Yesterday morning
was generally dull, even gloomy at times, but
sometime after 1pm it brightened up, and there
were occasional sunny spells until sunset. The
temperature forecast was rather pessimistic at
just 12° C, but felt like it might have been a
bit higher than that.
Once again the
forecast is changing quite a bit hour by hour.
The sunny spells shown above for 7 and 8am
didn't really happen. It has been bright, but
the sun has not managed to burn through the
thin white cloud. The latest revision to the
forecast offers full sunshine for 10am, but
that is 30 minutes away as I write these
words, and I am not optimistic it will happen.
From 11am onwards, except 2pm when sunny
spells are predicted, the sky will just be one
solid mass of white cloud. It should still
warm up to 14° C. Tomorrow may have a bright
start, but before mid morning it will cloud
over to give white or grey cloud for the rest
of the day. The temperature is not expected to
rise above 12° C. It is almost as if the
weather clock has been set back to mid
February !

Yesterday was a rather good day
for unexpected reasons ! It got off to a good
start when the Royal Mail delivered my box of
beers from the Viru brewery in Estonia (from a
UK distributor of the brewery). As yet I have
not tasted them. Jodie, who has seen the
picture on the left, says she has had them
when she was in Finland some years ago, and
before she had ever heard of the Untappd
website that she slavishly documents all her
beer drinking on - it's a sort of social media
for beer drinkers. When she gets around to
tasting them again she can write her review of
them. In the meantime, I rather like their
tall and skinny Dalek shaped bottles.
Once I had finished writing here
yesterday I went to get some shopping in
Tesco. There is little to say about that
shopping trip. Most of it was just mundane
stuff, but I did pick up two things from the
reduced price shelf, but without going down to
the kitchen, to see them in the fridge, or
listed on the till receipt, I can't seem to
remember what they were. The silly thing is
that I do remember checking they didn't have a
high sugar content like the vegan pasty I
bought there last time. That had a very high
sugar content.
It was fortunate that I had time too
rest and cool down after getting home with my
shopping. It was a fairly heavy load of
shopping. It included 4 x two litre bottles of
Diet coke, and two 1.5kg bags of wild bird
feed. I did my usual as walking as fast as I
could without getting out of breath (although
getting close to it), and I felt quite warm
when I got home.
I meant to take a slow walk through the
park, but I just can't seem to do slow walks.
In consequence I arrived at the pub a little
early. I arrived there to find Kevin almost
outside the pub having a smoke. I feel sure it
was a set up (sort of). He was actually
waiting for a prescription to be dispensed
from the always exceedingly busy Boots
pharmacy inside the hospital. (Once up a time
it was a hospital provided pharmacy, but it
was privatised to make sure the service
reached a bare minimum for the cheapest price
possible). Where Kevin was waiting would not
be the obvious place to wait, but before any
more about that, a couple of pictures taken on
my walk there.
I don't think I have ever seen anything
quite like these strange green flowers before.
It was a plant growing in the graveyard of St
Mary's church.
Also spotted in the graveyard, around
the back of the church, was this grey "thing".
I didn't see it last week, and I presume it to
be new. My guess is that it is some sort of
composter, but like the picture of the green
flowers above, I will be consulting other to
see if either can be positively identified.
I invited Kevin into the pub for "a
swift one", and he readily accepted. I have a
feeling his timing, and where he had been
waiting, was so he could join in my drink with
Angela, and see what it was all about. What I
didn't expect, but with the glorious benefit
of hindsight I should have expected, was that
he would stay for more than one pint of
Guinness. Angela arrived as we were about
halfway through our pints.
There was no chance of any intimate
chat with Angela, and in fact not a great
chance to chat at all because she and Kevin
had so much to chat about - Kevin hasn't seen
Angela for 3 or more years. All too soon
Angela's one hour lunchtime was up, and she
had to go back to work. Initially I thought
that we would all leave the pub at that point,
and we would say goodbye to Kevin as he went
in to collect his prescription. I would then
have a few minutes of privacy with Angela as I
walked her to her office door.
Of course there was no chance of that
because we, that is Kevin and myself,
stayed for maybe 5 more "last ones" ! In total
we must have had 4 or 5 pints of Guinness, and
3 double Jameson's whiskies before we left at
7pm, (after a 1pm start). That left an awful
long time to chat about this that and the
other. Kevin has taken a liking to The Jolly
Farmers after never ever having been in there
in the past. It is very "traditional" in
there, and he took a liking to Asia the
barmaid. They actually have some common ground
in so much that they have both been bus
drivers in the past.
