The consensus
of my outdoor thermometers was that the
temperature at daybreak was
1.2° C. There is currently a thick
frost, and looking at the forecast it
would seem likely that the frost won't
melt until late in the morning, maybe
even as late as midday. Once again
it looks like the day will feature a lot
of sunshine, although maybe it will be
more sunny spells than non stop
sunshine, but even so, the temperature
is only expected to rise to 4° C again.
Tomorrow may feature what by comparison
to the last few days, a heatwave ! It
will be at the expense of it being a
mostly gloomy day, and probably with
light rain in the morning, but the
temperature should climb to 11° C -
t-shirt temperature in lots of direct
sunshine !
Sunday's are often boring days,
and in one sense yesterday was a typical
Sunday, and yet it felt like a
satisfactory day despite nothing much
happening. The most exciting thing was a
shopping trip to Tesco in the morning. I
got there later than intended, about
11.30am, and the store looked quite
busy, but to my amazement I found one
checkout with no queue, and the person
in front almost ready to pay up. That
seemed strange, but then I noticed all
the checkouts were not particularly
I didn't buy all that much in
Tesco because maybe today, or tomorrow,
I will probably go shopping in Aldi. I
bought 4 cans of Tesco lentil and bacon
soup (just 1.2gm of sugar per half can),
and a couple of packs of meat - both
chicken, I also bought some red cabbage
and red onions for reasons that will
become apparent a bit later. I think the
only other things of note were some
cheese, and Tesco own brand low sugar
and low salt tomato ketchup.
I might have mentioned yesterday
that I had a couple of bowls of instant
noodles for breakfast to warm me up.
After that I shouldn't have eaten what
was a slightly early lunch of the one
other thing I bought from Tesco. It was
actually two packs of chicken Caesar
wraps. They are not that good, or indeed
good for me, but there was a stack of
them reduced from something like £2.75
to 95p. That was a gigantic reduction
for the Catford Tesco where you are
lucky to get 10p knocked off a sandwich
that is 24 hours after it's best before
date. I guess they were naughty, but
nice !
I did have the opportunity for
another breath of fresh air in the
afternoon - rather late in the afternoon
by my reckoning. Yesterday it was the
"last Sunday of the month" Catford food
market. Jodie wanted to go, and
suggested I might meet her. I declined
for two reasons. The first was that I
had got into a very lazy mood laying on
my bed in the sunshine, and quietly
reading. The other reason was that Jodie
was running on Jodie time (usually about
4 hours different to GMT) and wasn't
going to get to the market until just
gone 3pm. The market had been open since
10.30am, and by 3pm some of the stalls
would have sold out, and possibly have
gone home. Later on Jodie sent me a text
to say she found the market very
disappointing, although she did say it
was because much of what was being sold
was too spicy, or not vegetarian enough
for her tastes.
At about 5pm I started to put
together some of the ingredients I had
bought in Tesco. I thought I would have
another go at a home made chicken shish
kebab like the one I had a few days ago.
I started out by cutting up a red onion,
a chunk of red cabbage, and a chunk of
white cabbage. I added salt, peppers,
and olive oil, and then left it to stand
while I started on the meat. At this
point I made a big mistake. The silly
thing is I had already predicted it. I
had bought a pack of diced chicken
breast and a pack of skinless/boneless
chicken thighs in the morning.
I think I already knew, but
wouldn't acknowledge it, that diced
chicken breast would be a complete waste
of time, and indeed it was. It was dry
and tough despite being well basted as
it cooked in the oven. I knew from the
last time I did that chicken thighs
worked well, and I don't know why I
didn't use them - possibly because then
I would be left with the diced chicken
breast, and no way to use it unless I
made some sort of stew.
On the whole my dinner was
disappointing. The best bit was the
dessert I had afterwards. It was about a
small wine glass full of a museli type
stuff - mostly oats with a few other
seeds and stuff. I ate it dry, and it is
sort of nice dry. Possibly even better
dry than with milk. I didn't have any
milk and so I couldn't make any
comparison. If there was one thing
that came out of my dinner experiment it
was a strange desire to buy some
beefburgers when I go to Aldi.
