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Tuesday 12th April 2022
07:51 BST

  Yesterday featured a few more sunny spells than the forecasts suggested, but much of the day was  slightly dull. It was warm though. The afternoon temperature reached 16° C, but it was a stark demonstration of how much warmth comes from the sun after passing through my front of the house windows. With little sunshine it still felt cold in my bedroom, for instance, when laying on my bed quietly reading.
   will it, or won't
                              it rain ?
  A day or two ago there was rain forecast for today, but the best the latest revision offers is light rain for 8am (it having been moved from 7am in the latest revision). I did see what looked like a scattering of small raindrops on the garden path nearer to 7am, but as I write this there is weak sunshine, and that is because the sun has not risen enough to clear the rooftops to the east. The cloud cover is almost 100% at the moment, but it looks thin, and there are some small blue patches up there. Maybe there will be full sunshine at 2pm, and that could be the final push to get the temperature up to 18° C, although the latest revision to the forecast has throttled that back to just one single hour now - 3pm. It should be an almost warm night, and the lowest temperature tomorrow morning may be 10° C. Later on it should rise to 18° C again, but maybe only the morning will feature sunny spells.

  Yesterday was one of those days when I felt hungry a lot of the time. Of course it wasn't real hunger. It was inspired by two things. One being the knowledge that I had bought a fair amount of nice stuff from Aldi, and the other was boredom. In theory it was the sort of day when I should have gone out for some exercise, but there was the feeling that I had already gone out once when I went to Aldi.

  There was also the feeling that the energy needed to handwash a medium large bath towel was considerable. In one respect it did need a lot of energy. Like many bath towels, it seemed to have accumulated a lot of soap deep in it's fibres. Quite how this happens when I always do my best to rinse myself after a shower is a mystery. What is not a mystery is that I had to rinse that towel 5 (or 6 ?) times before I was happy I had got rid of the soap.

  It has to be appreciated that after every stage of the wash I have to wring out the towel (or anything else I have washed), and manhandling a medium large bath towel does require a lot of energy, even if only in short spurts. It was a relief to get that towel on the washing line. It was also a relief that it dried so quickly. The wind was fairly light yesterday, but it did a good job of jiggling the towel around, and that really speeded up the drying. The towel was perfectly dry in under 5 hours.

  It was probably only because I could be that I felt I deserved to be lazy after the shopping and laundry. The catch is that it was also rather boring. Not terribly boring because there were things I could, and did do. I read quite a lot, and I managed to catch up with almost a whole months worth of funny stuff on one of the websites that amuse me - https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/ it is sometimes crude and rude, but I guess I like that sort of stuff.

  My eating started with a late breakfast of a couple of packs of Sandwiches I had bought earlier from Aldi. As I mentioned yesterday, I had selected a couple that should have had a moderately low sugar content. I don' blame that for being underwhelmed by them. They potentially could have been nice, but being mass produced, and designed to last in the store for a couple of days, they lacked the excitement of more perishable ingredients.

  I didn't have a lunch, but I did have a few snacks during the afternoon. One was 4 multigrain rice cakes with jalapeños and low fat Cheddar cheese. I'm not sure if I have ever bought low fat cheese before, but it was the first Cheddar I saw when in Aldi, and I grabbed a large chunk of it. That may have been a terrible mistake because it seemed to be horrible ! I have a rather spurious feeling that it might be nicer when grilled until getting brown. I feel I ought to try it like that, but I don't have anything to melt it on (I don't think you can grill rice cakes, but I have to admit I have never tried before).

  Later on I had a bag of rather strange, but reasonably pleasant baked foamed potato shapes. I did make one mistake in Aldi. I bought two bags of the cream cheese and chive flavour because I forgot that the salt and black pepper ones are much nicer. Their sugar content per 100gm looks moderately high, but they are light as a feather, and a huge bag of them only weights 90gm.

  My dinner was the unlikely sounding, but actually quite nice haddock in breadcrumbs salad. This time I made a point of checking the sugar content because I believed, and still do, that sugar is added to the breadcrumb type stuff to make it go browner, and crispier. The nutritional information said the sugar content was very low, but it still seems that every time I have something similar I end up with a high blood glucose reading the next morning.

  I ended up watching a lot of TV last night. There were three episodes of QI on Dave last night, and one was an extended episode. The last one didn't finish to 11pm (I think). I was sort of hoping that one of them would have some objectionable guest on it, and I could have turned off earlier, but I ended up watching all three episodes, and to varying degrees, enjoyed all three. The silly thing is that I still read in bed for nearly half an hour.

  Last night's sleep was good in places, and bad in others. It was comparatively warm last night, and I should have turned the heating off earlier, but I was feeling quite cool watching TV in very little clothing. I left the heater on low when I went to bed, and I had fallen asleep before I realised I didn't really need the heater on when under the duvet. It was probably around 2am when I woke up feeling too hot. I turned the heater off, and it was off all night until I turned it on full blast when I got up.  I did seem to be awake for a fair time at 2am trying to get comfortable.

  During the night I had two very weird dreams. One was about laying a pipeline, and it had to be buried about 6 inches deep. It was only a small pipeline, and I have no idea what it was for. I do know it was one of two, and that the only routing for mine was to take it across a very small grave. Quite why it couldn't go a foot or so either side of the grave was never revealed. The other pipeline also had to cross the same spot, but couldn't cross mine. I'm sure there was lots of symbolism in such a dream, but I have no idea what it meant.

  The other weird dream did have a real basis, but not in the detail I was apparently thinking off. It was to do with anti aliasing. This is a term used when digitising signals, and to do with making sure that nothing happens faster in the signal than the digitising process can cope with. In the dream it went a bit further than that. The general idea was that some group of experts were trying to come up with a universal standard to make the process simpler. There were lots of daft things like all medium wave radio stations should have a few Hertz added to the frequency, and that CDs should be based on 44.103Khz sampling instead of the current standard of 44.1Khz exactly. It was a dream where lots of figures were bandied about, but none actually needed any action taken to achieve them. I guess it was supposed to be a mathematical comedy, but while farcial, it wasn't actually funny.

  Despite going to sleep quite later, and then being awake for at least half an hour (or so it seemed) at 2am, I still woke up early this morning. It was light outside, albeit not that bright, and so I guess it seemed like time to wake. There seemed no urgency about it, but I needed to go to the toilet, and by the time I had done that I was fully awake but yawning non stop. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a snooze this morning !

  This morning my blood glucose was back up to the typical readings I was getting for a lot of last year, and so it couldn't be too disappointing in that respect, but I was still hoping for something better than 8.5mmol/l. Maybe I should be happy that I ate several things that I should probably have avoided, and after that it still came out as low as it did. Maybe I will do better today.

  I feel I ought to make use of the warm afternoon by going out for a walk or something, but I don't like walking when it is dull out because it spoils my photographs. As I write this there is still some hazy sunshine, and maybe more of the day will be like this. Maybe today will be the day when I finally make it to Dartford railway station, but who knows....
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