Yesterday's weather
forecast was a poor guide to the coming
weather. The morning was dry, but dull. From
midday there were a few light showers. 2pm saw
a heavier shower, but paradoxically it was not
long after that when the sun put in it's only
appearance. There were a few brief sunny
spells before the clouds really thickened, and
the rain started again - and this time it
really was heavy rain, with several cracks of
thunder. It calmed down a bit after a couple
of hours, but I think lighter rain fell for a
lot of the evening - if not all of the evening
! I didn't keep an eye on the temperature
through that, but I think the forecast 12° C
was probably about right.
The latest revision
to the forecast is not quite as optimistic as
that in the screenshot above. It is bright and
sunny as I write this, and I can see a lot of
blue sky, but the latest version of the
forecast says only sunny spells, and they will
finish after 10am. They may resume for a
couple of hours after 1pm, but then it will
just be dull until a final sunny spells just
as the sun is setting. The afternoon
temperature should still reach 12° C. The
light rain shown for 5pm above, isn't shown in
the latest revision. Tomorrow may see the
temperature down to 4° C in the morning, but
it should warm up to at least 10° C despite it
probably being a 100% grey day.
I think I could describe yesterday as a
good day. Seeing Angela always makes for a
good part of a day, but sometimes I feel a bit
low afterwards because I know I have to wait a
full week to see her again. That didn't seem
to happen yesterday for various reasons, and
maybe for not reason at all. The afternoon did
provide two exciting things.....well, sort of
The only real significant thing in the
morning happened while I was having a wet
shave. I managed to nick my skin near the top
of my right ear, and maybe about an inch
towards my nose. A little bloodletting when
wet shaving is not that newsworthy, but thanks
to Clopidogrel, the blood thinning drug I am
prescribed, I sometime bleed like a
haemophiliac. My wound is less than a tenth of
an inch long, but with hardly any provocation,
it is still bleeding this morning.
I thought it had stopped when I went
out to walk through the park to get to the
pub, but maybe I scratched it or something, or
more likely I just rubbed the very soft scab
off when I dried my face when I got to the
pub. I hadn't noticed anything was wrong until
Asia, the barmaid, came over to me and asked
what I had done to my face. There was not a
lot of blood, but just the action of using a
tissue to clean it up started the wound
leaking again.
With rain expected, I took my
waterproof Fuji XP71 camera with me for my
walk through the park. One of the first
flowers I saw that deserved a photo was the
Dead Nettle - so called because it is related
to the stinging nettle, but doesn't sting.
Assuming I have identified it correctly, it is
an edible plant. I've noticed it growing along
the fence line of many parks I have visited.
Officially it is a weed, but some suggest
growing it as a food source, although if used
for a herbal tea it has a laxative effect -
which could be useful, or a disaster !
In St Mary's churchyard there are many
flowers growing, but only a few of these
marigolds were flowering. later in the year
they might provide a magnificent gold glowing
display. As usual I am not 100% sure about my
identification of this flower. I thought they
had far longer stems, but maybe there are
several varieties. When I was a young kid I
had a non-biological aunt who lived on The
Isle Of Sheppy, and her garden was thick with
these bright gold flowers, but they did seem
to be about 3 or 4ft above the ground. The one
in my picture is barely 6 inches above the
The significance of this picture is
twofold. The first thing is that I don't
recall seeing two hire bikes parked, ready to
be re-hired, together. More often you just see
them dropped by the roadside, or even thrown
into a bush. The other significant thing is
that the bikes are parked by the entrance to
the maternity wards of Lewisham Hospital. It
make me wonder if some pregnant lady cycled to
the hospital, with her husband, to give birth
I arrived at the pub about a quarter of
an hour early, but I tried to pace myself, and
I only had my usual two pints of Guinness. It
was lovely to see Angela again after a weeks
wait. Like the week before (I think) it wasn't
an intense meeting, but it still felt warm,
and I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I
didn't even want to rush off home too early
even if it meant missing a parcel delivery. Of
course I didn't encourage Angela to get back
to work late, and she was back more or less on
time. We parted on a soggy hug - there was
some light rain as we walked back to her
I was about halfway home when the sun
burst through the clouds, and although the
sunny spells usually only lasted a minute or
two, there were quite a few of them until I
had been home for 10 minutes or so. The
first thing I did when I got home was done
more by reflex than need. I grabbed a big, but
featherweight bag of what I could described as
foamed potato snacks flavoured with salt and
black pepper. It was an interesting experiment
because it looked like they would be quite low
in sugar content despite the value for a
standard 100gm being high. They were so light
that I expect you would need a barrelfull to
reach 100gm.
Once I had stuffed my face a bit I
transferred the pictures I took along the walk
to my PC. I had a brief look at them, but
decided to do the selecting and editing later
on. I had a few more potato things, and then I
felt like laying on my bed, reading and/or
snoozing. It is at this point in the narrative
I find myself being unable to remember what
came first, or the order of things, but the
simplest things is to get the simple thing out
of the way first.
