Yesterday was almost
grim. It was dull nearly all day, and while
the weather forecasts made a stab at guessing
when there would be rain, they got it wrong
most of the time. The rain was often very
light, and so ignorable, but there were some
heavier downfalls. For all that it was still
just about warm with a late afternoon high of
19° C.
The original
forecasts from both the BBC and the Met Office
showed probable thunder and lightning for the
first hours of this morning, but if there were
any I must have slept through them. It does
look like there was sufficient rain in those
early hours, to top up yesterday's work, and
keep the garden well watered. It is very grey
as I write this, and it looks like there was a
light shower quite recently, and the sky looks
like there could be more light rain before we
see the first sunny spell - assuming we do get
some sunny spells today. The latest revision
to the forecast says we should be having sunny
spells right now, but that is just pure
fantasy. The BBC forecast says the first sunny
spells could be as late as 5pm, but the Met
Office are sticking to what is shown in the
screenshot above. All we can really believe is
that it will be 20° C this afternoon. Tomorrow
may start sunny, but the afternoon will be
dull until sunny spells start later on. The
late evening could feature a shower or two. It
could be very warm tomorrow with a forecast of
25° C !
Although I had (and still have)
lots of train pictures to select and edit for
inclusion in my big spreadsheet cataloguing my
best, or most interesting train pictures, I
never really got around to making a start on
it. I was feeling a bit subdued or something.
I seemed to think I felt tired, and maybe
listless, but at least one thing proved that I
was firing on all cylinders.
It was just before midday, perhaps
11.30am, when I went out to the little
supermarket on Catford Bridge to stock up on
instant noodles, and other things that took my
fancy. I felt perfectly fine walking there,
and back, although I did feel very hot when I
got back home. It looked all cold and damp
outside, but while damp, it wasn't cold. It
was actually 17° C, and possibly a tiny bit
more. One thing I bought was something that
sounds bad for a diabetic, but experiment
proves otherwise.
I bought two little trays/boxes/plastic
things of Turkish Delight. Now the thing is it
contains a significant amount of sugar, but as
far as I can see that sugar is icing sugar
that is used to very liberally dust the cubes
of flavoured jelly. I wash that icing sugar
off, and provided I only have a couple of
cubes it seems everything is safe. If there
was any problem, it is that one of the
flavours I chose was mint. It may just be me,
but it doesn't taste like a nice minty taste.
I can only describe it as tasting sort of

Nothing more of any significance
happened until Jodie arrived to taste a few
more beers with me. She was looking forward to
more beers from the Ukrainian brewery called
Varvar, but she noticed I had also bought some
beers from the Pollys brewery in Wales. She
looked down her nose at them because her
previous experience of a beer or two from that
brewery was not good. She said they were
"minging" !
Then, to my surprise, she said that
perhaps we should drink them, and get them out
of the way (and leave room in the mini fridge
for other beers). To her great surprise, the
first beer we tried, a cloudy beer with a
slightly sour taste, turned out to be very
nice. Even I liked it ! The second beer was a
stout, and I thought that maybe they had
slightly overdone the roasting of the barley,
and it had undertones of burnt toast, but was
otherwise quite nice. In fact it got better as
my taste buds got acclimatised to it. Towards
the end of what was only about a third of a
pint, I began to find other flavours in it.
That was sort of unusual.
Next it was time to open a bottle of
Varvar beer. I think it was the milk stout as
seen in the picture. Having one stout after
another seemed sensible, but maybe not because
the Varvar Milk Stout tasted rather insipid
after the Pollys stout. The interesting thing
about the milk stout was that it was the only
Varvar beer that had an extra sticker on the
label. I am not certain now if it was a
sticker, or was just printed to look like a
sticker. Maybe it was the latter, but online
we found other examples with different cats,
and even a dog.
We had a lot of difficulty getting some
sort of translation for what it said, but
basically it was about a Ukrainian animal
charity called Happy Paws, and it seems that a
small amount of the price of the bottle is
sent to this charity. Beautiful Beer (,
where I bought these, and other beers, are
also sending a small amount from the sales of
Varvar beers to the red cross for humanitarian
aid to Ukraine.
Jodie left at around 6.30pm to get a
bus to Bromley where she would be meeting her
friend Alan. We probably got through about
three bottles and a couple of cans (each
shared between us) during the session, and had
topped up with a whisky at the end. Actually I
might have had another during one of the times
when Jodie was drinking so slowly that she had
only had a single sip by the time I had
finished my half of the bottle ! I will admit
I was feeling slightly tipsy at the end.
Once Jodie had left I had my dinner. It
was sort of unusual - pork sausages with
lettuce ! It worked OK when drunk and hungry,
but I am not sure I could recommend it. At the
end of the day I thought that maybe I had
eaten a little too much yesterday, but most of
it was fairly safe stuff. This morning I had
the evidence for this.
At first glance there didn't seem to be
a lot on TV last night, but Sky Arts were
showing a documentary about The Moody Blues.
When I first glanced at the listings, with
really stopping to read what it actually said,
I thought it was a concert that was going to
be shown. I thought I would watch a few
minutes to see what it looked like, but was
then hooked on what was a very interesting
documentary. It was very thorough, and lasted
3 hours. That was plenty of time to get even
drunker by sipping on whisky now and then. It
was a bit like a dripping tap - each drip
looks small and harmless, but after a while it
adds up to quite a bit !
I was definitely feeling a bit wobbly
when I went to bed at about 11.30pm. I tried
to read for a while, but I wanted sleep. It
seemed to take a lot longer than it probably
was before I got to sleep. It was another of
those nights when it seems you are hardly
sleeping, and yet every time you check the
clock it appears to have jumped ahead by one,
two, or even three hours. Despite such a late
night, and the feeling that I wasn't sleeping
well, I hardly got any sleep after about
5.30am no matter how much I tried.
The trilogy of books I am currently
reading (about a quarter of the way through
the final book now) is all about robots. It is
no surprise that my dreams have contained
robots in them. I don't really remember
anything of those dreams except for one last
night. The bit I remember was just the last
few seconds of a dream, but it seemed to
survive the transition to being awake. The
dream ended with my household robots going on
strike. I woke up at that point, or at least I
think I did, and wondered who was going to
make the bed, among other tasks, after I got
up. I was happy to see that my security robot
was still working, and could make my
breakfast. I think it took little more than 5
seconds before I realised I had woken up to
the real world....or had I ? When I try and
analyse it now I wonder if waking up was
actually still a dream.
There is good and bad news this
morning. The good news is that despite any
expectations I had, my blood glucose has
stayed low. It is exactly the same as
yesterday at 7.8mmol/l - just slightly higher
than my self set target of 7.5 that I can't
seem to reach ! The bad news is that I feel
exactly like I have a hangover - probably
because I have. The other bad news is that I
can't imagine having a very productive day
today. By productive I probably mean going out
and doing something interesting or healthy, or
both. What I may end up doing is what I wrote
at the top of the page - going through all the
other train photos I took on Saturday to see
if any need to be added to my big spreadsheet,
and prepare than for it. I guess that would be
productive, but it is has lost any excitement
now. It is very close to being at work in an
office !!!