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Tuesday 24th November 2020
Lockdown day 246
Shopping embargo day 88 124

08:49 GMT

  I'm not sure if the sunny intervals that cheered up the morning lasted until 1pm, which was the most up to date prediction I saw when writing yesterday. I remember the afternoon being quite dull, and also rather cool. The day started off almost, if not actually frosty, and only warmed up to about 10° C. Oh well, at least it was dry.
maybe a sunny afternoon
  It is starting to brighten up now, and there has been one very short sunny spell (30 seconds worth !), and this morning has started off a whole one degree warmer than the best that yesterday could offer. The most recent revision to the forecast looks almost identical to the screenshot above. It seems more and more likely that it will be a bright and pleasant afternoon. It is a shame the temperature may only be 12° C at best, but even that might feel OK in direct sunshine. Tomorrow could be a degree warmer still, but it comes at the cost of gloomy skies, and almost certainly some rain.

  My day was impeded yesterday because I felt ill. It is not easy to describe just exactly how I felt ill. There were some physical symptoms, and they were generally similar to how you might describe 'flu in it's milder forms. It wasn't 'flu though, and I don't think it was covid either. If anything it was a cross between fatigue and malaise. Some may well have been the after effects of my fairly long walk the day before. When I was doing such walks, or even longer walk, on a more regular basis, I would only get a few mild after effects the next day - quite often none at all.

  However, I do remember feeling rough the next day when I first started to try and do 5 mile walks on a more regular basis. Since summer ended I have put on weight, and have not been out for many walks. It feels a bit like I have to push myself a lot more when I go for what are now very occasional walks. I think this partly explains why the walk the day before yesterday left a legacy yesterday. Then, a few too many aches and pains, left me feeling miserable, and that just made it all so much more worse.

  What I do know is that I had no fever yesterday, and my blood glucose was good enough. I did note that my blood pressure was a bit higher than normal, but still well within the safe area. That suggests something was up, but blood pressure is probably more sensitive to emotion than anything else. All this preamble leads up to the act that I didn't feel like/couldn't be bothered to do anything yesterday. In theory I should have gone for a walk when the sun was out, and in theory I could have enjoyed that, but I preferred to do nothing.

  One thing I am forgetting at this point was that I did have two nights of insufficient sleep before yesterday. They would have taken their toll too. In fact I think that yesterday I even mentioned that I fancied a bit more sleep. I did have an extra snooze yesterday morning, and maybe it contributed to some of the creakiness I experienced I felt until ate in the afternoon.

  While I keep thinking I was entirely unproductive yesterday, it is only half true. I shouldn't lose sight of the fact that I was up early, after a late night, to go shopping in Aldi. I then had to stay alert for a parcel delivery - a very heavy parcel that probably broke the camels back when I lugged it from the front door to the dining room to unpack it. I probably deserved a snooze after that.

  It could be argued that I did very little in the afternoon because my old PC did most of the work, but the fact is that I did feed it with stuff to work on. Yesterday was the first time I selected it to boot into Windows XP since I repaired it after it's blow up. Windows was oblivious to the changes I had made to add a solid state hard drive because that, being formatted to a Linux file system, was invisible to it. Windows was a bit surprised to find a new graphics card in it, but it was part of the same ATI family, and just needed a small tweak to set the resolution correctly. (I was also using it on a different, and 4:3 monitor as well).

  Once Windows had settled down I installed the software for the video capture/converter box I bought not so long ago, and then I got out a VHS machine to try with it. Then I got to the point where I did very little, and the computer worked hard. I ended up transferring  2 small videos, and three long videos onto the PC. The long videos were three "episodes" of Raw Power - a late night rock music programme on ITV in 1991.

  There was no special reason for wanting digital copies of those Raw Power "episodes". (I don't think "episodes" is the right description for this sort of thing, but I can think of no better description). In one respect there was a reason not to digitise them, and that was because the sound quality was really quite bad. At first I thought the muffled sound was a fault of the recorder, but later on I realised that the sound during the commercial breaks sounded OK (apart from the annoying processing they do to commercials to make them stand out). I ended up coming away with the idea that the crap sound was due to cheap and crap production of the programmes themselves - made to a cheap budget as a late night filler.

  In all I transferred over three hours of VHS, analogue video to my PC. I even made a start of editing some of it. I cleaned up the beginning and end, and removed the commercial breaks from on Raw Power, and I cleaned the end and beginning of the two short videos, as well as making copies in a better file format to show here.

 Back in 1986 I really wanted to be much more than just good friends with Imogen, but sadly that is all we ever were. At that time video equipment for the hobbyist was very primitive, but it probably made me more creative, and able to make something from very little. The snail and hedgehog motives in this video are not so easy to explain, but stem from Imogen signing her letters with a simple sketch of a snail !

  During the afternoon I began to feel better. Being a bit more productive helped. Feeling warmer as the heater didn't have to fight so hard as the day warmed up (a bit) helped too. It was gone 3pm when I was sitting at my old PC, and a few small shots of whiskey taken to help something or another, definitely helped to make me feel better, but there was one other thing that probably helped. I didn't feel like it in a conventional way, but about 4 (or 5 ?) very productive visits to the toilet through the course of the morning, and an hour or two into the afternoon, suggested I had been constipated. It certainly didn't feel that way, but the results speak for themselves.

  As dinner time approached I was almost feeling normal (which isn't great, but the best I can manage these days). I had eaten some assorted, but quasi healthy, food during the day, and I decided to make something delicious even if it wasn't that healthy. It was roast carrots, parsnip (singular, but cut into chips), and shallots with the three uneaten Turkish "style" sausages cut into slices, and also roasted. I will admit it was a bit greasy, but the root vegetables would have provided lots of fibre, and maybe something else good too. It was rather nice !

  I didn't feel the need for any booze after my dinner, but I did have a sort of dessert. I finished off half a tub of Cottage Cheese by using rice crackers as a scoop/spoon. Buying the cottage cheese was an idea that came to me while in Aldi in the morning. I guess I just wanted to check it was as bland as ever. I don't think I could taste it at all behind the BBQ flavoured rice crackers.

  I watched my usual couple of Star Trek episodes, and when the second finished at 8pm I was feeling tired enough to retire to bed to read. Things are a bit of a blur from then onwards, but I think I turned out the light at about 9pm, and I think I was asleep soon after. I can't really remember much about the night, and so I guess I slept well last night. If there was one fault it was that I woke up while it was still dark, and it seemed I had had enough sleep, and couldn't get back to sleep again.

  This morning I am not sure how I feel. At first I seemed to feel OK, but then I spent 5 or 10 minutes downstairs where it was cold, and came back up to my warm bedroom feeling horrible - as bad as yesterday !  Now I have warmed up again I don't feel so bad, but I don't exactly feel dynamic. My blood glucose is up to 8.5mmol/l this morning. That might mean I am fighting an infection, or it might mean I went shopping yesterday (and got a parcel of goodies) that might have contained a few "naughty" items !

  It is possible, although by no means likely, that I may go for a walk in the sunshine today. I have to be careful if I do because I am expecting two parcels (both from one recent order I made) to be delivered today. In think the earliest I can expect them would be 1pm, although I suspect they will arrive much later than that. If I am ready in time I could go out for an hour or so, and still be back before 1pm, but as I write this I still have a few things to do, including having a shower, before I can go. Whether I have enough time is tricky to know right now.
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