Today could be
a whole 4° warmer than yesterday, but it
comes at the price of dirty coloured skies
instead of the nice blue skies yesterday.
Today is going to be dull, and later on
very dull, but that may be after sunset,
and so it doesn't really apply. The good
news is that the 50% chance of rain at
4pm, shown in the screenshot above, has
disappeared from the latest revision to
the forecast. It is now shown as a 10%
chance, like a lot of the day. That does
mean there is still a possibility of a
shower. The afternoon should manage 13° C.
Tomorrow will probably be similar, but
there is a chance of a short sunny spells,
but anything could happen in the next 24
Yesterday was both good and bad. In
reality it was heavily biassed towards the
bad, but in my imagination it wasn't such
a bad day. The whole course of the day was
steered by the fact I had eaten an
overdose of sprouts the previous day. It
was a nice bright and sunny morning,
albeit rather chilly, and I was gearing
myself up to go for a walk. I was dressed,
and had my camera at the ready, when I
decided it might be prudent to visit the
toilet again. At that point the sprouts
did their stuff, and while I was fairly
sure I was empty, I couldn't be sure that
there was more to come. As it happens
there was no more, but I had decided
walking far from any toilets might not be

It turned out to be a good idea not
to go out because 10 minutes later my
doorbell rang, and it was the postman. He
had a small packet for me. I knew what it
was, or at least I hoped I knew what it
was, and I was right, it was the last of
the books I had ordered from Amazon. As
pictured on the left, it was the book of
the original Hitchhikers Guide To The
Galaxy Radio scripts.
I ended up spending quite a bit of
time quietly laying on my bed reading the
book - not all the time though. I think it
could have been something like 3 to 4pm
when I just lay on my bed, partly dozing
off, just soaking up the warm sunshine
coming through my bedroom window. It felt
deliciously warm, and almost like laying
on a soft sandy beach in summer. I only
stopped when the sun had moved around the
sky enough that only my face was catching
the sun, and the rest of me was starting
to feel cool.
Back to the book... It has 3 (or
was it 4) forewords about the book. Two of
them were written by the same man, Geofrey
McGiven, and were written for a previous
edition of the book, and this one. All the
forewords were interesting, but the meat
of the book is the scripts for the radio
series. The interesting thing is that the
radio series didn't always end up
following the original scripts. This means
there is yet another version of the story.
The radio series was subtly different to
to the books. The books were subtly
different from the TV series, and that was
slightly different to the 12" Vinyl
records of the story. I believe that all
were slightly different from the stage
version (but I never saw that so I can't
fully comment). It is now a delight to
read through this book, and read a story I
know, but
not quite in this way.
I guess that in the end I spent
most of my day either reading the book, or
reading stuff from all corners of the
internet, plus searching through my own
photo archives looking for some pictures
taken of "Catford Green" - the monstrosity
that now resides where the old greyhound
stadium, it's car park, and overflow car
park, used to stand. I can remember taking
them, but I can't seem to find them. I
suspect I took them as part of a different
photo outing, and I have only labelled
them with the main objective of my outing.
The only other thing I did
yesterday was to eat crap instead of
anything resembling a proper meal. In the
end I didn't eat that much quantity wise,
but everything I did eat I probably should
not have. I thought I could get away with
the two sandwiches I had because I ate
them early in the morning, and at that
time I thought I would be going for a 3
mile walk. The big bag of crisps could be
called my lunch, although I did make the
bag last into the afternoon. I did try and
seal the bag to eat later, much later,
maybe even today, but I couldn't resist
opening it for a few more crisps every now
and then until it was empty.
With hindsight it seems stupid now,
but I thought I would have a light dinner.
It was light, but nutritionally very bad.
It was Polish pot noodles. I say Polish,
but in truth they could have been from
other East European countries. The weird
thing is that I came away with the idea
that despite having a foreign language
label, they may have been made in the UK.
