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Friday 30th October 2020
Lockdown day 221
Shopping embargo day 88 99

10:00 GMT

  Yesterday was mostly definitely a grey day, but not quite as wet as forecast. The morning featured mostly drizzle rather than heavy rain. There were a few times when the rain was heavier than drizzle, but it was some way off what I would call heavy rain. The afternoon was mostly just dull, but there may have been a few spells of drizzle. By early afternoon the temperature reached 14° C, and it stayed there for the rest of the day, and through the night. I noted one of my outside thermometers reading 14.8° C around 10pm last night.
more rain expected

  The most notable thing about this morning was how it was not that cold. The forecast says 15° C, and while I keep forgetting to check that figure here, it seems very believable. What is also very believable is that today is going to be dull and gloomy from dawn to dusk. What is less certain is when it will rain. A few hours of light rain have featured in all revisions of the forecast, but the time keeps changing. The latest revision says it will be between 5 and 7pm, but even then it says there will only be a 50% chance of rain. There is a 20% chance of rain for most of the rest of the afternoon. Two things are possible: It may stay dry all day, or there could be rain at any random time. The latest revision says it will be 15° C all day today, but the screenshot (above), taken much earlier this morning, said that it could be 16° C this afternoon. Curiously enough, an even earlier forecast mentioned 17° C, and that seems to be what one of my outside thermometers is saying right now (although with it sitting on the windowsill of the back bedroom, it's accuracy is dubious). At the moment the forecast for tomorrow looks fairly similar to today, but with one notable difference - the chance of rain in the afternoon is shown as 80 or 90%. A lot could change by then, but at the moment it seems tomorrow is almost certain to be wet !

   I have already told the story of yesterday morning - getting showered and dressed early, and then going shopping in Aldi. Having read the relevant paragraphs again just now, it seems the main omission in my narrative was any form of grammar ! I hope that despite the off missing word, and an occasional "s" missed of a word here and there, it was mostly understandable. I think I was rushing to write it, and I either had no time to proof read it, or I just couldn't be bothered to proof read it. The latter is almost certainly true !

  I have nothing to add to my description of the morning. Nothing of note happened after I had finished writing. Only one thing of note happened before my boozy afternoon happened, and that was to get a message from Michael to say his son and daugher-in-law were expected at short notice, and he couldn't come out for a beer. It was lucky that Angela said she couldn't come and join us on her way home from work because half the lure would have been Michael being here, and he wouldn't be.

  The "Thursday Club" was just me and Jodie yesterday, but we got through an interesting selection of beer. Jodie had been in Lidl who were having some sort of Scottish week theme, and bought a selection of canned Scottish brewed beers. I had been to Aldi, and matched her 4 cans with 3 cans from Aldi, and I think some of them were brewed in Scotland. I think Jodie's cans, which were bigger 440ml cans, were nicer than the smaller, 330ml cans from Aldi.

Jodies Scottish
my beer

  Actually, third from the left, in the lower picture (my beer selection), is a 440ml can. I also have to add that we split each can in half rather than having a full can each. I still seemed to end up feeling slightly drunk at the end of the session. Unfortunately it was the sort of mild drunkenness that make you me feel hungry. I wasn't drinking on an empty stomach because I had treated myself to a couple of packs of very unhealthy sandwiches when I was in Aldi in the morning.

  I even ate while drinking, but it wasn't the usual sort of snacks you might eat to help soak up the beer. While I was in Aldi I spotted they were selling bags of "rainbow carrots". Despite the fact that orange, yellow and deep purple (almost black) hardly make a rainbow ! I thought they would be the sort of thing Jodie would enjoy, and so I bought a bag for her. I was wrong - she is not keen on carrots, and prefers other multicoloured vegetable. She did try a few inches of purple and yellow carrots, but just judged them to taste like carrots. I ate the rest of those two carrots.

  My dinner, as usual eaten a bit late on a Thursday, was rather nice - even if I say so myself. What made it extra nice is that I had precooked some Lincolnshire sausages before we started drinking, and I just had to warm them up before eating them. The good thing about that was I didn't have to use any fierce heat, and so I could eat the sausages at a more sensible temperature. While they weren't burning my mouth I could taste the sage in them much easier.

  I had those sausages with half a can of Heinz low sugar baked beans. The other half of the can played on my mind for an hour or two, and I ended up having a small dinner part 2. It was those beans, served cold with some small cubes of cheese, and some Marmite flavoured crisps. It was exceedingly naughty, and exceedingly nice !  Fortunately it didn't devastate my blood glucose reading this morning, but it was rather high. I don't think it could have contributed to my troubles in the night either.

  I was probably fast asleep by as early as 8.30pm last night. I seemed to sleep very soundly for maybe 4 hours. I know that during that time I had a nice dream, but all memory of it vanished when I woke up because I was more aware of the discomfort of trapped wind. To be honest it wasn't all trapped, and my bedroom ended up smelling like a sewer. Over the course of an hour I kept going to the toilet hoping that something more than just wind would happen.  At the end of that hour....or was it 2 hours ? It may have been 2 hours now I think about it. Eventually, I seemed to have deflated and I managed to get back to sleep again.

  I woke as if to get up around dawn, but that seemed much too early after losing so much sleep during the night, and I managed to get back to sleep for another hour. I think I managed another half hour,, and them maybe 10 minutes after that, but eventually I was forced to admit to myself that it was time to get up. My guts still felt tender at first, but a successful visit to the toilet sorted that out. I did have a sort of hangover, but it was the type more like being wrapped in grey fog than than the painful type. I guess it wasn't a great different to the first minutes of most days now.

  As I said a couple of paragraphs ago, my blood glucose was not desperately high this morning, but it was no surprise after all I ate and drank yesterday that it was up to 9.0mmol/l. That is a bit close to the danger zone (usually said as being 10mmol/l and over). I feel lucky it wasn't a lot higher. This morning I refused to go anywhere near my scales. I dread to think what I weigh after some of the stuff I have eaten and drunk recently. The original thought was that once I can go shopping in Aldi I can choose more healthy ingredients, and I sort of have, but I also still have stuff to use up.

  Today is a day of uncertainties. There is a reasonable, but not definite chance that Michael will drop by this afternoon for a beer drinking session. Even Jodie may join us for a second session. This morning, not that there is a lot of it left, and for an hour or so early this afternoon, I may well spent my time preparing for November. I need new spreadsheets for my health measurements, and I need to design (aka slap together) a November page for this website. All that leaves to do is to cook and eat dinner, and go to bed a couple of hours later.