The latest
revision of the forecast has improved
on that in the screenshot above. 10am
to midday may feature full blue skies,
and full on sunshine. All we seem to
have sacrificed for this is the sunny
spells originally predicted for 6pm.
It was a rather cool 13° C this
morning, but all the sunshine should
raise the temperature to a fair 20° C.
Getting the forecast for just a few
hours ahead seems beyond the
capabilities of the super computers
used by the forecasters, but here's
hoping the forecast for tomorrow comes
to fruition. It should be sunnier, and
a 1° warm than today....hopefully.
Yesterday was both good
and bad. Fortunately the bad was not
that bad. After the brief excitement,
sort of, of shopping in Aldi, and then
writing yesterday morning, the only
thing to do was to invoke patience
mode, and wait for my parcel
deliveries. First to arrive was my new
lens for use on my Nikon D80 camera.
It arrived just before midday, and it
wasn't long before I tried it out. I
am happy to say I was very happy with
the results. The only difficulty was
finding some views to snap when just
standing in my back garden
My second parcel arrived at
around 6pm. That was later than I was
happier with, but at least it arrived
safely. It was a new camera bag for my
Nikon D80 camera. It was perfect
except for one rather important point.
It was smaller than I thought. The
picture looked like the Camera bag I
currently use for my Canon 600D, but I
think I ordered the next size smaller.
The solution was to swap around the
camera bag used for my Canon 1200D.
That is a slightly bigger bag, and the
Canon can squeeze in the smaller bag.
Some time I might order and even
bigger bag for the Nikon D80 - it is a
big camera with big and heavy lenses.
I filled in the waiting time by
doing a bit of reading, and I think I
also had a snooze. Some, if not most
of the rest of the time I back to
cataloguing my electric train
pictures. The curious thing is that I
thought I was taking less train
pictures in the last 4 or 5 years, but
it seems to be the other way
round...or it could be that with more
sophisticated cameras I am getting
more usable shots. There is also the
fact that in the days of using a film
camera it was expensive to buy film,
and get it processed. I used to be
more selective about what I used that
film for - which is a shame because in
those days many of my pictures were
rather crap !
One of the things about
yesterday was that I couldn't manage
to find the resolve to manage my
eating in the way I hoped. I had fish
for breakfast, soup for lunch, and
more fish, with marrowfat peas for
dinner. I also seemed to get through
quite a lot of peanuts. On top of that
I had several bottles of beer from
late afternoon. Two of those beers
were ales, and one was an old ale
which was full of flavour, and quite
sweet tasting. It all didn't bode well
for today.
Last night my sleep was, with
the benefit of hindsight, rather
good....I think. Whole chunks of hours
seemed to pass by with no
recollection, but between those long
chunks it sometimes seemed I was
having trouble getting to sleep. I
have a suspicion it just seemed like
that, and it is possible that what
seemed like an age in the dark was
only 5 minutes or something.
I know I had a varied selection
of dreams, but only one is noteworthy
because it was rather interesting. I
think it happened after my first
couple of hours of sleep. I remember
laying in bed waiting to get back to
sleep. I must have gone to sleep very
gently because a dream seemed to ease
it's way in (if such a thing could
happen). In the dream I was still
laying in my bed, but I had been
transported to my mum's old house. I
heard a door close downstairs, and
maybe a creak on the stair. I knew it
was my sister going to bed after
watching some late TV. I heard her go
into the toilet, and then come out
again. She then went to her bedroom,
and as the door closed I seemed to
fall asleep except I was actually
waking up still laying in my bed in
the dark. It was like I had slipped
into the past for 5 minutes, and then
returned as if nothing had happened.
This morning was yet another
morning when I dreaded checking my
blood glucose. I was rather shocked to
find it had actually gone down instead
of up. Yesterday morning it was
8.8mmol/l. This morning it was down to
8.0mmol/l. I also noted that my
running average for the month was
8.5mmol/l on the dot, and it almost
seems possible that the average could
end up slightly lower than the very
best month so far this year when it
was 8.46mmol/l at the end of June. All
I need to do is to control my sugar
consumption as well as I apparently
did yesterday for the next week and a
bit. The trouble is that I don't know
how I achieved that yesterday !
I think my body is in fair
working order this morning, but I
can't really do much with it today.
One thing happening today should be
the very long awaited delivery of a
bottle of whisky I ordered on 6th July
(if I recall correctly). It will be
arriving "sometime before 9pm". In
practice I hope it is much earlier
than that. Also happening today is a
combined Sunday and Thursday drinking
session with Jodie, and maybe Michael.
Jodie couldn't make it here on Sunday,
and can't make it this coming
Thursday. So today is a sort of