forecast has been revised since I took
the screenshot above, but there are
only a few small changes. Apparently
it should be full sunshine now, but I
only see some slightly hazy sunny
spells. 10am is now shown as having
sunny spells. The saddest change is
that the predicted 15° C is now only
shown as 14° C. With no sunshine this
afternoon we need every degree
possible. At least it should be dry.
Tomorrow will probably feature some
light rain, and it may only reach 11°
C. I guess that still isn't that bad
when compared to a week or so ago.

There was no way I could resist
yesterday's warm sunshine (even when
the wind made it feel a bit cool). The
lure of the sun overcame two reason
that could have held me back. The
first was the rather hackneyed "dodgy
bottom". I had to go to the toilet
several times before I dared chance
going out, and I was still feeling
very unsure for at least the first 30
minutes of the walk.
The other reason was a new one.
My right ankle was feeling stiff and a
bit sore. I say it was a new reason,
or maybe a new symptom, but I do
recall having something like it ages
ago. I can't remember when it was, or
even how long it lasted, but I have a
feeling it just started one morning,
and faded away the next day (or maybe
the day after). It didn't hold me back
too much yesterday, and I was able to
complete a fair walk.
Originally I had a masochistic
idea that I might head towards Lee
Green, and then walk along a lot of
Lee High Road before turning off
before I reached Lewisham. By the time
I had reached Mountsfield Park I gave
up on that idea, but it's replacement
idea would mean walking enough to lose
a bit of time so I was in Lewisham
Park at a convenient time, and I would
still do an almost 3.5 mile walk.
I don't seem to visit Rushey
Green, the "high street" very often
lately, and so it was a sort of
pleasant surprise to see a new shop
about to open. I'm not sure if it is
the sort of place I would ever use,
but until it opens, and I've had a
peek through the window, it is hard to
say for definite.
I think I have shown this row
of shops from the other direction a
few weeks ago. I note that the Argos
sign above the fascia has now gone,
and so I assume it is permanently
closed down. Boots, the shop with the
one blue shutter, and two dark grey
shutters, closed down as early as last
summer (or spring). I can't recall the
name of the shop between Boots and
Peacocks, but that looks very
definitely closed. Peacocks may only
be closed during lockdown, and perhaps
it will re-open when restrictions are
lifted - or maybe not. It was pretty
crappy compared to when it was owned
by it's previous owners.
The sky, and indeed the whole
air seemed very hazy when I took this
picture from the top of Mountsfield
Park. Several pictures seemed rather
lacklustre. I ought to check my camera
settings ! I seemed to lack energy
when walking towards Mountsfield Park,
and my right ankle was gently
complaining. The strange thing was
that despite that, I seemed to walk to
the top with little efforts. A year
ago it seemed hard work getting to the
top, and I usually needed an occasion
stop for 10 to 15 seconds to get my
breath back. It seems all my training
last year is still paying off, and I
still had plenty of breath at the top
after going up non stop.
Some of these building, the
ones in the background, are down by
the River Thames in Docklands, but the
closer ones, and the ones still being
built, are all part of the
"Croydonisation" of Lewisham. Our cute
little town is now becoming a suburb
of The Bronx in New York (or
Some might think this Pillar
Box, with it's knitted Tam O'Shanter
bonnet, on the corner of Beacon Road
and Hither Green Lane, is cute. I
shall keep my mouth shut !
My reason for not taking the
shortest route home when my ankle
started to get a bit uncomfortable was
because I was hoping I might see
Angela sitting in the sun during her
lunch break. As you can see, I did see
her, but only from the other end of
the park, and using full zoom on my
camera (and I had to crop the picture
to make is seem even more zoomed). It
is my theory that she saw me
approaching, and ran away while I was
behind some shrubs as I made my way
towards her. It was definitely Angela
- I found a freshly smoked Silk Cut
Purple cigarette end by the seat when
I got there, and she didn't deny it
when I sent her this picture (she
didn't mention her quick exit).
This was good news. This is a
brand new pub sign, and it must
indicate that the pub is getting ready
to re-open once restrictions are
lifted (maybe fully lifted in June). I
had fears that the pub may never open.
