thought I had better check the latest
revision to the forecast before
commenting on it. That was sensible
because it has changed a fair bit. The
sunny spells predicted for 8 and 9am
came to nothing. Some of grey clouds
are now shown as leaking ! Light rain
is now forecast for 2 and 3pm, and
then drizzle is forecast for 7pm. I
think the original forecast may have
been correct for the predicted
temperatures. I think it is probably
12° C right now, but it would not make
a great deal of difference if it were
only 11° C. Tomorrow is currently
forecast to be sunny from about 8am to
sunset. Some hours may only feature
sunny spell, but most hours may
feature full sunshine, and that should
take the temperature up to 13° C.
There is not a lot to say about
yesterday. In the morning I finished
the laundry I had started the day
before. With that hanging up to dry I
could do some minor cleaning in
advance of another afternoon boozing
session. I had a fair bit of beer, and
ended up "happy" - happy enough to
forget the lovely red chilli peppers I
had bought, and was going to use in my
dinner - another stew of lamb and
vegetables thickened with some instant
gravy mix.
With a belly full of beer and
stew I felt tired enough to head to
bed early last night. Initially I
read, and I have no idea what time I
fell asleep. On the whole I slept OK
last night except from about 4am when
it seemed to take ages to get back to
sleep after going for a wee. I was
easily able to get up at 6am this
morning, but I do feel very tired now.
I needed to get up early because I had
two important things to do this

The first important thing, after
having a shower, was to get out to
Aldi at 8am, when they open, and it is
very quiet, to get my weekly shopping.
One of the important things I wanted
to remember to get was a greetings
card of some description to post to
Spain with something hidden in it. It
wasn't the card pictured on the left.
I noticed that nearby, and just had to
buy it for some future use. I have
photoshopped out a mention of
birthday, and now, as a picture it
makes no mention of a birthday. It is
card for any boozy use - except for
today when I don't think I'll be
drinking any beer.
My second important things was
to rush out again, after bringing my
Aldi shopping home, and attempt to
collect my next repeat prescription
from the pharmacy. The woman (Monica I
think) I spoke to last Thursday
assured me that it would all be ready
to collect this morning. It wasn't !
Even the bits they had hadn't been
collected together, and two items that
needed to be ordered hadn't been. I
shall now be trying again on Wednesday
morning, and I have some confidence it
will be ready because Chris, the
pharmacist is sorting it all out
himself, and he is usually very good.
There was one other thing of
importance this morning, as it is
every morning - checking my blood
glucose level. As usual I knew I had
eaten some dubious stuff, and drank
many beers, some of which were quite
sweet. I expected my blood glucose to
go up, but once again it had come
down. It still has a fair way to go,
but 8.5mmol/l is getting closer to my
target. Of course it will all go wrong
As I said further up the page,
I feel tired today, and some of that
is depression because the weather is
pretty grey today, and it seems like
it will feature rain too. All this
makes me feel hungry. I have already
eaten several things that are ill
advised, and maybe there will be more
to come. And on the subject of rain,
it is 12:47, and the rain has already
started. That gives me even less
desire to do anything today. There is
one thing I will do because I have
already started it - hand washing a
few more t-shirts and some underwear,
plus a hand towel.
One final thing, I started
writing so late today because I was
just about to start when I had another
long phone call from that gas bag
extreme - Lee. The man whose
conversations ramble all over the
place ! That put me back by 1 hour and
4 minutes, and if I hadn't been close
to rude, he could have still been
gassing away even now !