !
lopsided window
  I haven't mentioned my window boxes for a long time. It was many weeks ago that I refilled them with compost, and seeded them. I can remember hearing something while in bed, in the early hours of the morning. It sounded like, and probably was a bird digging up the seeds, and leaving the compost churned up at one end of the window box. The result is now very easy to see - a very lopsided window box. That is a shame because the one end that is growing OK has produced a great many nice flowers.
window box
  My other window box is growing well, although as a floral display it is a bit underwhelming.

  The morning passed, and then half the afternoon. Finally my beer arrived. It arrived in two big heavy boxes, and one light and small box. The latter contained a few rather expensive snacks. They were imported, and I was curious about them. One snack was reduced price because it was only a few days before it's use by date. It was "Burger Rings". I can't recall seeing anything like it in local shops, and curiosity got the better of me - as it did for the "Atomic tomato" chips (actually that was American "chips" - what we know as crisps), and some rice crackers with potentially interesting flavours.
beer !
  I had ordered more beer than I realised - 42 bottles in total if my arithmetic is correct. I thought I had ordered all 6 packs, but two of them were 12 packs. As I am learning is the normal case, they were more expensive than supermarket prices, but cheaper than pub prices. Of course none of these are normally available in supermarkets, and would be more likely found in specialist beer shops who charge considerably more than supermarkets. Buying in bulk from a distributor probably saved a fair bit of money. Of the beers I tasted, none had that something special that made them better than locally brewed beers. The only good thing was their curiosity value. They were all brewed in either New Zealand or Australia. The distributor also stock South African beers as their third speciality. Jodie says they could be really good.
a gathering of
                              under 6
  By late afternoon there I had a little gathering at my place. Michael, on the left, and Jodie, on the right, were the original invitees. Mark, second from left, was there to meet up with Jodie before they went for a Pizza with Arm, sitting to the left of Jodie. Arm had decided to jump on the train and come here to save Mark driving all the way to Eden Park before driving back to Bromley, or wherever they went for their pizza (and probably more beer).

  It was a fun afternoon, and we didn't break the up coming government ban of more than 6 people gathering together, and the 10pm curfew that also starts on Monday. These draconian measures are allegedly to fight covid, but the only time you hear about them usually is during war time when a country is under foreign control, or during dictatorships when insurrection is expected. I suspect the latter reason is more likely as a rehearsal for post Brexit times when all hell may let loose.

  As usual I missed my dinner time, and I felt sufficiently drunk to not want to bother cooking my dinner. I resorted to yet another takeaway. This time I felt the urge for some Indian food. I found a restaurant doing free delivery and a 20% discount, and ordered enough for two days. Last night I only ate the meat from a tandoori mixed grill, and a vegetable curry side dish. It seems I still have many unopened containers to investigate for dinner tonight. I possibly have three days worth of dinner if I am careful !

  I managed to watch all of the second episode of Star Trek last night. That finished at 8pm, and by then it was dark. I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do apart from reading, and so I made preparations for bed. I think I may have been asleep by 9pm. During the night I had a few fights with my duvet as I went through another session of too hot or too cool again. I remember it as not a good night's sleep, but I somehow feel fairly refreshed this morning.

  Actually, I am not sure of what I have just said is correct. It was correct until I thought about it, but now I am thinking that my legs feel a bit stiff, and how nice it would be to go back to bed....well, maybe. One thing that was expected was that after lots of beer, and eating who knows what, my weight has gone up a tad.  When I got on the scales the last digit flickered for a second or two. If it had settled on the lower number I would not have put on any weight, but it settled on the higher number, and so I have put on 100gm since yesterday. This is not a disaster, but I have to be careful.

  The easiest way of being careful would be to go for a 5 mile walk today, and with the forecast sunny spells that could be quite pleasant. Unfortunately I should be getting the projector screen I ordered to go with my video projector delivered today, and that makes going out tricky. My package arrived at the Dartford depot at just gone midnight this morning. Depending on whether the final deliver goes to an early or late riser, my parcel could arrive as early as 2pm, or as late as 7pm today. It is a shame that Amazon do not predict a one or two hour delivery slot like some couriers do. It would make planning the day a lot easier.

  On the basis I will be at home for most, if not all of the day, I had better try and find some distractive activity to keep my mind off eating today. At least I shouldn't need to battle my blood glucose too much today. This morning it was below 8.0mmol/l, and while I would prefer under 7, under 8 is quite good enough. One useful thing is that many of my imported beers say they are 99% sugar free. I could drink a few beers without worrying too much about my blood glucose, but they may not be friendly to my weight.

  I think I will get the hoover out later this morning. The dining room could do with a hoovering, and my bedroom definitely does. Hoovering always seems to raise a sweat, and so in theory it must burn a few calories. If I get really keen I could do some work in the garden, and sooner or later I am going to have to do some heavy work out there. I need to skim off the top 3 inches of the end of the lawn area to make it match the height of the rest of the lawn. That top layer contains a lot of old cat litter. Some of it is grey clay, and that makes it really hard when it is dry. Quite what I am going to do with the spoil is an unanswered question ! Whether I do that today, or whether I try and finish the book I am not enjoying as much as I hoped, is another unanswered question.
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