During my lunchtime sessions with
Angela it was often almost empty, but
I think it was fairly well used some
I had to refer back to a
picture taken almost exactly 3 years
ago (during snowfall !) to confirm to
myself that the pub was called The
Jolly Farmers - plural ! It now has a
new fascia showing there is now just
one Farmer, and that the paint scheme
has changed to blue and grey from
green and cream. It make me wonder how
it might have changed inside since
these changes have taken place. I hope
it hasn't been too modernised, and I
hope the old bar staff will still be
serving in it when it finally
I was generally disappointed by
the daffodils so far this year. I
expected to seem masses of them along
certain bits of riverbank in Ladywell
Fields, but this was the best I could
find yesterday.
My total walk was 4.3 miles -
pretty close to 3 and half miles -
also close enough to my usual 3 and a
bit miles when walking in the River
Pool Linear Park, and so not that
tiring. Of course it was still
bit tiring. It was sufficient to
feel satisfied, and indeed more so
considering it featured walking up
several hills. I didn't feel the need
to rest too much when I got home, and
it wasn't long before I started
"developing" a selection of the
picture I took.
I did treat myself to some
lunch, but I just had a couple of
fairly lean, when judged from the
amount of grease that came out during
cooking, burgers. Actually they
weren't that lean because they had
cheddar cheese in them. They also had
something else, but I can't remember
what it was unless it was just onion.
They seemed like a good idea when I
bought them, but I didn't find them
that good. I think they were probably
made with a poor cut of beef.
Later on I had a very simple
dinner. Once again it was a novelty
thing - allegedly "tikka" flavoured
pork chops (aka pork chops sold with a
sprinkle of curry powder on them - or
something like that). To be honest
they were not very good. They would
have been more tasty if they were
based on a really fatty cut of pork.
They were quite lean, and that made
them seem dry. I should have had them
with some green vegetables (also true
of my earlier burgers), but they were
my entire meal.
I watched a little more TV than
usual last night. As well as two Star
Trek episodes (Deep Space Nine, and
Enterprise), I also watched the first
ever episode of Yes Minister. It was
being shown on BBC2, and that was the
first time I have watched a BBC
channel in ages. I think it was being
shown as part of a comedy season. I
hope they will show the rest of the
series (including Yes Prime Minister),
and make it plain is is not comedy,
but a documentary on the real workings
of government.
I should have got to sleep
easily last night, but it seemed to
take a while. I was still asleep well
before 10pm, at least I think I was,
and I seemed to basically sleep OK
until 3am this morning. I then seemed
to stay awake for a whole hour before
getting back to sleep. I finally got
up at about 6.20am. I am unsure if I
felt better than usual, or just better
than I thought I ought to feel after
yesterday's walk.
I was relieved to see that my
blood glucose had come back down, and
that bad, but it was
still some way from good. If I hadn't
eaten the bit of fruit I ate
yesterday, and the bag of giant Hoola
Hoops, I might have got it a bit
lower. I have absolutely no evidence
beyond a feeling that my trousers may
be very slightly less tight, but it is
possible that I have started to lose
some of the winter fat I put on.
Hopefully the weather will continue to
improve, despite a few upcoming set
backs, and I can start to try and diet
properly. Getting rid of some belly
fat will help reduce my blood glucose
more than being very careful (when I
am) about what I eat.
Today has started with a
success. My second visit to the
pharmacy this week saw my repeat
prescription made up, and ready to
take home. One interesting thing was
that the pharmacist, possibly trying
to drum up a cash sale, mentioned how
he was already starting to suffer from
hay fever. I must admit that I should
have bought a packet of Loretadine
tablets to help calm down some hay
fever like symptoms that I am
suffering from.
I have several little projects
for today. One is already started. It
is to wash a hand towel that I have
been using on top of the pillows on my
bed. It soaks up any sweat, and keeps
the pillow cases (and pillows)
fresher. After a winter of use it is
going to take two washed to get that
grease out. I am also going to change
my bed linen today. It too has been on
my bed all winter, and while I can't
smell it, it must be pretty whiffy by
now (not that anyone is ever going to
smell it).
Two other little jobs are of
the waiting game type. I am expecting
two parcel deliveries today - both far
earlier than expected. Both are of
booze, and I only ordered them on
Monday. One is being fulfilled by
Amazon, and should arrive "before
9pm". I hope it will be a lot earlier
than that if the lazy driver ever
manages to leave the depot before
midday. The other is coming via DHL,
and should be here between approx
12:16 and 13:16. It is the one I am
most looking forward to getting - a
bottle of Absinthe. I don't know if I
will like it. It could be horrible,
but it has to be tried once in this