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10th October 2021
07:51 BST
The morning's fog turned to mist, and than
that mist rose high enough to give a clear view in
any direction but upwards, or from the point of
the view of the Sun, downwards yesterday. The
forecast sunny spells started at about 2pm instead
of 9 or 10am, and the hours of non stop sunshine
just didn't happen. The temperature probably still
rose to the predicted 17° C, and that took the
sting out of the tail of disappointment.
doesn't seem to be any fog this
morning, but I guess there is a very
light mist if you look hard enough.
Maybe the fog may descent later, but
right now it just feels horribly grey.
Maybe there might be a sunny spell at
6pm, but to believe that feels like
clutching at straws. With or without
fog or mist, today would seem to be a
rather dull and grey day, but at least
the temperature might touch 18° C for
a short while. Tomorrow might
feature a few sunny spells, but most
of the day looks like it will light
grey. It will probably be cooler than
today with a brief high of just 16° C.
Yesterday was one of those days
where just one small thing changed
the whole course of the day. That
one thing was the fan heater in my
bedroom. It appeared to have
broken down. In reality I think
what actually happened was I
managed to rotate the thermostat
with my fat fingers while turning
it from "two bars" to "one bar".
If you don't remember the electric
heaters from the 1960's (or
earlier), they literally had a
sometimes very sparsely shielded
exposed bar with the heating
element wound around it. Each bar
was generally 1KW.
I didn't fancy freezing in
my bedroom so I "borrowed" the fan
heater from the little used front
room. Then as soon as I was washed
and dressed I went to
Poundstretcher with the intention
of buying a new (plus spare) fan
heater. I searched the place from
high to low, and couldn't find
any. Rather than go home empty
handed I got a few bits that would
be useful (cleaning stuff), and
then went to the tills.
It was unusual to find what
must have been a manager manning
the till. I think he was just
covering for the girl who had some
other errand (maybe a toilet
break). I mentioned to him that I
was surprised that they had no fan
heaters, and he said that they
did, but they were still in the
warehouse. He said that if I
wanted to wait for the girl to
come back he would go and get one
for me. he asked if I wanted a
flat or upright one, and I said I
would have one of each.
On my way too and from
Poundstretcher I realised I was
walking at more or less my top
speed. That was good, in so much
as I could do it, but bad because
I felt pretty bad. The bits that
felt bad were basically everything
except my legs. I am sure I can
blame most of it on my alcoholic
poisoning from two nights earlier,
but I did wonder if Jodie's cold
was getting to me, or even if my
'flu jab might take a bit of
blame. Ultimately it was probably
just the excess booze killing my
When I got home from
Poundstretcher I was caught in a
sort of dilemma. I wanted to sit
down and attempt to repair the
broken fan heater, and yet I
didn't feel like I had the
patience for it. Before
deciding on that conundrum I
wanted to do two other things.
They were to print out some
stickers on my Dymo Elektratag to
put on the heaters to show when I
bought them. There is no goor
reason for that beyond I find it
interesting to see how long that
last for. The last heaters I
bought, including the one that I
thought had failed in my bedroom,
were bought approximately 2 years
The other thing, after
putting the stickers on, was to
put one of the new heaters, the
upright one, in the living room. I
noticed that one way they are
cutting costs of the manufacture
of these heaters is to put shorter
mains leads on them. The upright
one I put in the front room only
just reached the socket powering
it. It is an indication of how
little testing goes into these
heaters that upon turning it on
they emit a horrible smell as any
oily contamination burns off the
heating elements when they are
powered up for the first time. I
only ran it for about 30 seconds,
and it stunk the room out. I
probably ought to run it for a few
minutes today to finally clear it.
The next thing I decided to
do was to examine the apparently
broken fan heater. I opened it up,
and I could see no obvious
problem, but there was quite an
accumulation of dust in it. That
was dealt with by using my vacuum
cleaner. I then used my multimeter
to check the thing out
electrically. It was then that I
discovered the thermostat had
somehow been set to what was
probably the frost setting, and it
considered the room was too warm
to need heat. So I put it back
together again, and it worked
perfectly !
To say "I put it back
together again" is actually a bit
glib, and misses out the fight to
get the front grill in. When
correctly assembled the grill is
curved, but it springy, and
prefers to be straight. I imagine
in the factory they have some sort
of jig to hold the grill to the
correct curvature to fit the
retaining slots. Doing it without
the jig is a mixture of brute
force and ignorance. The really
annoying thing is that once it
pops into place it looks so
natural and bloody innocent !
