is a choice of viewing today. Over on
the BBC it is going to be a mostly
dull day with a few sunny spells late
in the afternoon. There will be a
small chance of some drizzle this
morning, but the temperature will
climb to 15° C. Over on the Met Office
the day will be rather different. The
grey cloud that is making it gloomy
right now will suddenly lift (
sure) and we'll end up with a
day similar to yesterday - a mixture
of sunshine and sunny spells
(according to the latest revision). It
will probably only reach 14° C in the
Met Office universe. I have a
pessimistic feeling the mostly dull
day forecast by the BBC may be the
more accurate forecast today.

I was first excited about the
possibility of yesterday's weather,
then I was excited about how the
weather was developing to match the
forecast, and finally I was excited
that the sun was out, and the
temperature had reached 14° C. I
couldn't really resist going out for a
walk under those conditions. With the
temperature just reaching the barrier
between tepid and warm, and then
augmented by the sunshine, it was
definitely no coat, t-shirt weather.
I was too impatient to go out
because it was just before the sun
would get partly hidden by clouds
again. It was only thin cloud, and so
it was still bright - often bright
enough to cast a dull hazy shadow. I
still felt perfectly comfortable
temperature wise, but in other
respects I was uncomfortable. My legs
seemed a bit stiffer than I would
like, and I was getting a lot of
discomfort from behind my right knee.
I had never felt that before. Getting
some light pain from the knee joint
itself is nothing new these days, but
this pain from behind the knee was
something different. It was like an
inflamed tendon or something.
The stupid thing is that I
think the sun went to my head. Despite
the pain and general creakiness, I
found I wanted to push myself to go
further and further. It could have
been a stupid idea because the further
I go, the further I have to go to get
back home again. My final destination
was probably an old idea. It could
have dated back to when I was walking
some long distances last summer, or I
could have thought of it the previous
night. It was simply an extension of a
well trodden route.
That final destination was Kent
House station. I had been there
before, but if I recall correctly it
was before the ban on using trains
without a face mask, and I had cheated
by getting the train to New Beckenham
station so I could walk the entire
southern end of the Waterlink Way.
Yesterday there was no cheating. I
walked all the way there, and all the
way back.
Until I checked, I didn't
realise that yesterday was the longest
walk I have done in years. I thought
my walks to Blackheath last summer
were the longest, but the longest one
was only 6.5 miles. Yesterday I walked
6.8 miles ! I have to admit it was
very tiring. The silly thing is that I
have been moaning that 3 mile walks
have seen tiring because I was so out
of condition recently. Evidently I am
less out of condition than I thought.
Maybe this bodes well for some even
longer walks in the summer. It was
10th July 2012 when I built up to my
all time record of 10.35 miles from
Epping to Ongar. I wonder if I can
beat that ?
I note that the picnic table
that was installed last Autumn in the
Linear Park is getting a lot of use
now. I have seen it used in rain and
snow, but on sunny days I can imagine
having to get to it early in the
morning if you want to grab it.
The flowers I saw the previous
time I was here had nothing to do with
Rhododendrons, but I have had
confirmed that these are Rhododendrons
with their new buds looking like they
are almost ready to do something -
presumably flower, but these don't
look like flower buds. The truth will
be revealed on subsequent visits.
I was using my Canon EOS 300D
DSLR camera with my 300mm zoom lens to
take this picture. It is the view
north from the public footbridge at
Lower Sydenham station. The 300D is
quite a low resolution camera (8M
pixels maybe), but being able to
control the shutter speed, aperture
and ISO speed, makes it more versatile
than my Nikon P500 bridge camera. It
is heavier though, and I have to carry
a wide angle lens as well as the zoom
lens, but there are times when it is
worth it.
I was on that public footbridge
at just the right time to turn around,
to look south, and once again using
full zoom, and snap this train just
about to call at New Beckenham
station. It is not really apparent
when you are standing on the station,
but it is odd how the track bends to
the right between the platform faces.
Everywhere I go I now see the
signs of spring. These daffodils are
on the river bank of the River Pool as
it flows beside the path linking the
end of Kangley Bridge Road to Lennard
Road (opposite the entrance to Cator
This was the point when I
started to extend my walk past the
familiar. I have walked through Cator
Park before, but I don't think I have
walked to it before.
This is the view to the north
across the clearest part of Cator
Park. Behind me are some stands of
trees that would obscure any long
view. The white building in the
distance is across the other side of
Lennard Road - the road that forms the
northern border of the park.
The most distant part of my
walk - Kent House station. If I had
gone through the tunnel I could have
taken a better picture because the
other side was in the sun. This shot
is taken facing the sun.
This is The Chaffinch Brook.
