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Tuesday 22nd December 2020
Lockdown day 274
Shopping embargo day 88 152

07:57 GMT

  Yesterday started off very wet, but the rain got lighter and lighter, and it stopped between 10 and 11am. I don't think it started again until very late at night, but I can't be sure about that. Apart from a few minutes in the afternoon when a dazzling patch of sky appeared where the sun almost made it through the cloud, it was a very grey day, but at least with the temperature reaching 13° C, it wasn't a cold day. It still felt rather cool with no sun to give any feeling of warmth.
another dull day
  It seems that today will be another very dull day with a chance of a shower at around 6pm. It is one of those curious days that starts at a higher temperature than the rest of the day. Even my thermometer agrees that it is 13° C at the moment. By mid afternoon the temperature will have dropped to 10° C. Looking out my window, it seems like it will be one of those days when it will be difficult to tell if the sun has even risen. Of course since taking the screenshot above, the forecast has been revised - and not for the better. The latest prediction is that there will be light rain starting around 3pm, and it could continue, almost non stop, well into the evening...or beyond ! No rain is currently shown tomorrow until 6am when mostly light but very persistent rain may fall for the rest of the day. The temperature range and pattern may be similar to today.

   The big thing yesterday was also almost the only thing yesterday. That was my shopping trip to Aldi, but I wrote about that yesterday. I did wash a couple of t-shirts, and some underwear yesterday (by hand, as always), but apart from a bit of cooking, I can't really think of anything else I did that is worth a mention. On the whole it was another typical boring winter day made slightly worse by Covid lockdown. Last year, when there were no restrictions, I think I went out and explored a few destinations on the tube with my camera, but that is impossible this year.

  While I didn't really do anything else, someone else did, and that someone was Angela. She phoned me up, right out of the blue late morning. I was very happy that she did, and obviously she wanted to phone me, but I am not sure why....or why me ? It started off as a rather vague seasons greetings, but quickly developed overtures of how hard she was finding lockdown, and more so since we entered tier 4 lockdown. There was the merest hint that maybe Angela is expecting to have to spend Xmas alone, and as someone not used to that, unlike myself, it will be very hard on her. I would have thought at minimum she would be with lover boy, but even that would be technically illegal. Of course love is supposed to override such obstacles, but is it still love or convenience. Sometimes it seems like it is some sort of convenience, but it is hard to reach any conclusions after having so little contact with Angela since the first lockdown in March.

  There was one thing I wanted to do yesterday, and it was yet another attempt at being careful with what I ate to get my blood glucose level down. In an ideal world it would be done by not eating, but in these boring winter days, when depression is only a rain shower away, not eating is not an easy option. I did manage to choose food that I knew, or hoped, would be beneficial to my blood glucose, but not always good for other aspects of my health. A lot of it contained a fair amount of fat.

  I did have all the ingredients for fair size dinner that would be both fairly low in calories and sugar, but I was not in the mood for that. I wanted, and had, sausages. I had them with button mushrooms and some Heinz "Spanish style" mixed beans. The sad thing is that it didn't seem that good. The sausages were fine, but the mushrooms, cooked under the sausages in my mini oven and grill, seemed a bit tasteless. Maybe the taste of the sausages overpowered them, or maybe I should have grilled them on their own.

  I was hoping for a good night's sleep last night after some bad nights the previous couple of day. It wasn't until I got up that I realised I had had a good night. It seemed like it took some time before I first fell asleep, but it probably wasn't in real time. I slept for 2 or 3 hours before getting up for a pee. When I got back to bed it seemed like I wasn't going to get back to sleep easily, but I think I was asleep before I had finished thinking about that. I may have got up for another pee, but my memory of that is almost non existent. The next definite thing was when I woke up at about 6.30am, and realised I had been asleep for maybe 3 hours or more.

  My back felt a bit stiff when I first woke up. Maybe I had been sleeping awkwardly or something. It seems OK now I have been up an hour or two. It wasn't long before I had answered the most important question - how was my blood glucose doing ? I took a first reading from a pin prick that was so shallow it was difficult to get a bead of blood big enough to test accurately. Evidently it wasn't big enough because my first reading was very high. It was 9.1mmol/l. Fortunately I have learned my lesson that a tiny bead of blood is not good enough, and I pricked another finger on my other hand, and squeezed out a much bigger bead of blood. When I checked that I got a much more satisfactory, and hopefully more accurate reading of 7.2mmol/l. 

  Now I have to think how I will pass yet another boring day. I do have a couple of plans or ideas, but neither will take up that much time. I want to get in contact with Angela again, but I don't want to disturb her while at work, and so I'll start off with a text message. I hope to find out if she does expect to be on her own over Xmas. If so I may suggest we meet for a short (for her), socially distanced walk in the park on Xmas day. I am expecting her to say no to the idea of a walk because I expect she will secretly be entertaining lover boy, or members of her family.

  The only other thing I can think of doing is to wash my current bath towel. It seems to still smell fresh, but it would be a good idea to wash it well before it gets smelly. Apart from that I will probably bury my head in a book. I don't think I will be going out under this very grey sky today even if it does remain dry until mid afternoon.

  Another bit of video taken on my walk on Sunday. The view is peaceful, but not terribly exciting. The important bit is the sound. It should be most relaxing. I must admit I have yet to try it, but it should have been recorded in stereo, and may sound good on headphones. I must try that once I have finished writing and uploading this.

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