Before I put the hoover
away I decided I might as well do
the unpleasant task of emptying
it. That always produces clouds of
dust as I try and clean the filter
over the open wheelie bin.
Fortunately this all happens
outside in the fresh air, and if I
am lucky the wind blows it away
from me. Before I put the hoover
away I decided I might as well use
it to hoover the dining room,
front room, and hall. I think I
rather amazed myself doing that. I
certainly couldn't have imagined
doing it earlier in the day when I
was feeling rough. I didn't find
the energy to do all the stairs,
but I did do the first few steps.
I guess by this time the
first hints of the sun coming out
were happening - rather later than
expected. That might have spurred
me on to do something like going
for a walk, or cutting the "lawn",
but it did the opposite. I felt
like I wanted to lay on my bed
reading and if it happened,
snoozing too. I didn't even do
that at first. I felt hungry.
After getting such a high blood
glucose reading in the morning I
didn't want to eat anything for
the rest of the day after eating
the Thai flavoured fish cakes I
had for breakfast. I knew they
were bad, but if there was any
time to eat them at all it was in
the morning.
In theory, but I didn't
dare check, my blood glucose was
even higher in the early
afternoon, thanks to those fish
cakes, but I still had the problem
that I felt hungry. I knew that
the root of it was actually
boredom, and so I sort of
compromised. I had some rice
crackers and cheese. Both usually
contribute very little to me blood
glucose. I had the same, with some
pickled sliced jalapeños for my
dinner. I also had a few snacks of
salted peanuts - also known not to
raise my blood glucose by much.
In the evening I checked
the TV channels, and I have no
idea how many I can currently
watch on my TV using a USB dongle
TV receiver. I know it is less
than I can get on my big TV in the
front room, but I doubt I would
have found any more than zero on
there that I fancied watching.
Rather than broadcast TV, I
watched some more old recordings
of Blakes Seven. After the second
episode I retired to bed to read
for a while.
I rather expected that like
the previous night, I would fall
asleep quite early, but sleep
would not come for ages. It must
have been around 11pm, a couple of
hours after trying for sleep, that
I finally fell asleep. Last night
was one of those nights where when
I did sleep I slept well, but I
did experience a bit of insomnia.
The worst was around 3am (or was
it 2am ?). I had woken up to go to
the toilet. At that time I had not
been sleeping completely under the
duvet because it felt too warm for
that. I guess the chill of the
bathroom (with the window ajar to
let the cold night air in) cooled
me enough that I found it hard to
warm up in bed. That is when I
turned the heater on low for the
rest of the night. It felt like an
hour before I got back to sleep
again, but I suspect the reality
of it was probably closer to 20
There seems to be two ways
of waking up. In one way you know
you are going to go back to sleep,
and the other way you know it is
time to get up. I am not really
sure what the difference is. I can
feel a bit tired either way. At
around 7am I woke up knowing I was
going to get up (albeit rather
gently). Once I had had a wee, and
given my hands a good wash I
checked a fingerprick's worth of
blood, and was annoyed, or
shocked, or something to see that
my blood glucose was 10.0mmol/l
again. I was sure it should be
lower after taking care of what I
had eaten for most of yesterday.
It was a little later,
while sitting on the toilet for a
poo, always a good time to think,
that I remembered the battery
indicator on my blood test meter
was showing low, but the meter was
not saying it thought the battery
was too low. Anyway, I replaced
the batteries, and tried again.
This time the reading was
9.2mmol/l. That is still too high,
but a bit more realistic. If were
to clutch at straws I would also
say that I have just opened a
brand new pack of test strips, and
that casts some doubt on the
reading. I am not going to prick a
finger again today, but tomorrow I
think I will compare readings
between my old and new test
meters. It will be interesting to
see if there is a big discrepancy.
That just leaves the old
age question of what I will do
today ? I am not a lot more
enthusiastic about it than I was
on Friday, but I think Jodie wants
to come over for our usual Sunday
afternoon drinking session. I
think I will try and see if she is
feeling OK before saying it is OK
to come over. Last Friday was a
bit of a waste of time for both of
us. Other than that....I don't
know. I just took a short break
from writing this to go and turn
the new heater on in the front
room to burn off a bit more of the
oily, or other contamination, from
the heating elements. I think it
is OK now, but during the 3 or 4
minutes that I ran it on full
power I ended up doing some light
tidying up in the front room. I am
wondering if I fancy doing a bit
more light housework today. I know
I definitely have to do a bit of
washing up. The beer glasses need
a good wash, and maybe a bit of
white vinegar to make them really
sparkle, and I could do with
washing some cutlery.....I seem to
have run out of forks and spoons
this morning !