About where it fades from view behind
some vegetation it is joined by The
Beck. It leaves the park in a culvert
under Lennard Road, and emerges on the
other side as The River Pool. It is a
shame it is hidden by ugly railings,
and goes through an ugly concrete
channel. It would be such an asset to
the park if it was allowed to flow
The Beck - presumably the
origin of the name Beckenham. It too
flows through an ugly concrete
channel, and is bordered by brambles
and other thick vegetation.
This picture is really only to
say I was here too. The only
difference that this picture has
compared to others of the same sign I
have taken in the past, is that I took
this picture from the other side of
the road.
Another picture just to say I
was here as well. I have a future walk
half worked out that could feature 6
or 7 station signs, and be possibly
shorter than yesterday's 6.8 miles.
This group of three people,
walking three abreast, annoyed me.
They probably annoyed many cyclists
too. Apart from using most of the
width of the path, they tended to walk
on the right of the path like
foreigners. Cyclists, like me, tend to
follow the rules of the road and stay
to the left. (I realise than on roads
with now footpaths, such as country
lanes, the rule is to walk on the
right, facing oncoming traffic, but
this is primarily a foot path, and has
no bushes and bends to obscure the
path ahead). When trying to keep 2
metres distant from people, idiots
like this don't help (and they were
walking slower than me after I had
walked 5 miles !).
I have to admit it was good to
get home again. I was feeling very
tired, but not really on my last legs.
My feet were complaining, and my legs
were tired (and I was still getting
that sort of stretched tendon pain
behind my right knee), but I feel I
could have pushed myself a bit further
still. On the other hand, it did feel
like hard work walking upstairs, and
bit of me didn't want to bend when I
went to take off my boots and jeans.
All I had eaten before going
out was two conference pears and a
chunk of cheese. I was feeling rather
hungry when I got in, and I ate two
packets of chilli flavour giant Hoola
Hoops. I transferred all my pictures
to my PC, but I laid down amd ended up
having a short snooze before I started
"developing" them (actually just some
mild cropping, some exposure
corrections, and maybe a bit of
straightening up before scaling to fit
on the page.
Later on I was hungry, but felt
in control. I opted to eat no more
than some grilled sausages, although I
did put a splash of low sugar/salt
ketchup on them - but not much because
my bottle ran out. By my reckoning I
hadn't eaten so little for quite some
time. It was enough to quench my
hunger though, and I neither felt
hungry or stuffed when I went to bed a
few hours later.
I read in bed for a bit, and I
have no idea when I turned out the
light to go to sleep. It am sure it
was before 10pm, and probably closer
to 9pm. I think it was another of
those "I can't seem to get to
sle...Zzzzzzzzzzz !" nights. There
were two dreams that seem to partly
stick in my memory. One was very
short, or the bit I remember was. In
this dream I was drinking some nice
beer from a can (probably poured into
a glass). It was the label, on the can
that was so remarkable. It had a very
nautical flavour, and must have been
produced by a very talented artist.
Around the can were various nautical
items - mostly ships. They were
essentially line drawings, and the
lines were like they were cutting
through the paint to reveal the shiny
tin underneath That was the case with
all the writing too. One amazing thing
is that the sequence was seamless -
you couldn't see a start or end as you
rotated the can.
One scene on that can was of a
naval battle from the days of wooden
ships. They were on fire, and there
was plenty of smoke as well as fire,
The smoke was carefully drawn so it
formed an image of a typical bearded
captain type of seafarer. There were
other wonderful details that I have
forgotten. The can became far more
interesting than the beer itself. I
think that dream could be put in a
category of nice stuff.
Another dream was very, very
weird, but I can only remember a 1
second snapshot of it, and so there
may have been an explanation I have
forgotten. I was with some friends in
a band, and while they were relaxing,
all squashed in on one sofa, I seemed
to be acting almost like a bouncer, or
maybe go between, or something. Three
young Japanese looking girls
approached and wanted to me the band.
Suddenly we realised that they weren't
girls at all, but transvestite young
Japanese boys. It was all very weird,
but it was only that one second
instant in time that I can remember.
Maybe there was some reason for it
that I can't remember.
I guess I had enough sleep last
because I seemed to be ready to get up
slightly before 6am this morning. One
of my leg muscles seemed to feel a bit
sure before I got out of bed, but once
I was on my feet, and walking to the
toilet, I think it was the absence of
any great discomfort that was most
surprising. That is not to say I
couldn't feel some effect from that
long walk, but the worst thing was
slightly sore feet.
The most disappointing thing
was my blood glucose level. After a 6
mile walk, and thinking I hadn't eaten
much, I had hoped it would have gone
down a lot, but it hasn't. It has come
down to 8.7mmol/l, and at least that
is just on the right side of sanity,
but I want to get it down to below 8,
and maybe even below 7 when I have
done some good exercise. It won't be
happening today though because this
afternoon is another boozing session !