There was a ring at my doorbell, and
earlier than expected (I was expecting it to
be after dark based on previous experience).
It was the man from Amazon delivering my
latest booze supplies. All but the Jameson's
"Stout Edition" were bought out of pure
curiosity. Fortunately all were relatively
cheap, and so worth taking the chance on that
curiosity. The Jameson's I know well, and it
is a very smooth Irish whiskey.
The Arrack, from Ceylon, is more like a
light brandy. It is distilled from fermented
coconut flowers, or at least coconut flowers
are involved in the recipe. I am not a fan of
brandy, and so I can't say I am taken with it,
but fear not, it won't be wasted. The Cachaca
from Brazil is distilled from fermented cane
sugar. It is like a very light rum. It doesn't
go down that well neat, but a splash of Diet
Coke makes it a very palatable drink.
I have had a couple of different Ouzos,
and one of them may not have actually been
Greek. Metaxa Ouzo is definitely brewed and
bottled in Greece. It has the usual strong
aniseed/liquorice flavour, but there is
something that sets it aside from other Ouzos
I have drunk, and I can't quite put my finger
on it. It may be the the thimbleful of Cachaca
I had before did something to my taste buds,
but I think I would claim it is smoother than
other Ouzos.
I think it was after the delivery, and
while relaxing on my bed, that I heard the
first peal of thunder. I think I probably saw
the flash, but because I was definitely not
expecting a thunderstorm, it didn't really
register. As I lay on my bed reading, I saw
another three flashes, and heard the peal of
thunder. I think the thunderstorm passed about
a mile away, but the heavy rain didn't. At
times it was coming down like stair rods. It
eased off an hour or two later, but it didn't
seem to stop until sometime very late in the
I deliberately only had a tiny sample
of the three spirits I mentioned above so I
wouldn't stimulate my hunger too much. It
meant I could keep my dinner simple, although
not exactly small. I tried an experiment - I
roasted a whole pack of minced pork. It must
have been remarkably fat free because hardly
any fat came off in the roasting pan, and
sadly the meat was rather dry when I ate it
with some cherry tomatoes and rocket. It was a
low fat and sugar, but probably rather high
calories dinner...but who knows ?
In the absence of any earlier
entertainment on TV, except for a single 30
minutes of The Simpsons, I kept the TV off
until the first of two episodes of QI were
shown on Dave. I wasn't sure I wanted to
watch the episode with Matt Lucas in it (I
really don't like him), but he was supported
by two other very funny people on the panel.
The second episode finished at 10pm, and I
went straight to bed afterwards.
Perhaps I was just feeling good, or
maybe I had had a good amount of sleep the
night before, but I felt no rush to go to
sleep last night. I had time to read one short
story before turning out the light. I seemed
to go to sleep very quickly after that. There
was one similar thing to my previous night's
sleep, and that was I seemed to have many
dreams, but I picked out one particular detail
to remember about those dreams that I could
recount here, but this time even that has
evaporated since waking up.
I felt comfortable to go to sleep with
the heater off last night, but turned it on
low after feeling a bit cool after coming back
from a pee at 1 or 2am. At 5am I woke for
another pee, and turned the heater up full so
my bedroom was nice and warm when I got up
nearly 2 hours later. I think it was about
6.40am when I woke up, and had that
undefinable feeling that it was definitely
time to get up.
One of the first things I did was to go
to the toilet, and this morning it was not
like the recent new normal, but a slightly
explosive experience. After giving my hands a
good scrub, to remove any sweat or anything
that might spoil the blood glucose test strip,
I checked my blood glucose. I was very happy
to see that my blood glucose had dropped, and
was spot on my target of 7.5mmol/l. The odd
thing is that while I tried to be aware of
what I was eating, I didn't make any special
effort to try and get that low reading.
The main feature today should be
another afternoon beer tasting with Jodie.
There is a small chance that Michael will join
us too. He has been suffering from something
like I was suffering from this morning, but 10
times worse. Last week he said that it had
seemed to have cleared up, and he was hopeful
that if he had a clear week he would join us
for a drink. I hope he is feeling well.

kept forgetting to show this picture for he
last few days, and this morning I remembered
it in the nick of time.
It is the latest CD (white vinyl, and
digital download also available from Bandcamp)
from Matt Donovan. He is a drummer who drums
for Whitestar, and others, but he also writes
and records his own records using a variety of
It is the second CD I have bought from
him (via
The first was called "Underwater Swimming" and
I likened it to a melange of early Pink Floyd,
Hawkwind, and some other assorted prog rock.
It was more in the style of "Ambient" music,
rather than get-up-and-dance music. Sadly this
second album is a bit samey, and I am just a
little disappointed by it.