It was interesting hearing Kevin's
observations about Angela. Like most people he
finds it hard to believe she can look so young
when she is actually, barring a few months,
exactly the same age as Kevin and myself. He
can definitely understand why I am so
attracted to Angela. I think among a lot of
drunken slurring, he said that he could see
that we acted, or gave off signals, or
whatever, that we were a couple at that moment
in time. It was interesting that even though I
had to take a back seat when Angela and Kevin
dominated any conversation, I still felt that
strong bond between Angela and myself - ad it
was a bond in both direction.
Apart from a lot of fun swapping
anecdotes and stuff, yesterday's session was a
bit of a triumph for me. It was probably one
of the few times, and maybe it was the first
time that I have, so to speak, drunk Kevin
under the table. He was very wobbly when we
left the pub, while I seemed to feel fine. He
had to keep telling me to slow down. When we
reached the end of my road we stopped for a
few minutes of chat to say goodbye. It was
once we stopped that Kevin started to feel
very drunk, and getting close to generating a
"pavement pizza". He was actually drooling,
and all I could off was some sugar free
chewing gum. Just one "tablet" of gum
stabilised him enough, and he staggered off
The amazing thing was that I hadn't
eaten since breakfast, and I had essentially
been drinking on an empty stomach, and yet I
still felt almost sober. Of course I was
rather hungry by then, and my food frenzy was
a very good indication that I was not very
sober at all. It didn't start out as a food
frenzy. Initially I thought I would try and
eat almost frugally. All I was going to eat
was a bag of giant beef flavour potato rings.
They were a type I don't think I have seen
before - they were made of that sort foamed
potato, and the nutrition panel said the sugar
content was well into the green, although that
was probably no the case when you scoff the
whole bag.
The unfortunate thing was that once I
started to eat I enjoyed it so much that I
wanted more ! I had thought that I couldn't be
bothered to do any cooking, but then I had the
urge to cook and eat a couple of Turkish
sausages. They don't need much more than a
vigorous heating rather than actual cooking.
Ten minutes I was enjoying those sausages all
by them selves. They lead on to something to
join the sausage in my stomach, and I decided
on three rice cakes with some blue cheese on
them. Having said that I now remember what the
reduced price things I bought were - portions
of an Italian (I think) blue cheese. It seemed
lovely on rice cakes, and I used almost all
the cheese on them.
It was son late that I was still eating
the last of my dinner while watching the first
of two episodes of QI on Dave (once again a
short and a long one). As I was watching the
second episode I became really tired feeling.
During one commercial break I brushed my
teeth, and I think I switched off the TV
during the next commercial break. I went
straight to bed, and I don't think I even
bothered to try and do any reading. It can't
have been much later than 9pm before I was
fast asleep.
I really was fast asleep, and I only
have a vague memory of waking up for a pee
sometime between midnight and 1am. At 3.30am I
woke for another pee, and I couldn't get back
to sleep after that. It was almost as if it
was time to get up. I didn't really seem to
feel sleepy, but it was all made more
difficult by some aches and pains. None were
unusual, but maybe the combination of them
was, although it all depended on now I was
laying in bed. The most annoying ache was from
my elbow joints. It would switch from elbow to
elbow depending on which side I was laying on.
Even a couple of paracetamol tablets
couldn't relieve that elbow pain. The only
cure was not to lay down. It was very
annoying. I did get up and look at stuff on my
PC, and that felt much more comfortable. The
only trouble was that as I read I could feel
my head getting heavier and heavier, and my
eyes kept closing. I thought that was the
obvious clue to get back to bed, but as soon
as I did I felt uncomfortable again. I did
eventually get as much as one hours sleep
between 3.30am, and when I gave up, and got up
at about 8am.
This morning I definitely have a
hangover. Even worse is that my blood glucose
had shot up to 9.8mmol/l. That is far too
high, and I decided to skip breakfast today,
but I can't hold off eating for too long. The
worst thing is that I can't explain the blood
glucose reading so high. I guess it is a
combination of things. Eating so late, and
then checking my blood an hour or two early,
probably did me no favours. Those giant beef
flavour hula hoops were possibly a big
contributor after the amount I ate (a whole
big bag !). I know a few pints of Guinness has
little effect on my blood glucose, but maybe 5
pints (if that was how many we had) is not
quite so innocent.
It is all rather bad timing. This
afternoon Jodie and I will be sampling some of
the Ukrainian beers I bought. I need to eat
something reasonable for lunch to soak up that
booze, and some of that booze will be sweet
beers that will raise my blood glucose in a
way that Guinness doesn't (much). I think I
can look forward to another high blood glucose
reading tomorrow morning, in it could be over
the red line, and into the danger area.
Just once is not too bad, but it means I will
have to take drastic steps tomorrow to try and
correct it.