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Thursday 3rd December 2020
Lockdown day 255
Shopping embargo day 88 133

09:09 GMT

  There were maybe a couple of hours (maybe just 90 minutes) of sunshine or sunny spells yesterday morning, and then it clouded over. At first the cloud was quite light in colour, although it had 100% coverage. At about 2pm the clouds parted. Not much, but enough to allow some bright sunshine through. It didn't last long, and just as the earliest forecast predicted, by 3pm the sky was totally encased in thick grey clouds. It was like night had suddenly fallen an hour early.  I didn't pay much attention to the outside world once the sun had set, but I did note that there was some rainfall, but whether the quantity, or the times it fell match what was shown in the forecast is unknown. It was a cold day with temperatures ranging from 4° C in the morning to an afternoon peak of 7° C.
rain, rain, rain
  There is some slight good news about today's weather forecast.....or at least I thought there was, but I appear to be mistaken. I was going to say that a later revision showed a little less rain. Maybe it did, and then it was revised again to look identical to the early forecast. Apart from a few hours this afternoon, it looks as if it will be raining all day. Half the time it may be light rain, and half the time it may be heavy rain. Sometimes the clouds will only be medium grey, and at other times they will be almost black. All the time this misery goes on the temperature will be no more than 7° C. Tomorrow will be colder still, but mostly dry. The current prediction does show some light rain in the morning, and when the temperature is only predicted to be 4° C. It seems possible that could fall as sleet. From about 3pm the cloud may be light coloured, but before then the cloud is predicted to be thick and medium grey. Saturday may feature a sunny spell - yes, just one !

    With hindsight I am wondering if I might have been fighting off some sort of bug yesterday. In the morning I was complaining that my frenzied gardening the day before had left me with a selection of extra aches. They seemed to start fading away by mid morning, and a few pain killers helped them on their way. While I started to feel more comfortable I still couldn't shake off a feeling of deep fatigue. I hardly snoozed at any time, but I still spent long periods of time laying on my bed with my eyes closed. I was expecting to fall asleep, but that never happened.

  I was surprised, and a little annoyed that I didn't fall asleep because there seemed no reason why I shouldn't do so, and sleeping is a good way to rejuvenate a damaged body. Later in the afternoon there was one thing that made sleep difficult, and it was a strange pain in my right ankle. It felt like I had sprained it, but only when laying down. Every time I got off my bed, and put any weight on the ankle, the pain vanished in an instant. Very weird !

  There was one thing in particular I thought I might do yesterday, and that was to use the hoover. I had taken it out of the cupboard the previous day, with the intention of using it then, but "then" was after I had done my frenzied gardening (actually the only frenzied bit was sawing lumps off the tree stump, and continuing to do that sawing while feeling exhausted). I never used it the hoover the day before yesterday, and I just couldn't raise the enthusiasm to do it yesterday.

  Maybe the most difficult, or productive thing I did all day was to cook my dinner. It was a three part dinner. part one was a baked potato with cheese and a small helping of low sugar baked beans. Part 2 was a "beef en croute" ready meal. It was small, snack like, and if it hadn't been 50% off it would have been a waste of money. Part three was a couple of apples. It left me feeling quite full, but also feeling slightly better - not better enough to tackle any useful tasks though.

  I assumed if I hadn't managed to snooze during the day I would not be able to sleep at night. That turned out to be very wrong. At first I didn't feel sleep, and I read a few chapters from a book. At the end of one chapter I seemed to feel tired. I still didn't expect to get to sleep, but I turned out the light anyway, and I don't seem to remember much at all after that until 1am or 3am.

  I woke up needing a pee, and as I went to the toilet I quickly glanced at the clock. I thought it said just after 1am. That meant I had slept non stop for maybe 3 hours - which is good these days. I seemed to wee quite a lot more than usual, and once finished I went back to my bed. As I got into bed I studied the clock more closely. It said it was almost 3.30am. I feel I wasn't asleep, standing up over the toilet, for 2 hours, and so I must have misread the clock when I first went for that wee. Had I stood in that cold bathroom for 2 hours I would have felt frozen, and I wasn't.

  It seemed that I must have needed a lot more sleep than I realised. Once I got back to sleep I slept for another 2 hours, and then after another wee, slept for almost another two hours. I think it was in the last 2 hours that I had some vivid dreams. I say vivid, but maybe they weren't because I remember so little of them - apart from a few seconds of one. These few seconds were very interesting. I don't know how old I was in the dream, but I didn't feel old or young, but the dream was obviously set in the past - it must have been mid to late 1960s.

  I am unsure what house I was in, but the staircase seemed to come down in the middle of the house like it did in my mums old house. I was at the bottom of the stairs when my ex-sister in law came down the stairs wearing a pale blue, almost transparent baby doll nightdress that only came down to just past her waistline, and she was also wearing almost transparent knickers. I saw a lot more than I had ever done before ! The interesting thing was that her name (In real life) was Angela, and like the Angela of my intimate acquaintance a few years ago, had a magnificent head of black hair. She also had a similar figure, but was a bit taller.

  It was one of those dreams where you feel cheated because it didn't go on much longer (at least as far as I am now aware). Maybe it not developing any further was a good thing because it is possible that I was only 13 or 14 years old in the dream. If I recall correctly, which seems unlikely after so many years have passed, I was only in the very early stages of sexuality in those days. I knew what I liked, but I was not sure what to do with it. Mind you, it might have been fun being taught by an older woman.

  Instead of the dream continuing I woke up (I really hate that !). I woke up feeling strangely refreshed, and all my usual aches and pains had diminished into the background. The aches and pains from the gardening seem to have completely gone - although I would not like to do anything in the near future that might provoke their return. The most negative thing today is the weather. Wet and cold is not a great combination to enthuse me, and it is going to be very easy to feel depressed about it.

  Today I have reason to fight that depression a little harder, and at least get that hoovering done this morning. It's Thursday, and provided Jodie is brave enough to face the weather we will enjoy a few beers together this afternoon. That reminds me, I have some German beers that need to go in the fridge to chill before we open them. Hopefully some better cheer will protect me from eating badly. The baked potato, and other stuff I ate yesterday, raised my blood glucose to 8.2mmol/l this morning. After it dropping to 8.0mmol/l yesterday morning I had originally hoped to get it a bit lower, and not higher. At least it is still in the safe area.
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