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Friday 29th April 2022
08:52 BST

  The most significant thing about yesterday was that it felt cold all day. There were a few sunny spells (at least I think I can remember some), but mostly it was a sunless day, although with only white cloud covering the sky it was still fairly bright. The afternoon temperature peaked at 14° C.
   mostly very dull
  The latest revision to the weather forecast has hastily added sunny spells for 8am this morning to reflect reality. The clouds are beginning to thicken, but I can still see lots of small patches of blue. I can imagine another hasty revision to the forecast to show sunny spells for 9am as well. It is a process that could go on all day, and that makes it impossible to know if this afternoon is going to look as gloomy as shown in the forecast above. With an afternoon temperature expected to peak at 12° C it is going to feel cold and miserable without any sunshine. Tomorrow may reach 16° C by 6pm, but it could be a very cold start, around just 6° C, and still only 12° C at midday. The current prediction says sunny spells all morning, and up to 2pm when they may give way to light cloud. It definitely sounds better than today !
   I felt awful yesterday morning, and just couldn't be bothered to do anything until midday loomed. Initially it was part hangover, part lack of sleep, and a less part was the continuation of some of the aches that stopped me sleeping after 3.30am. I suppose the core reason for it all was alcoholic poisoning after the 6 hour boozing session the previous day. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted !

  It is probably ironic that the main thing to look forward to yesterday was more boozing with Jodie (and a bit later, Alan). Jodie had been so excited about the Varvar breweries beers that I had ordered that I though we would be diving into them straight away, but we actually started on the three different beers from the Estonian Viru brewery that I had ordered from Amazon. Maybe that was a good thing because they were very nice. You could say that they tasted like you always hoped lager would taste before drinking something like factory made Heineken.

  Among the Varvar beers I bought were two "cellar beers". They had their crown caps sealed with wax, as an extra barrier to oxygen getting in and oxidising the beer, and were designed to be storable for long periods - kept in a cellar, and hence "cellar beers". One of the two Jodie had tried before, and declared it to be wonderful. I wanted to set aside both those bottles for an undefined later (maybe when the Ukrain - Russia war is over), but Jodie insisted we open the one she hadn't had before.

  It was good that we did, and that being partly as punishment for Jodie's over eagerness - it was revolting ! It was a beer that, among other things, was brewed with "wild yeasts". Essentially it is left uncovered until a yeast spore (or many of them) has landed in the wort and starts to grow. There are good yeasts and bad yeasts, and I think our beer was brewed with a bad yeast. It make me wonder if anyone at the brewery actually liked it. They bottled it regardless, and presumably hoped that some might like it - we didn't, and that "we" also included Alan by that time.

  The other couple of Varvar beers were OK, and maybe even were very nice. One of them I seem to recall was the sort of beer that is best drunk in small quantities in case the taste starts getting too powerful. Another one could be regarded as a session beer, albeit a bit too strong to drink all night. There was one other that deserves special mention. I can remember it's official name, but it was something like "barrel aged barley wine". It was 10.4%, and very, very delicious !

  Jodie and Alan left at about 6.30pm, and I set about getting some dinner together.  After so many high blood glucose readings I knew I should be careful, but that barley wine would have been sweet enough to raise my blood glucose level, and the strength was enough to dull the senses (although we had very little after splitting a 330ml bottle 3 ways). I started my dinner with a couple of smoked haddock fishcakes on a bed of lettuce.

  That should have been enough, but I wanted more. I might have resisted, but I knew there was some lightly dusted cod in the bottom of the fridge that was getting close to it's use by date. I grilled that, and once again had it on a big bed of lettuce. I bought that lettuce purely because I like it, but last night it may have had another function. It is said that lettuce is a soporific, and helps sleep, which was just what I needed after the previous night.

  I watched one episode of QI last night, and ignored the second episode. I was feeling quite sleepy, and when that first episode finished at 9pm I went straight to bed, and I didn't even bother to try and do any reading. As well as the lettuce, I had also taken the precaution of taking a couple of painkillers even though I didn't seem to have any pains at that point (but that would have been trued before going to bed the night before). I think I was asleep within a minute or two of my head hitting the pillow.

  Last night was another night when I know I was dreaming a lot, but all I can remember is like occasional snapshots, and without any context they are meaningless. I guess if I started to try and describe the very little I remember it would trigger more memories, but I don't think I can be bothered this morning. It is enough to say that the few times I did wake up for a pee, I fell asleep almost the instant I got back into bed. It actually feels like I had the best sleep I've had for sometime last night.

  This morning my blood glucose is down to 9.0mmol/l. That is still far too high, but a good improvement on the last few days. I am not sure if I will be able to reduce it any further today because today feels like one of those days. I can now see a few scattered very grey clouds in the sky, and it looks like the prediction of a heavily overcast sky, and also a cold day is coming true. Under such circumstances I very much doubt I will be going out for any exercise, or as a distraction from the fridge. Fortunately I have already eaten what might have been the worst things.

  The only thing I will definitely be doing later this morning, after I am washed and dressed, is to take a spare set of three Viru beers to Michael to cheer him up. His wife is out of hospital now, but is still unwell. What I will do for the rest of the day is a mystery at the moment. Maybe I will water the garden. The next rain is not forecast until Sunday, and even that may be very light rain, but my garden looks thirsty now. I guess there is one thing I need to do very soon, and that is to prepare a page for May as part of this blog/diary thing that takes up a big chunk of my morning as I write all this stuff !
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