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Wednesday 23rd December 2020
Lockdown day 275
Shopping embargo day 88 153

10:05 GMT

  It was grey yesterday, sometimes lighter grey, sometimes darker, but always grey. I can't recall seeing any rain falling, but there could have been some after dark when I wouldn't have noticed it. The temperature was around 11° C in the middle of the afternoon. It started a few degrees higher in the morning, and was only about a degree lower at midnight.
will it rain or not ?
 The BBC weather forecast warned of thundery showers for a couple of hours after 11am, but the Met Office forecast (above) just warned of heavy rain starting at 10am. The latest revision now shows far less rain. It now says just one heavy shower at 1pm, and some rain from about 8pm tonight. The BBC still maintains that there will be rain from (or before) 11am until mid afternoon, and they still expect thundery showers at midday ! Today's temperature could peak at 13° C again, but today the temperature will drop a fair bit by midnight. Tomorrow could feature a lot of sunshine in the morning, and a little way into the afternoon, but the afternoon temperature could be as low as 4° C ! Friday, aka Xmas day, could be a nice sunny day, but with the temperature down to 1° C, and only peaking at 3° C in the afternoon, it is going to be a bloody cold day.

  I'll admit it was a very late start, but I started yesterday by shaving, shampooing, and showering. It left me clean and sweet smelling (possibly), and ready to go and do something. Unfortunately there was nowhere to go, and nothing to do. So I took a selfie, and I have been regretting it ever since !  I took this awful picture just after blow drying my hair. The hot water, and the heat of the hair dryer left my skin looking blotchy, and getting shampoo in my eyes earlier gave them a nasty red look. Oh well, at least the hair draped over my shoulders looks beautifully clean.

  The only other thing I did of note was to hand wash a large bath towel. I seem to be getting very weak now, and I opted to do that wash in two stages. A large bath towel, saturated with water, is bloody heavy, and having to lift it out of the washing tub, and wring it out 6 times was hard going. After the wash in detergent, and three rinses, I took a rest before doing another two rinses, and then finished with fabric conditioner.

   Having a large towel to dry, which in the current weather had to be done indoors, was a good excuse to put some heating on in the living room. It was very nice and warm in there by the evening. The only trouble was that I didn't have any reason to spend any time in there. Some of that heat did percolate up to me bedroom, where I seemed to spend a lot of the day, and so it wasn't all wasted.

  Like most days recently, I spent a lot of the day reading, both from book and screen, and snoozing, and eating. After getting a nice low reading of my blood glucose, albeit only on a second attempt in the morning, I was possibly a little less careful about what I ate. An alternative way of looking at it was that I cared less about sugar, and more about calories - probably. It wasn't until the evening, and after drinking a few cans of beer, that I got sort of careless.

  At leas on of the beers claimed to have zero sugar, but I have doubts about the other two cans I drank. My dinner was half good and half not too bad. It was a medium sized baked potato (and just one this time) with butter and cheese on it served with some runner beans. My dessert was just fruit - two Clementines, one apple, and two rather tart plums. Later on I had a bar of 72% cocoa solids, sugar free chocolate. It did have some artificial sweeteners in it, and warned of their possible laxative effect.

  The one other thing of note from yesterday was sort of good, but also bad news. I sent Angela a text message asking if she was going to have to spend Xmas alone. It seems she won't be completely alone. Lover boy will be there, but she laments that the rest of her family can't come. My plan, if she, or they had decided to follow the letter of the law, and even lover boy would not be there, was to invite her down for a socially distanced walk in the park at the bottom of the road opposite her house. The chances are that I will be walking in the park anyway on Xmas day.

  After such a lazy day, which I am sure included a few snoozes, although I think they vere very short snoozes, I was dubious about how well I would sleep last night. I needn't have worried. I slept really well. I can only remember waking maybe twice in the night, and I was really surprised to see it was gone 7am when I woke up. I seemed to feel OK, and didn't want to push my luck by going back to sleep again...or at least trying to.

  As usual, I checked my easy to measure vital signs soon after getting out of bed. My temperature was a typical corpse like 35.4° C. My blood oxygen was 98%. My blood pressure was a tiny bit higher than usual, but my pulse rate was lower than usual (the two sort of balance each other out). It was my blood glucose which wasn't good. It was back up again at 8.3mmol/l.  That's not terribly high, and below the level where any bad body damage can occur, but it leaves no room for complacency. Once again I ought to try and be a lot more careful what I eat - which is difficult on dull grey, cold and boring days like today.

  I am contemplating the idea of going for a walk today, but it feels unlikely - particularly with the weather so unpredictable at the moment. According to the Met Office there could be a brief window of sunny spells at midday, but the BBC still predict thunderstorms for the same time. What are we to believe ? The chances are I will be staying in, maybe getting bored enough to find some small jobs to do, but nothing springs to mind at the moment.
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