The soup and flavouring sachets inside
were all labelled in English, and the top
had a tab clearly marked with the word
"Pull". Maybe pull is a universal word
that is the same in all sorts of
languages, but somehow I doubt it. Anyway,
like most, but not all, pot noodles, they
were rubbish !
Once again TV failed to really grab
my attention last night. I found myself
flicking between three channels, and the
internet for some of the evening. By 8pm I
had given up on TV, and I was thinking
about bed, but really I was thinking about
reading in bed, and not sleeping. When I
had finished reading all the forewords I
got again to check out some web pages on
my PC. I was sort of teasing myself to
make reading the first of the scripts more
exciting. I read that first series script,
and then tried for sleep.
Sleep did not come quickly. This
was partly because my brain would not shut
up, and partly because I felt
uncomfortable. I am still suffering from
my "twisted rib", or maybe "floating rib".
Of course these are just words that seem
to suggest the problem rather than
describe it in medical detail. Basically
my rib cage is going through another phase
where it clicks and pops, and grates, when
making some moves, and it leaves it sore.
Turning over sharply, or in the wrong way,
can bring sharp stabs of pain.
I think it may have been after 11pm
before I got to sleep, or maybe my first
long period of sleep. Having got that far
I mostly slept OK, but in the last hours
of the night I was doing some quite
intense, and seemingly constant dreaming.
The dreams skipped from scene to scene,
but all took place in what seemed like a
shopping mall that had ended up being used
by loads of shops selling mostly
electronic junk. I use the word "junk" as
not truly a descriptive word for stuff
that was actual useless rubbish. It was
very much like the old Amateur Radio
rallies I used to go to where all sorts of
traders would bring out both old and new
stuff. Many would specialise in selling
surplus stuff, and if you have a good eye
you could pick up all sorts of bargains.
I just seemed to be wandering
around from level to level in this old
shopping mall seeing all sorts of
interesting stuff. One shop had a couple
of old and interesting cameras in the
window, but when I opened the shop door I
found the place dark and deserted. I guess
that I could have just picked the cameras
up and walked away with them. Sometime I
seemed to be accompanied by (I think)
Jodie. She seemed to be looking for a
reflector for a PAR (polished aluminium
reflector) lamp (as used a lot for stage
lighting until LED lamps came along).
Quite why she needed one is a mystery.
I didn't feel all that good when I
finally decided to give up trying to
sleep, and got up at around 7am. It was
nothing specific beyond a rather full
compliment of familiar aches and pains.
Many are fading now, but I am glad I
described my sleep as "mostly" OK, because
on reflection it seems obvious that a lot
of my sleep was quite bad, or maybe the
positions I was sleeping in were bad...or
After eating so much crap
yesterday, and doing zero exercise, it was
no suprise that my blood glucose has gone
up, but it a surprise how little it has
gone up. At 8.6mmol/l it is a tiny bit
over my typical monthly average, and just
0.1 higher than yesterday. Once again I
have had a couple of sandwiches for
breakfast. That has used up the last of
the seeded loaf I have been enjoying, and
that won't be any temptation again. I hope
to try and eat more sensibly for the rest
of the day, and maybe get some exercise.
To my amazement the sun has broken
through the clouds, and for a few minutes
it almost looks OK, although it is really
only the sun lighting up my bedroom that
looks OK. Outside most of the sky still
looks very dirty. I don't know if I will
end up going out, and if I do whether it
will be better exercise than just a walk
to the shops. One bit of exercise I will
probably do is to hand wash some clothes
after I have had a shower, and washed my
hair. The latter (washing my hair) is
mainly in case I go out tonight. My track
record of getting to gigs is terrible at
the moment, but The Heat, who have a nice
female lead singer, are playing in The
Swan in West Wickham tonight. There are
quite a few more gigs going on in the
general area tonight, and they will
hopefully draw away a few people who
irritate me. The chances are that I will
be in bed, and possibly asleep by the time
The Heat start, but you never know...