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Wednesday 25th November 2020
Lockdown day 247
Shopping embargo day 88 125

08:52 GMT

  After a dull start there were plenty of sunny intervals almost towards the end of the afternoon (or sunset, as the end of the afternoon is now). While the sunshine was cheery, it didn't seem to carry much heat yesterday. It still felt cool even in the sunshine - although half the problem was that the sun was so low in the sky that it was difficult finding a place where the sun was not shadowed by buildings or trees. Even in direct sunshine the afternoon high of just 12° C still felt cool.
  This was last night's sunset, and weather lore (red sky at night....) says that today should be a good day......
a gloomy, and possibly wet day
  Today's weather forecast says today will not be a good day ! At least this revision, and the latest revision, do not mention the rain that was shown in yesterday's prediction for today, although there is still a 10%, or even 20% chance for rain at any time today. About the only good thing is that the temperature should rise to 13° C after the day started at a fair 10° C. Tomorrow may see a bit of light rain in the very earliest hours of the day, but otherwise it looks like it could be a much colder version of today. The afternoon high may only be a chilly 8° C !
could have
                                been a circular walk
  Once again the sunshine lured me out of the house for a bit of exercise yesterday. It is a shame that although I was walking when the temperature was at it's highest, it still felt rather cool - even when standing in the sunshine. It was like the bright sun had no heat. Maybe it was because the sun was usually very, very slightly hazy. Going through the lightest of clouds, almost transparent clouds, seemed to suck all the heat out.

  After how knackering my previous walk had been, I set my ambitions low yesterday. On the other hand, I also set them high. As a change from the Linear Park I decided to walk up to the top of Mountsfield Park. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. On the other hand, it didn't feel as easy going as it was getting when I was getting much more practice, and before I seemed to have put on all the weight I seem to have put on in the last 3 or 4 weeks.

 Having got to the top of Mountsfield park I continued on a route that I had lodged away as a possibility for some time in the future. It seems the future was yesterday, and I walked to, and then beyond Ladywell Village, to enter the small, unnamed park that I had only previously visited from it's other end. It is at the end of Slagrove Place - a road that once lead to Slagrove Farm over 100 years ago. That patch of green is possibly some small remnant of that farm.
  As I approached Mountsfield Park I saw what looked like a fight taking place. I took this picture at extreme zoom because I didn't want to get involved. It wasn't until I got closer that I realised it was a young woman practising her boxing with a boxing instructor/coach.
tree in it's
                                  autumn colours
  Mountsfield Park definitely has better trees when it comes to showing off the colours of autumn. This one, standing on it's own, provided a good show. To the left of the tree can be seen more high rise building being built. They are on the far side of Lewisham. With the naked eye you can just see the buildings of Canary Wharf behind them.
                                  Temperance Billiard Hall - as once
  This is the rear of what was once Riley's Temperance Billiard Hall. The building, that had been derelict for some years has now been bought by some religious types, and they are converting it into a church. It just shows how much money there is to be made out of religion. What I read said church, rather than temple of mosque, and so I presume is something to do with Christianity. My guess is that it is probably one of these modern "happy clappy" sects.
  Spotted coming over the railway bridge by Ladywell station - Rozzers on horseback ! It wasn't my intention, but it seemed my route would be back tracking where those horses had been earlier. I make that assumption on the basis of the piles of horse poo I passed as I made my way back home.
lamp post on
                                  Church Grove
  Church Grove, just off Ladywell Road, doesn't have a church in it, but it does have some antique style lamp posts in it. The only trouble is that their height makes them seem a lot less antique in my opinion. Any lap lighter would need a modern extension ladder to light those lights ! Oh well, the still look sort of nice, and add a bit of charm to apleasant little cul-de-sac.
 Now the trees have lost most of their leaves it makes it much easier to take some photos... This is Ladywell Lodge, or most of what is left of it. It was originally built as a hospital, but has had many uses including as a workhouse. It was once far bigger than this. It was built on what was once Slagrove Farm. Some of the old grounds are now part of Ladywell Fields. More complete information can be found here -
  One of the peculiarities of some of the ground that is now part of the park (Ladywell Fields) is this, and one other similar tumulus'. If this were in East Anglia, or part of Salisbury Plain they would be burial sites for iron age kings, but in this area they are a bit of a mystery. The only slightly similar thing I have seen is a plague pit on Blackheath. Maybe that is what this is, but it is unlikely. The truth may be much more boring - something like covered rubble from when some of the old Ladywell Lodge buildings were pulled down.