It was a very thin time on TV
last night. The only thing I found to
watch was the Bond film, "Never Say Die"
being shown on ITV+1. Bond films were
once good, but sometimes they seem very
clichéd now. I decided to watch a few
minutes just to remind me what film it
was, but I quickly came to the
conclusion that I didn't seem to
recognise it. I'm sure I must have seen
it before, but maybe I just wasn't
paying enough attention. That is
probably so because I seemed to
recognise a few bits of it last night,
but most of it seemed new.
I'm not sure if I could say
I enjoyed it as such, but it was a fair
time filler. Maybe one thing helped it
stand out a little bit was the lack of
improbable gadgets. There were, of
course, a few gadgets. The film makers
also seemed quite restrained in their
special effects. For instance I saw two
cars roll over, and neither burst into
flames. If Gerry Anderson, of
Thunderbirds fame, had been directing
that would have got through a whole
tanker of petrol for a gigantic
explosion as the cars rolled over. That
would be completely correct for a Gerry
Anderson film because that would be
complete fantasy, but Bond is supposed
to operate in the real world....sort of.
One of the added joys of going to
bed last night, even if it was just to
read for 30 to 60 minutes, was getting
under the duvet. I had the heater on
low, and although it took the chill off
the room, it was a bit marginal. The
temperature was dropping really low
outside. I think it was around 1° C when
I turned out the light at 10pm. I was
soon asleep, and on the whole I slept
quite well. I did wake a few times in
the night, and noticed that at 3am the
temperature had just gone into negative
figures !
At 5am I woke up to go for a pee,
and while up I peeped out the window,
and I checked my radio linked
thermometers. There was a thick white
frost outside, and the temperature was
minus 1° C. I turned the
heater up full, and went back to bed. I
think I fell asleep into normal sleep,
but after maybe an hour I was in a
strange sort of sleep. It was a bit like
dreaming, but not least
I don't think so.
I was having a sort of SciFi
based dream about what could be
described as small round robots, maybe a
bit bigger than a cricket or tennis
ball. There were three of them, all
similar, but with subtle differences,
and they had been provided by a seaside
council. They were supposed to be used
like a tracker to measure distances
covered, but particularly when swimming.
The idea was you would pick one up, and
return it after use so someone else
could use it.
In my dream a young woman had
decided to keep one of these balls as a
pet (or in legal terms she stole it, but
that isn't really relevant to the
story). Having dreamed the background
information I then had to think of a
plot to keep the story moving, and that
was when the dream became a bit like a
lucid dream. It seemed like I woke up
several times, and even looked at the
thermometer, while trying to think what
could come next. It is possible that I
dreamed that I was waking up ! The only
ongoing story line that I could think of
was that the battery in the device was
running low, and she had no way to
charge it. I think that is when I really
woke up, and got up.
After a very productive visit to
the toilet I checked my blood glucose
level. I wasn't sure what to expect
apart from it should be higher than
yesterday after eating those Chicken
Caesar wraps, the noodles for breakfast,
and finally the muesli type stuff in the
evening. I was astonished to find that
it was exactly the same as yesterday - a
very nice 7.2mmol/l. In the highly
unlikely event I can manage that
tomorrow I might just get the monthly
average down below the average for the
year, but not as good as the lowest

I thought I would take a
couple of quick snaps to show the
frost this morning. The top picture
is the view from the back bedroom
window (actually taken through the
glass so it looks a bit smudgy). The
bottom picture is of handily parked
black car that shows the frost well.
When I consider that the
frost may last for hours yet I don't
feel any great desire to go out,
although maybe I should do a short
walk into the park to get a few more
frosty photos. I have already done
the most important job this morning
- phoning the pharmacy to order my
next repeat prescription. Another
important thing this morning is to
have a shower and wash my hair. That
is in case the outrageously unlikely
event should happen of Angela
suggesting another lunchtime drink
out of the blue. I have no idea why
I think such a thing could be
possible. It is definitely more
wishful thinking than anything else,
but it is best to be prepared.