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Friday 17th June 2022
08:02 BST

  The temperature almost reached 30° C yesterday. One more degree and it would have made it ! The afternoon was not always sunny, and it seemed to be rather humid and sticky - particularly late in the evening when the temperature had only dropped to 25° C by midnight.
even hotter than yesterday
  All the forecasts say today will reach 31° C. By my reckoning it is already 24° C. The BBC forecast says it will be sunny all day, but the latest revision to the Met Office forecast has added quite a few hours, generally in the morning, where only clouds are shown. As I write this the sky is a milky white colour, and there is no sign of the sun, although there was sunshine 90 minutes or so ago. Tomorrow is evidently proving hard to forecast because the BBC and Met Office have come up with completely different forecasts. It should definitely be dry, and the temperature could be between 24° C (according to the Met Office) and 27° C (according to the BBC). Quite a lot of the day could be cloudy.

   Yesterday started off quite busy until in the afternoon it got quite boozy. Before 10am I had washed two towels, and hung them out to dry on the washing line. It took a bit of time to cool off after doing that. Once I had cooled off enough I went to get some shopping in Aldi. It was fine walking there, but hard work walking back carrying far too much ! Most of the weight was liquid, and none of it was alcoholic !

  My rucksack was crammed with three 2.25l bottles of Diet Coke, a 1l bottle of detergent, and two small bottles of fat free vinaigrette dressing. That dressing may be fat free, but it is emphatically not sugar free - which was annoying once I had got it home and read the small print. The other liquid, carried in a shopping bag with other stuff, was a 12 pack of 500ml bottles of water. Until recently I have been very happy with tap water, but it has been starting to taste a bit unpleasant lately. Maybe too much chlorine in it or something.

  I seemed to have bough too much lettuce, but it was in the form of heads of lettuce, and they tend to keep longer than ready to eat lettuce. I also probably bought more cheese than is good for me. It included some soft squidgy slices that, being American inspired (or so I believe) probably has sugar in it. I really ought to check that before I eat any more of it. One oddity, or at least it was an oddity for lunch, was a bowl/tub of rainbow coleslaw. It had a yoghurt base, and it was low fat and low sugar. It made for a weird but nice lunch - just on it's own.

  I can't remember if it was before or after lunch that I did some more laundry. I washed two t-shirts and five pairs of underpants. To hang them on the line I had to bring in the towels I had washed early in the morning. They were not bone dry, but drier than after they would be if I had been using them. I draped them over the banister rail to finish drying where I always let them dry after using them.
nasty sour "beer"
  Jodie arrived fairly late, not much before 4pm, to start our beer drinking session. As usual we drunk a wide assortment of beers, or stuff that is called beer, like that pictured on the left. It is difficult to believe that "Triple Fruited Mango" can be called a beer, but at the bottom of the can it says "Modern Sour Beer", and it was unpleasantly sour to my palate. While Jodie slowly sipped hers, enjoying the nasty taste somehow, I gulped mine back in about three large mouthfuls to avoid tipping it down the sink. The trouble with that is that it was quite fizzy. It is a good thing that we split this can half each. I don't think I could manage a whole can.

  As if the terrible sourness wasn't bad enough, it was very obviously very sweet, and it was probably my largest source of sugar yesterday. Fortunately there were some much nicer beers to drink. A few of them were French "Bio" beers. I don't know for sure, but I suspect in France the word "Bio" is sort of shorthand for vegan. The thing is, almost all beers are vegan these days now that finings made from fish swim bladder have been generally phased out.

  It is always difficult to say how much we drunk yesterday, but with a slightly later start, and a slightly earlier finish, it was less than usual. I guess we probably only got through about 5 cans/bottles, and as always each one was split in two. At least one was a fairly strong 7.7%, and we did finish with a small shot glass of Jamesons whiskey at the end, but I didn't feel particularly drunk at the end. In fact I would say I was hardly drunk at all.new Hell On Tap

  At least I wasn't so drunk as to go on a feeding frenzy....well, not at first. My dinner was a nice simple ready meal of beef goop with some weird wild rice. It was quite small, and the label said it was low fat, calories and sugar. Maybe that was the problem because it wasn't all that long before I got the munchies. The cheese slices in Marmite rice cakes was fairly wholesome. The garlic and chilli mixed nuts were quite naughty. I think the garlic and chilli flavour were stuck to the nuts with a light syrup. The nutritional label didn't give a high figure for sugar content, but it was probably per nut or something ridiculous instead of for the whole bag.

  One other event yesterday was a visit from the postman bringing me a new t-shirt. It ain't a great picture, but I am "modelling" it in the picture on the right. It is for the band Hell On Tap, and I hope to be wearing it tomorrow, but more about that in a minute.

  It seemed very hot and sticky last night. It is going to take a while to get acclimatised to summer weather. With hindsight I over did it last night. I went to sleep with a fan playing over me. Last summer I did that most nights without ill effect, but last night it was like I had chilled myself. The first time I woke up, after almost three hours of sleep I seemed to feel OK, albeit a little too warm. It was quiet outside by then, and so I opened the window. That let in some cooler (but still 20+° C) air, and the fan picked that up, and blew it at me.

  The next time I woke up I was aching badly. All sorts of joints, and well as my back and chest gave me pains. I can't quite remember if I turned the fan off, or just pointed it away from me (probably the later), and so I was a little less chilled.  The third, and last time I woke up in the night I still felt very uncomfortable. It took some time to get all the wrinkles in my ligaments and joints out after I finally got up.

  It was inevitable that my blood glucose was up again this morning after all I ate and drank yesterday. 9.3mmol/l is not particularly high, but in this hot weather I think I can partly fast to try and get a low figure tomorrow morning. Now I have to decide just what I am doing today. In theory a walk in the hot sun would be good, but with all the aches I still have, though that continue to fade, I am not sure I would enjoy such a walk. If only I was in practice like I was in 2020 I could be doing silly things like walking to, and around Blackheath in the blazing sun.

  Upon checking my records I see that during June 2020 most of my walks were just 3 or 4 miles long. It was another month or two before I did some very long walks. I suppose that is a good argument to go on a medium length walk today to get in practice for longer walks later. On the other hand, I am thinking that I might go to Upminster and Rainham (Essex) stations as part of my ongoing quest to visit all the (rail) limits of my Freedom Pass. I'll have a think about it, and make a decision in an hour or two after I have had a shower.

  I think my plans for tomorrow are more set. The whole point of the new Hell On Tap t-shirt was to be able to wear it at the next Hell On Tap gig, and that happens to be tomorrow at 2pm at an outdoor gig at the Chislehurst Recreation Ground. There is at least one other interesting band on, but the band on after that is Dread Centre. They are a really great band if you happen to enjoy reggae in bigger doses than the occasional song. I can imagine walking across the park, towards the bus stop, with the deep booming bass ringing out across the whole park.

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