  The length of my walk was probably about right yesterday. My right leg was complaining at the end - almost certainly because of the cold and damp - but I finished the walk before it got too bad. Unlike two days earlier, I didn't feel totally knackered when I got home. I would still have very much liked to lie down and have a snooze, but I couldn't because I was expecting a parcel delivery.

  I ended up working through the worst of the fatigue. I edited the pictures I had taken, and read a selection of web pages, ate some fruit, and generally tried to keep myself alert until my delivery took place. I think it was at around 4pm when it arrived. "It" was some more booze - several bottles of it ! Among those bottles (3 of them) was a bottle of Canadian Club whisky. I hadn't had any for countless years, and my memory was that I liked it a lot.

  In those days I didn't drink neat whisky, and I soon found that Canadian Club is not as smooth as I believed it to be. It seems to be best enjoyed with a mixer. That is still OK, and it won't be wasted, but it will probably end up at the back of the cupboard while I drink some smoother whiskies neat. After having a nip of Canadian Club, which I choked on, I finally was able to lie down, and I had just enough time for a short snooze - although by that time I was getting to the point when I didn't really need one.

  It was soon dinner time, and I carried on with the same theme as my eating earlier in the day. With one exception I seemed to be having vegetarian stuff. My lunch, eaten very soon after getting home from my walk was some fruit with a chunk of blue cheese to dilute the taste of the fruit. I had two Kiwi fruits, and two "easy peeler" oranges. My dinner was a large(ish) baked potato with cheese and low sugar baked beans. I followed that with another three small "easy peeler" oranges. At some point in the day, but I can't remember when, I did eat a packet of hot Pepperami sticks.

  After not having a good snooze in the afternoon I felt quite keen to get to bed last night. I think I was possibly fast asleep by 9pm. I did seem to sleep quite well last night. One dream that I had was quite interesting because it was a dream about a dream. I think I remember having a dream about wanting to change the cover on my mobile phone. The pertinent point of the dream seemed to be that I couldn't remember if the spare covers I had in the drawer by my computer were for my current phone, or for an earlier phone. (Back in the real world I still can't remember - a quick check shows they are for my current phone). I can't remember enough about that dream to say whether I did change the cover or not.

  Later in the night, maybe just a few minutes later, I seemed to have another dream where I was explaining to someone pretty much what I have written here about the earlier dream. The other notable thing about the second dream was that I was in a pub when doing it. It was a pub in Bromley, and although not a perfect match, it was probably supposed to be The Swan And Mitre. It definitely felt good to be in there. The place was almost full, but not enough to be crowded. The only peculiarity was that the bar (and toilets) seemed to be in another room that I don't recall going in.

  This morning I was yawning non stop once I got up, but it does feel like I had a good sleep. I can feel the after effects of my walk, but nothing bad enough to be intrusive. One thing I am quite pleased with is that the big(ish) baked potato, and all the sweet fruit I ate yesterday has only pushed my blood glucose up to 8.7mmol/l. That is high enough to leave very little slack, but not as high as I feared. In some respects it could be considered as good.

  There are two things I want to do today. One thing is to wash some t-shirts, and underwear. I have actually started that job by leaving them to soak in detergent. I did want to try and finish that job before the next. the next being to go for a walk in the Linear Park. I particularly want to go there today to see what The Friends Of The River Pool are up to. The dull sky will not make for great photography, but I will probably get a few snaps of them at work. Now a few of them recognise me as a photographer I will be less guarded about taking snaps. I probably won't walk far today - maybe even less than 3 miles, but anything could happen once I get moving.
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