Today's weather is not looking good,
and now looks slightly worse than the
screenshot above. Both 9 and 10am are
now shown as having light rain. The
rest of the day may be dry, but it is
going to be rather dull, and just 11°
C might have been good as little as a
couple of weeks ago, it seems a bit
poor compared to recent days. Tomorrow
is currently forecast to be sunny from
dawn to dusk, but sadly it is probably
only going to be no warmer than today,
and the clear skies leading up to it
all mean the morning is going to be
extra chilly. Probably as low as 5° C.

After the excitement of my walk
the day before yesterday, yesterday
was a rather dull day. A little bit of
my day was taken up trying to guess
when some new booze I had ordered
would be delivered. The Absinthe, on
the right of the picture, was being
delivered by DHL, and they eventually
informed me it would be delivered
between 12:16 and 13:16pm. It actually
arrived a little earlier than that,
but only by 10 minutes or so.
The Jamesons whiskey was being
delivered by Amazon, and as usual
their delivery time was very
vague.Initially it was their famous
"before 9pm", but then it was narrowed
down to between 6.30pm and 8.30pm, and
finally to 5.15pm to 7.15pm. The
latter estimate was not made until
about 6pm, and it probably arrived
around 7pm.
Yesterday was the first time I
had ever tried Absinthe. As soon as I
got it out the box, seconds after
delivery, I poured half a shot glass
to see what it was like. Initially it
was just like Pernod, but it had a
sort of dry undertone of what I assume
must be the wormwood which is (or was)
and ingredient on Absinthe. I drank it
neat and it was OK, although I
wouldn't like to drink much like that.
I suspect I will drink it diluted with
diet lemonade. I have no immediate
plans to drink any, but it seems like
a good thing to have in my booze
cabinet awaiting for the right day to
bring it out, and hopefully share it
with friends.
I have to admit that I spent
some of yesterday getting over my walk
the previous day. Even during my most
intensive walking days last year it
was rare to go for a walk on two
consecutive days. The only exception
to this was when I was doing much
shorter walks - mainly to meet Angela
in the pub at lunchtime. Tuesday's
walk was only very slightly longer
than my typical three mile walk, but
as I kept saying yesterday, it did
involve going up a few hills. Maybe it
was the effort of going up those hills
that needed recovering from yesterday.
I spent some time laying on my
bed reading. In the afternoon it felt
hot in my bedroom with the sun blazing
through the window. I thought it was a
good time to open the window for
probably the first time since winter
started (maybe even autumn !). It was
good to let some fresh air in, but it
was not good to fall asleep like that.
I woke up 30 to 60 minutes later
feeling frozen, and also sort of
I wasn't literally paralysed. I
don't think I had woken up properly,
and felt reluctant to move. I may have
been feeling that it would be even
colder if I exposed my back to the
cool air as well. It was probably less
than a minute before I realised I had
to move, and that the best way to warm
up was to continue hand washing a hand
towel. That hand towel, for reasons I
mentioned yesterday, was very greasy,
and I knew it would take two washes,
one after the other to get it clean.
That is what it got, but I did it in
about three sessions with rest between
each of them. I think the towel came
up sparkling clean.
One curious thing is that I am
having difficulties remembering
everything I ate yesterday. There is a
reason why this is important. I know
my dinner was a sort of chicken stew
featuring a lot of Savoy cabbage. I
can't remember having any formal
lunch, but one of the snacks I do
remember might have been lunch. One
snack was some cheese on "Dynamite"
chilli Marmite on rice cakes. The
other was some pepperoni type slices
on wheat crackers. I may have had a
big handful of mixed fruit and nuts
for breakfast.
After resting for so much of
the day I was not expecting my sleep
to be that good. I didn't rush for bed
because of that, but I still didn't go
to bed that late, and after reading I
may have fallen asleep before 10pm. I
had fears that I was going to have a
bad night when I woke up at about
11.30pm and thinking I had slept well
before realising it wasn't even
tomorrow (or today from this morning's
perspective). It actually turned out
to be one of those nights where you
think you are not sleeping well, and
before you have even finished the
thought you notice 2 or 3 hours have
suddenly vanished.
I think it was around 4am when
I woke up for a wee, and it seemed
like I would never get back to sleep
again, but once again I did slip back
into sleep, and woke up just as the
first hints of the sky getting lighter
could be seen. That was about 6.20am,
and it seemed like a fair time to get
up. I didn't seem to feel that bad. I
had no significant aches or pains
compared to normal, and I didn't seem
to feel any need for more sleep. I'm
not sure if those two statements are
still correct now that a few hours
have passed, but this is perfectly
normal these days.
It is slightly annoying that I
can't seem to recall any great detail
about any dreams I had last night. I
think one, or several, where about
rocketships. Those dreams may have
been wonderful, but now that are just
dust that has blown away, never to be
seen again. Much, much better news is
that somehow my blood glucose has
dropped to 7.3mmol/l this morning.
That is slightly below the target I
have set for myself. This is why I am
trying to remember everything I ate
yesterday so I can do it again !
The only significant thing
today could be the answer to ruin my
blood glucose reading tomorrow
morning. It's Thursday - traditional
beer day. The beer itself can have
enough sugar in it to run my blood
glucose, although most beers don't.
Some say the alcohol can raise blood
glucose levels, but in my experience
it is not the alcohol itself, but the
effect it has on eating. Sometimes you
just fancy a massive kebab, with all
the trimmings after a good beer
drinking session. That won't be the
case tonight because I intend to cook
my dinner well before I open any
bottles or cans, and have it ready to
warm up after the session. It will be
another sort of chicken stew with some
green vegetables again.