happier bit of news is that I have
two more sunflowers taking the
first steps towards blooming. The
top picture is of the one that has
grown to about 6ft high. The
second picture is of a sunflower
that got blown over in the storm
was had a few weeks back. It
seemed to straggly to try and tie
up, like I did to the one in the
top picture, and I didn't really
expect it to do anything, but it
looks like it is starting to
flower. I have one other plant,
and that has a big bud, but no
sign of it opening yet.

Just after Jodie left it was
dinner time. My blood glucose was
reasonably low yesterday morning,
and I wanted to try and keep it
that way. The bacon I had for
breakfast shouldn't really have
contributed any sugar, and I ended
up having a negligible amount of
beer. That just left making a
sensible choice for dinner. I
opted for three cans of soup - all
known to have low amounts of sugar
in them. Not only that, but their
combined calorie amount was pretty
low as well - maybe something near
a quarter of the "daily
recommended allowance". In theory
I was dieting as well !!!
An hour after eating my
soups I was watching TV, and
feeling like I wanted to nibble. I
had half a bag left of the nuts
pictured on the left. I had eaten
the first half a couple of days
ago, but decided not to eat the
whole (quite small) bag when I
noticed that the list of
ingredients included sugar,
smoked sugar ! The nutritional
information on the front of the
bag says the sugar content is
supposed to be quite low (although
note that is for a mere quarter of
a bag).
It wasn't even 8pm when I
got bored, and I decided to brush
my teeth, and go to bed. I thought
I might read in bed for an hour or
so before trying for sleep. I
barely made it 20 minutes before I
put the book down, and promptly
fell asleep. As usual I woke up
for a pee 3 or 4 times in the
night, and to my surprise they
were quite big pees. I expected
them to be hardly needed after
drinking so few beers, but I guess
3 cans of soup contains a lot of
water too.
I seemed to sleep unusually
well last night. Even after going
for a pee I was asleep again in
minutes, possibly even in seconds.
It may be an indication of how
good that sleep was when at 7am I
seemed to come fully awake, with
no desire for any more sleep. As
usual, the first thing I did was
to check my blood glucose. It was
bad news, very bad ! Instead of a
similar, or even better reading
than yesterday morning, it had
shot right up to the danger line,
I can only think that my
first fears over that "Smoky
Paprika Nut Mix" was well
justified. I can't remember when I
ate the first half of the bag, but
I have a strong feeling that I had
a high reading after that time
too. It could be almost forgiven
if they tasted smoky or of
paprika. They do have a sort of
very mild piquant taste, but
considering they were sold for a
premium price, they were
ultimately rubbish.
This morning I deliberately
had a breakfast because I felt
hungry, but also because what I
ate would probably raise my blood
glucose a bit more, and so it was
best eaten in the morning so I
have the whole days to get over
it. It was Thai styled/flavoured
fish cakes. They were sort of
nice, but have left a nasty after
taste. I think it might be the
garlic in them. I still like
garlic to some extent, but it was
one of those flavours that never
came back properly after I part
lost my sense of taste and smell
when I had covid in the spring of
last year.
I have no idea what I am
going to do today. A few years
back, when I must have felt a lot
more alive, I would have grabbed
my camera and gone for a walk in
the fog, but that just didn't
appeal today. If it does turn out
that today will end up sunny, I
may go for a walk, but I feel
little enthusiasm for it now. I
don't think I am over my alcoholic
poisoning yet, and I will be
having another dry day. Either
that or I am going down with
Jodie's cold. That could explain
my high blood glucose reading. It
usually goes up when unwell, but I
have only the barest hints of any
cold symptoms at the moment. I
foresee a quiet, and boring day in